Yes, I liked Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball when it first launched on Xbox. And contrary to popular belief, I actually wanted to play volleyball. How many games let us do that anymore?
The eye candy is always a bonus, of course, but the game wasn't crazy successful, and neither was the sequel. After that, it sort of fell out of favor in the west, despite the fact that new entries keep coming out in Japan.
The latest, Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 , has just received a Japanese launch date of February 25, 2016, which is when it'll be available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. No word on whether or not it'll come west; chances are…not. It's too bad, too, because we'll miss out on the new "soft engine," which supposedly makes the babes that much more appealing.
I dunno, maybe it wouldn't fly here. Would you be interested in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 came out?
Related Game(s): Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
I would buy it over COD, Battlefield and any other Madden/Sports 2K16 game.
Don't know about others but i would much rather watch or play with females running around than men in any sports game.
Would be ideal if you could create several female characters in the game though. I like women with a bigger backyard if you know what I mean.
Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 10/13/2015 12:33:12 PM
I heard the reason it's not coming here is because american publishers have no balls and lick the PC police shoes. 🙁 Such a sad tale. I'm thinking of importing and using google translate lol
That's not it.
It's not coming here because demand is not great according to K-T. They said it themselves.
And if they ever decide to bring it over, they will change a few things. Like the age of some characters.
Has nothing to do with the OMG PC POLICE.
I'd totally buy it.
I could just imagine the controversy though here in the US where women aren't allowed to be attractive in video games as it makes men want to rape and murder or whatever the hell is on the current Anita's journal bit today! Like how Meryl in MGS was in her panties and nothing else and how harmful that is to women! Yet Meryl, beat the hell out of a poor sap and made him naked.
Anyways, the girls of DOA are dream babes because they are designed to be perfect in everyway. Your 'dream' girl if you will. I'd buy it because I need a break from killing something every now and again, and breasts, bikinis, beaches and volleyball sounds pretty good to me.
LOL this guy.
Here here! I don't really know much about the US powerful conservative side, other than the crazy things you hear in their "news", but what I do know is that I love DOA, I love going to the beach, and I love volleyball.
There's no political reason for this not coming to America. It's purely a commercial decision. I do love the persecution complex, though, provoked by the suggestions of some that maybe we shouldn't objectify women in games.
…without bothering to dig into the implicit suggestion on this slippery slope that any man who plays something like DoA is either a pervert, misogynist, or sexist bigot in training, and the further implication that this is wildly insulting to most well-adjusted males.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 5:53:06 PM
There's no slippery slope. Some people think it would be a good idea if women were better represented in games, given the long history of them mostly being damsels in distress or hilariously unrealistic sexpots, and often both simultaneously.
Given that these suggestions are so commonly met with complaints about censorship, misandry, political correctness and (in the case of the truly messed up gamergate circles) rape and death threats, there doesn't need to be any implicit suggestion about gamers; they make it quite clear who they are and what they believe without any outside help.
"Women in real life are more than helpless pairs of bouncing boobs, maybe games could reflect that reality a little better?"
"OMG PC police and their man hating ways get your mitts off MY VIDEOGAMES!"
Last edited by Bio on 10/14/2015 6:30:21 PM
"Men in real life really aren't all lantern-jawed, Type-A personalities, with muscles coming out of their eyelids? You mean sexism can actually exist when it involves males, and has existed since the beginning of time in video games? No shit, really?"
It's great that because of a few vocal nutjobs, the vast majority of gamers who never issued any death threats and never believed for one second that women should look/act the way they do in video games, are completely ignored and worse, the nutjobs become the only representatives of tens of millions of people.
Oh yes, that's awfully rational.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 7:10:00 PM
Context matters. Target audience matters. There's a big difference between wish fulfillment and power fantasies designed by men to make male teen gamers feel empowered, and the hyper-sexual, helpless depiction of females, who are designed by those same men, as trophies.
It's hard to cry sexism when it comes to depictions of men in games when those games are almost universally designed by men. It's kind of like complaining about discrimination against white people because there's no White Entertainment Television even though there's Black Entertainment Television (fun fact! BET is owned by a white dude).
As I mentioned before, it's not just the super neckbeard gamergate troglodytes getting up in arms about this (though they are not 'few' in number, unfortunately), they're simply the worst examples of it. You can find much milder examples of this attitude towards females in games, and the women trying to change it, everywhere and that includes in these comments sections. Comments about how Anita Sarkeesian should "shut up and go make me a sandwich" or how Zoe Quinn is "just a professional victim", etc. You (and just to be clear, here, that is an editorial 'you' and not a 'you as in Ben Dutka specifically') don't have to threaten to kill or rape a woman for expressing an opinion in order to display some seriously outdated, sexist attitudes.
