Many journalists and analysts expect Sony to announce a finalized launch date for the PlayStation 4 during Gamescom 2013 next week.
And now, the company has all but confirmed that we'll get exactly that. As revealed at the UK PlayStation site , it seems Sony will disclose their "release plans" for the new console.
We can also expect updates for the PS3 and Vita as well, and we're all hoping that that includes a price drop announcement for the slick – yet under-appreciated and under-supported – portable. The PlayStation conference will take place Tuesday, August 20 at 6 p.m. BST; remember, Gamescom is in Cologne, Germany. We're sure the event will be live-streamed in multiple locations, so tune in to learn about "the future of all things PlayStation."
So, if you had to pick a launch date for the PS4, what would it be? End of October? Mid-November? Not until December?
Release Nov 5th – same day as Ghosts and bury the xbone's attempt to identify itself with the COD machine – Sony already has way more pre orders for the COD juggernaught – do it Sony – go for the throat
That's no wonder – everyone is going for the PS4 this next gen.
The rumor is the ps4 will be released on October 22. I have mine paid off so hopefully this release date is legit.
That would blow my mind! But doesn't battlefield 4 release on Oct 29? Imagine if it released on ps4 before ps3
That would be crazy if that happened.
Hopefully, it's late October like the rumors I've been reading.
Nov. 10th (my birthday) 🙂
sony should go after "all" age groups with the Vita. steal some of Ninty's
Hopefully they reveal some game teasers or trailers as well.
Since Xbox will be coming in November, I really want Sony to push for Octoboer. Getting in early can be big. Going into the store and seeing the PS4 being demonstrated without any presence of the Xbox One is imo a great advantage as it gives time for people to learn about the console. And when Xbox comes in, I hope the price will continue to give Sony the upper hand since that's when people will start comparing.
I do want to know, but I will only be buying the PS4 when Metal Gear Solid 5 is released, so I am expecting to get mine around April next year. But yes, still something we need to know really. I am still guessing it is after the Xbox launch otherwise they would have announced it already.
I'll have what he's having.
yet to place my ps4 order but been busy with starting my project hopefully there will still be orders avalible at the end of august.
happy gaming =)
i hope they spend some time announcing some new games, E3 was a MASSIVE disappointment!
seriously screw the ps3 and vita, their presser is only a hour long if i remember right so focus on what people are watching it for.
i sure as hell aint getting up early in the morning so i can watch a bunch of ps3/ vita trailers!
hopefully one or two of the newly announced games are launch titles as well, they REALLY need a few more games to help it get off the line.
i really hope they announce ND and $ony SMs new games as well, even if there really far off just show them already!
if theres anything thats going to make people say yes i MUST go buy a ps4 NOW, its ND and sir barlogs return home!
oh, and please, for the love of god, no more stupid d*ck waving statistics!
this is gamescom, not a f*cking stock meeting!
gamescom attendees/watchees do not give a flying &^%$ how many registered PSN accounts there are, how many ps3 + vitas have been sold, ect, ect.
You really blow my mind with every comment you post. That and make me laugh very freakn loud. You really have no idea do you?
22nd Oct would make sense – get the console and kz4 out a week before the 3rd party AAA shooters have their release.
Get it out early and defeat MS with a single shock and awe campaign, then crush resisting elements of their army with Xmas.
I remember Sony saying they want to be first out. So I'm thinking a mid or late October launch. Mine is paid off and got a nice bundle from target online..
Late October would be a win. It would steal some of the audience, and generate excitement for Black Friday and Holidays.
Early to mid November…because I'll be on vacation in late November and don't want to miss my delivery. 🙂
As late as they can and before the Xbox ONE ( no , it s not the first xbox ).
So october 29 seem like the way to go .Plus , releasing it the same day as bf4 would help sales i m sure( that is if there is more ps4 then what have been pre ordered ).
I think it would be a good thing to be as late as they can but do it be for Xbox one comes out.
But I will not go right out and buy the PS4 right away you know how the PS3 started out with a lot of bugs and things,
I am going to give them some time to get that all fixed up be for I buy a PS4, So I will be play the PS3 for a few more weeks then you all like 52 weeks or more!
i hope its late october. I think that will give them the upper edge. At this point, i'm not all that sure that the price will be a deciding factor. I have a sneaking suspicion that MS is going to announce a SKU that doesn't include Kinect 2, which will be much closer to sony's price. If they do, it's totally expected. They've pretty much 180'd every thing else and this would truly be the icing on the cake for MS. Right now i think it's going to be whoever gets out first who'll come out on top for this year at least.
October 17