According to a recent Kotaku report , we're not getting Destiny 2 this year.
But that doesn't mean fans shouldn't expect more substantial content in 2016.
In a note to investors (as cited by GameSpot ), Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz said he expects to see another big Destiny expansion this year:
"Our model assumes a Taken King-sized expansion for Destiny in 2016. We did think that Destiny 2 was a possible, and even likely, source of upside in 2016. However, as long as there is new Destiny content in 2016, we feel confident in our overall company growth assumptions and would remain bullish on the long-term value of the franchise."
Creutz did add the caveat that if no "meaningful" content released in 2016, that would be cause for concern. Last year, we got several paid pieces of add-on content; The Dark Below , House of Wolves , and one of the biggest and best expansions of the generation, The Taken King . Currently, no new expansions have been announced.
The only information we have concerning Bungie's 2016 plan came in December, when the team said to expect a bevy of activities, events, features and content . Yes, MMOs require a continual influx of fresh content to keep the players happy.
Related Game(s): Destiny
this might be my last year with destiny. i have grown weary of the toxic players and nonstop server disconnects. it boggles my mind when you hear an ignorant child defying 5 adults during a raid. but more importantly, too many disconnects. makes zero sense when i have the ps4 connected via ethernet directly to the cable modem. this is literally the only game i have the most connection issues with.
and oh….wth do analysts know when all they do is get paid to assume. how does destiny 2 get thrown in the mix when bungie constantly said destiny 2 wont be out for many years to come since destiny is "10 years long"
smh. what are video games becoming of now?
Last edited by shaytoon on 1/25/2016 9:53:31 PM
Unfortunately what we are getting with Destiny will probably be more of the norm when it comes to paid content.
not if we speak with our wallets and don't buy this hunk of trash.
What's the point of ten years of Destiny if they're releasing Destiny 2 way sooner that?
^^^^^This, as I was wondering that myself.
-yawns- i this point i doubt anyone cares.
I dont think we are getting any expansion this year.