It's easy to say that these people are overreacting about their representation in media, because we're white dudes. We've never had a problem with representation in media, because all media is dominated by white dudes making entertainment for white dudes. There's no shortage of white dudes in movies, TV and games, but there's a serious lack of black, hispanic and asian people of both genders. There's nothing wrong with people who aren't white dudes speaking up and asking white dudes to consider people other than white dudes when making said entertainment.
I'm allowed to say there is both male and female sexism in video games, and it's all too easy to make the jump from "empowering" males with certain role models to giving males a skewed view of females and reality. I never said I agreed with the bluntness and one-sidedness of Corvo. I said I reserve the right to know what equality actually is.
As an example, your last paragraph is entirely wrong. It has been for some time. We "white dudes" face a myriad of programs and organizations and institutions designed specifically to help every last individual on earth BUT white dudes. Ever hear of the ACLU tackling a case where the civil rights of a white heterosexual person might have been violated? Or are we simply to believe the latter isn't possible?
Do you know what EOE has become? It has nothing to do with "equal opportunity employment." As employers everywhere are desperate to avoid bad press and frivolous lawsuits, EOE means this: If you have three candidates that are identical in every possible way, and one is a white male, one is a black female and single mother, and another is a Hispanic recent immigrant, the FIRST to be eliminated from that pool is the white male. The employer isn't worried about that person complaining to any labor board because no labor board would listen to him. If one of the OTHER two complained to anywhere, and God forbid if the media got hold of it, that employer is in line to be lynched.
There is BET, Black Entertainment Network. There is What if I wanted to start White Entertainment Network or kicked off tomorrow? Those who started the black endeavors are hailed as pioneers and applauded; I would be a dangerous racist. But why? The erroneous belief that all other TV channels and dating websites are geared toward white men? Nobody can make that argument anymore, not with a straight face.
Anita Sarkeesian shouldn't be getting death threats. There's nothing wrong with her core message. However, as it was painfully obvious to all that she had little knowledge of the industry she criticized, and that her theories were based on 20-year-old standards, she should not have made any waves. As a journalist or speaker or so-called expert, in anything else, she would've been dismissed as an amateur. But because her message is all that matters to people, regardless of her ignorance, she became something she never deserved to be. Yes, I'm allowed to have a problem with that, as I'm allowed to say that equality is about racial blindness, not throwing a gay pride parade and then leaping down the throat of the person who suggests a heterosexual pride parade. We are to celebrate the diversity of the world, provided heterosexual white males are properly restrained. That is the only message that is being sent.
The only racists left in the world are back-woods swamp-runners and every last person who looks at a picture entirely comprised of black people (or any other minority race), sees no problem, then looks at a picture of all white people and cries foul. And when we realize just how many fall into the latter group, we'll start to figure out that we've completely lost control of what was once a rational pursuit.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 9:22:12 PM
Yeah, it's tough being part of the oppressed white heterosexual male caste. Hopefully one day we'll unite to fight for the equality we deserve.
Worked for the papers once. Covered a country-western concert and I was ordered by my editor to find a minority fan and quote that fan in the paper. If I couldn't find one, I was supposed to make up a quote that went with an "ethnic-sounding name." When a hip-hop concert came around a month later, I asked him if I should find a white person to quote, citing his previous order. He said no, of course not. I voiced equality. He voiced racism.
Only one story of many. That's because I read and open my eyes and use logic. If you choose to do otherwise, that's all right. You fit right in.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 10:04:22 PM
Fight the power, brother, one day our minority overlords will rue the day they put their boots to our necks.
Pretty sad that the only liberal defense against the deadening reality they've created is childish mockery, shocking ignorance, and comical hypocrisy. You're the only Nazis left, "brother."
A) I'm not a liberal
B) Anyone who complains about how unfairly white men are treated in modern American society is so far disconnected from reality that there's really no point even trying to reason. I'm sorry you're upset that American society is no longer entirely about you, the white dude, but this white dude is fine with recognizing that being a white dude in America is like playing an FPS with wall hacks; I'm not about to complain about 'fair play' when I spawned into a game world rigged for my success.
But you do you, Ben. Your views don't need my validation, you're free to feel however you want.
