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Worst Street Fighter V Rage Quitters Will Be Punished Severely

Nobody likes a poor loser.

When Street Fighter V launched last week, players discovered there was no punishment for rage quitters online, which really puts a crimp in Ranked play.

Thankfully, the developers were quick to acknowledge the issue and while there is no solution just yet, they are planning "severe" consequences for the worst offenders, as they said in a new blog post :

"Yes, we are well aware of the problem of players disconnecting before the match ends to retain their League Points and their win streaks.Thanks to all of the players who have brought this to our attention.

We are working on a permanent solution to this problem, though we don't have an exact date to share with you at the moment. That said, we are going to take direct action starting next week to punish those players who are abusing the system."

In order to throw down the gauntlet, Capcom needs your help: They've asked players to submit video evidence of rage quitters; in fact, they want to hand over "every instance of rage-quitting you encounter." They've recommended you use the Share functionality on the PlayStation 4 controller to do so.

In other news, the team says they're looking into adding an Arcade Mode , which many consider to be another glaring omission in the game.