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GTA Online Ill-Gotten Gains Weekend: Get Discounts, Double RP

Don't have much to do this weekend? Want an excuse to dive back into Grand Theft Auto V 's online component?

Good news: Rockstar Games has announced a big sale, and explained how you can earn double RP all weekend long.

It's called the Ill-Gotten Gains Week (a title that should be familiar to GTA fans) and it will run through March 31. Obviously, the sale will feature content from previously released Ill-Gotten Gains updates and the first item on the list is a new t-shirt with the logo for the fictitious film, "The Shoulder of Orion II." You can snag this just for logging in any day between now and the 31st. As for the double RP, you can earn that by participating in several of GTA Online's race playlists; here's the schedule:

You can also save 25 percent on some of the available cars you saw with the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 update, including the Coil Brawler, Progen T20, Invetero Coquette BlackFin and the Dinka Vindicator motorcycle. Even the mods for these vehicles will be 25 percent off at the Los Santos Customs shop. Plus, you can get 50 percent off all clothing and tattoos that were included in either of the Ill-Gotten Gains updates, which is pretty awesome. If you want some new weapons, visit Ammu-Nation and grab the Knuckle Duster, The Pimp, and The Rock for half off.

Earlier this month, Rockstar released a new patch for GTAO that should've given you faster load times, which is always a good thing.