Ben, how about opening your eyes and using logic as you do some intense research on the term "white privilege"?
Until you walk in the shoes of a black person in America, comments of yours on this thread won't be taken seriously by me.
Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 10/15/2015 1:44:20 PM
Bio: You haven't managed to address a single point I made. As you made no argument and merely dismissed without a single refutation, you have no right to make any proclamation whatsoever. You reaction to my newspaper editor, or the website owner who flat-out told all his writers that in the eyes of the reader "only white people can be racist," is nonexistent and therefore, I have to assume you have nothing to say.
You can't speak of any "disconnect" when you apparently have had zero experiences. I have but evidently, I am not allowed to speak of them?
PS3_Wizard: And I reserve the right to say precisely the same thing about you in regards to the white race. I am speaking as a white person and what I see and feel as a white person in this country, as you are allowed to do as a black person in this country. I made no assumption or conclusion about any other perspective, as I do not have any other perspective. I don't know your perspective and you don't know mine, but it is within both our rights as human beings to present our perspectives to others. My perspective isn't worth more than yours; yours isn't worth more than mine, but both have a right to be heard and not summarily dismissed.
Equality, my friend. This is what it means.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/15/2015 3:10:51 PM
Ben, I didn't respond to your point about the newspaper stuff because, knowing your history of completely, and obviously fabricated, unverifiable anecdotes that happen to perfectly dovetail with whatever point you were trying to make, I didn't feel like wasting time on it.
And nobody ever said only white people can be racist. The problem is that racism by white people against minorities has disproportionate impact compared to racism by non-whites against white people here in the USA, since white people dominate congress, the courts, the police departments, the city councils, and the education system, which is a direct result of white people making up about 77% of the country's population. Power equations are a big component of institutionalized racism. You can be racist no matter the color of your skin (obvs), but there's only so much you can do about your racist feelings if you're not in a position of established power.
In other parts of the world, white people are on the shitty, short end of that stick, but not in America.
As for experience, as someone who has lived in Denver, San Francisco, Dallas, Baltimore and now Philadelphia in my adult life, and raising a bi-racial child by myself as a single father, and having to deal with the race issues that arise from that responsibility, I think I have plenty.
Yet here you are complaining that you're "not allowed" to share your viewpoint, despite the fact that I explicitly stated you don't need my approval to say what you want. I'm absolutely convinced you don't even read what other people write; you're the kind of person who just waits for their turn to talk.
Last edited by Bio on 10/15/2015 3:45:05 PM
Never mind. I'm only fabricating what I say and I only use "anecdotes" while you have viable experiences.
That disqualifies you from any intelligent discussion and if you can't see that, I suggest you start using the brain life gave you.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/15/2015 4:19:27 PM
I'm only sharing my opinion, not completely unverifiable stories that just so happen to perfectly back up my political talking points. Maybe you don't remember all the discussions you were a part of at Gamespot, SW2 and my old forum, but everyone else who was there does. Like the time you dismissed Road & Track, Car & Driver and Motortrend because your "friends" who were "real racers" totally "knew" that your Nissan 370Z was one of the best handling sports cars in its class, and just happened to have several quotes handy to prove it, all of which read like they were written by you. For the record, Ben, no one falls for that stuff. Literally no one.
Of course you could burn me completely and make me eat my words by linking me to the newspaper article written by you about this country concert with the minority fan quote, since every newspaper in the digital age necessarily has an online presence and an archive, just like PSXE archives its stories.
But you won't, and we both know why.
"Men in real life really aren't all lantern-jawed, Type-A personalities, with muscles coming out of their eyelids? You mean sexism can actually exist when it involves males, and has existed since the beginning of time in video games? No shit, really?"
It's great that because of a few vocal nutjobs, the vast majority of gamers who never issued any death threats and never believed for one second that women should look/act the way they do in video games, are completely ignored and worse, the nutjobs become the only representatives of tens of millions of people.
Oh yes, that's awfully rational.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 7:10:00 PM
LOL this guy.
Yeah, it's tough being part of the oppressed white heterosexual male caste. Hopefully one day we'll unite to fight for the equality we deserve.
There's no slippery slope. Some people think it would be a good idea if women were better represented in games, given the long history of them mostly being damsels in distress or hilariously unrealistic sexpots, and often both simultaneously.
