If you've got a Vita and you want a very original title, you should probably try Escape Plan .
And if you already have it, you can look forward to the upcoming downloadable content. As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , the extra content called Bakuki's Lair will arrive on April 10. It's entirely free and will be delivered with the download of Patch 1.01.
You'll get 19 "prequel puzzle rooms" and you can try to lead Lil and Laarg to safety. The journey starts as the two heroes are trapped in a sausage factory (yeah, makes perfect sense) and if they can't get the hell out, they'll…oh well, it's a grisly fate, as you might expect. Furthermore, this patch provides the game "with a host of tweaks and improvements based on player feedback." It will give gamers "more pinpoint accuracy on tap blocks," plus an alteration to the game's star rating system. Oh, and five new Escape Plan avatars are coming to the Store this week, too, so you can grab those as well.
It's just one of many very cool games available for Sony's new portable right now. Got yours?
Related Game(s): Escape Plan
Yes, I got mine. And I got this. On lockdown. Or something. (I'm not down with the hip lingo.)
Yep, I bought Escape Plan today. I have been meaning to buy it and this pushed me over the edge. Love supporting a good game with free DLC. Great work FunBits!
i bought escape plan on sunday night. it has been a lot of fun to play so far and i really enjoy it. cant wait for some free dlc.
I only have a 4gb memory card, so I will get it when I can get a 32gb for a cheaper price. I just bought a second Vita and rather save my money for Resistance and Little Big Planet on Vita.
I thought the same way as you. However, with all the good games coming out over the next months and my 4GB now full I couldn't wait. I bought the 32GB MC the other day and transferred all my data to the PS3 and then on to the 32GB MC. I would be surprised if Sony discounted their memory. You may be waiting a very long time.
Cool beans.
Although I haven't had the chance to play it yet, I bought EP on the first day the Vita came out here, so this is certainly a pleasant surprise bonus, to say the least.
i was really disappointed by this.
i was expecting a ms splosion man type game where the levels were allot bigger and allot more varied.
the levels are far too short, and FAR too repetitive!
i swear to god if i have to swipe the back touch pad to bring out another platform out of a wall im going to scream!
talk about create 1 level then cut and paste game design……
Sounds like the Vita isn't for you.
what, every vita game is one level cut and pasted multiple times?
I thought the game was good.
Got mine. I'm really liking it so far. I'm always in for free DLC, so bring it on!
Last edited by Jed on 4/3/2012 6:33:05 AM
I played for a couple hours last night I have to say I was impressed. There was some very good and unique gameplay represented. I was surprised by the gore when you failed! I loved it, SPLAT! EP is a new experience for sure. Looking forward to playing some more and getting some new free DLC!
Guys, this is a bit off topic but here goes. I was able to nabb the PS Vita 1.65 firmware update before they took it down for being "buggy". Now, I can no longer play MP with a PSP via adhoc. Also, Adhoc party on the PS3 won't detect my Vita anymore.
SOmeone else here having this problem?
This is the kind of DLC I like. Escape Plan was the first game I bought for my Vita. I watched a short video of it before buying it and I was surprised by how fun the game is.