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PS5 Pro Price Hasn’t Had A “Negative Impact” On Sales

Sony’s Hiroki Totoki asserts that the $700 price tag attached to the PS5 Pro, which also sells special attachments like the disc drive separately while not working with existing PS5 faceplates, hasn’t had a negative impact on the console as “hardcore users” are the demographic of the mid-gen refresh.

Spotted by Genki, the exec expressed that he — and the company itself isn’t too worried about the price and how the console isn’t selling poorly.

The console itself is faltering in terms of the standard rounds consoles face with scalpers. Whereas scalpers jumped at PS5 flipping during the chip shortages and even bled into the PlayStation Portal, the PS5 Pro’s ROI is significantly less, leading to early scalpers selling the console for market value or even slightly less just to get it off their hands.

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