Given that these suggestions are so commonly met with complaints about censorship, misandry, political correctness and (in the case of the truly messed up gamergate circles) rape and death threats, there doesn't need to be any implicit suggestion about gamers; they make it quite clear who they are and what they believe without any outside help.
"Women in real life are more than helpless pairs of bouncing boobs, maybe games could reflect that reality a little better?"
"OMG PC police and their man hating ways get your mitts off MY VIDEOGAMES!"
Last edited by Bio on 10/14/2015 6:30:21 PM
Context matters. Target audience matters. There's a big difference between wish fulfillment and power fantasies designed by men to make male teen gamers feel empowered, and the hyper-sexual, helpless depiction of females, who are designed by those same men, as trophies.
It's hard to cry sexism when it comes to depictions of men in games when those games are almost universally designed by men. It's kind of like complaining about discrimination against white people because there's no White Entertainment Television even though there's Black Entertainment Television (fun fact! BET is owned by a white dude).
As I mentioned before, it's not just the super neckbeard gamergate troglodytes getting up in arms about this (though they are not 'few' in number, unfortunately), they're simply the worst examples of it. You can find much milder examples of this attitude towards females in games, and the women trying to change it, everywhere and that includes in these comments sections. Comments about how Anita Sarkeesian should "shut up and go make me a sandwich" or how Zoe Quinn is "just a professional victim", etc. You (and just to be clear, here, that is an editorial 'you' and not a 'you as in Ben Dutka specifically') don't have to threaten to kill or rape a woman for expressing an opinion in order to display some seriously outdated, sexist attitudes.
It's easy to say that these people are overreacting about their representation in media, because we're white dudes. We've never had a problem with representation in media, because all media is dominated by white dudes making entertainment for white dudes. There's no shortage of white dudes in movies, TV and games, but there's a serious lack of black, hispanic and asian people of both genders. There's nothing wrong with people who aren't white dudes speaking up and asking white dudes to consider people other than white dudes when making said entertainment.
I'm allowed to say there is both male and female sexism in video games, and it's all too easy to make the jump from "empowering" males with certain role models to giving males a skewed view of females and reality. I never said I agreed with the bluntness and one-sidedness of Corvo. I said I reserve the right to know what equality actually is.
As an example, your last paragraph is entirely wrong. It has been for some time. We "white dudes" face a myriad of programs and organizations and institutions designed specifically to help every last individual on earth BUT white dudes. Ever hear of the ACLU tackling a case where the civil rights of a white heterosexual person might have been violated? Or are we simply to believe the latter isn't possible?
Do you know what EOE has become? It has nothing to do with "equal opportunity employment." As employers everywhere are desperate to avoid bad press and frivolous lawsuits, EOE means this: If you have three candidates that are identical in every possible way, and one is a white male, one is a black female and single mother, and another is a Hispanic recent immigrant, the FIRST to be eliminated from that pool is the white male. The employer isn't worried about that person complaining to any labor board because no labor board would listen to him. If one of the OTHER two complained to anywhere, and God forbid if the media got hold of it, that employer is in line to be lynched.
There is BET, Black Entertainment Network. There is What if I wanted to start White Entertainment Network or kicked off tomorrow? Those who started the black endeavors are hailed as pioneers and applauded; I would be a dangerous racist. But why? The erroneous belief that all other TV channels and dating websites are geared toward white men? Nobody can make that argument anymore, not with a straight face.
Anita Sarkeesian shouldn't be getting death threats. There's nothing wrong with her core message. However, as it was painfully obvious to all that she had little knowledge of the industry she criticized, and that her theories were based on 20-year-old standards, she should not have made any waves. As a journalist or speaker or so-called expert, in anything else, she would've been dismissed as an amateur. But because her message is all that matters to people, regardless of her ignorance, she became something she never deserved to be. Yes, I'm allowed to have a problem with that, as I'm allowed to say that equality is about racial blindness, not throwing a gay pride parade and then leaping down the throat of the person who suggests a heterosexual pride parade. We are to celebrate the diversity of the world, provided heterosexual white males are properly restrained. That is the only message that is being sent.
The only racists left in the world are back-woods swamp-runners and every last person who looks at a picture entirely comprised of black people (or any other minority race), sees no problem, then looks at a picture of all white people and cries foul. And when we realize just how many fall into the latter group, we'll start to figure out that we've completely lost control of what was once a rational pursuit.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 9:22:12 PM
I would buy it over COD, Battlefield and any other Madden/Sports 2K16 game.
Don't know about others but i would much rather watch or play with females running around than men in any sports game.
Would be ideal if you could create several female characters in the game though. I like women with a bigger backyard if you know what I mean.
Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 10/13/2015 12:33:12 PM
I'd totally buy it.
I could just imagine the controversy though here in the US where women aren't allowed to be attractive in video games as it makes men want to rape and murder or whatever the hell is on the current Anita's journal bit today! Like how Meryl in MGS was in her panties and nothing else and how harmful that is to women! Yet Meryl, beat the hell out of a poor sap and made him naked.
Anyways, the girls of DOA are dream babes because they are designed to be perfect in everyway. Your 'dream' girl if you will. I'd buy it because I need a break from killing something every now and again, and breasts, bikinis, beaches and volleyball sounds pretty good to me.
Has nothing to do with the OMG PC POLICE.
…without bothering to dig into the implicit suggestion on this slippery slope that any man who plays something like DoA is either a pervert, misogynist, or sexist bigot in training, and the further implication that this is wildly insulting to most well-adjusted males.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 5:53:06 PM
Here here! I don't really know much about the US powerful conservative side, other than the crazy things you hear in their "news", but what I do know is that I love DOA, I love going to the beach, and I love volleyball.
That's not it.
It's not coming here because demand is not great according to K-T. They said it themselves.
And if they ever decide to bring it over, they will change a few things. Like the age of some characters.
I heard the reason it's not coming here is because american publishers have no balls and lick the PC police shoes. 🙁 Such a sad tale. I'm thinking of importing and using google translate lol
There's no political reason for this not coming to America. It's purely a commercial decision. I do love the persecution complex, though, provoked by the suggestions of some that maybe we shouldn't objectify women in games.
I'm only sharing my opinion, not completely unverifiable stories that just so happen to perfectly back up my political talking points. Maybe you don't remember all the discussions you were a part of at Gamespot, SW2 and my old forum, but everyone else who was there does. Like the time you dismissed Road & Track, Car & Driver and Motortrend because your "friends" who were "real racers" totally "knew" that your Nissan 370Z was one of the best handling sports cars in its class, and just happened to have several quotes handy to prove it, all of which read like they were written by you. For the record, Ben, no one falls for that stuff. Literally no one.
Of course you could burn me completely and make me eat my words by linking me to the newspaper article written by you about this country concert with the minority fan quote, since every newspaper in the digital age necessarily has an online presence and an archive, just like PSXE archives its stories.
But you won't, and we both know why.
Ben, how about opening your eyes and using logic as you do some intense research on the term "white privilege"?
Until you walk in the shoes of a black person in America, comments of yours on this thread won't be taken seriously by me.
Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 10/15/2015 1:44:20 PM
Worked for the papers once. Covered a country-western concert and I was ordered by my editor to find a minority fan and quote that fan in the paper. If I couldn't find one, I was supposed to make up a quote that went with an "ethnic-sounding name." When a hip-hop concert came around a month later, I asked him if I should find a white person to quote, citing his previous order. He said no, of course not. I voiced equality. He voiced racism.
Only one story of many. That's because I read and open my eyes and use logic. If you choose to do otherwise, that's all right. You fit right in.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/14/2015 10:04:22 PM
Never mind. I'm only fabricating what I say and I only use "anecdotes" while you have viable experiences.
That disqualifies you from any intelligent discussion and if you can't see that, I suggest you start using the brain life gave you.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/15/2015 4:19:27 PM
Fight the power, brother, one day our minority overlords will rue the day they put their boots to our necks.
Ben, I didn't respond to your point about the newspaper stuff because, knowing your history of completely, and obviously fabricated, unverifiable anecdotes that happen to perfectly dovetail with whatever point you were trying to make, I didn't feel like wasting time on it.
And nobody ever said only white people can be racist. The problem is that racism by white people against minorities has disproportionate impact compared to racism by non-whites against white people here in the USA, since white people dominate congress, the courts, the police departments, the city councils, and the education system, which is a direct result of white people making up about 77% of the country's population. Power equations are a big component of institutionalized racism. You can be racist no matter the color of your skin (obvs), but there's only so much you can do about your racist feelings if you're not in a position of established power.
In other parts of the world, white people are on the shitty, short end of that stick, but not in America.
As for experience, as someone who has lived in Denver, San Francisco, Dallas, Baltimore and now Philadelphia in my adult life, and raising a bi-racial child by myself as a single father, and having to deal with the race issues that arise from that responsibility, I think I have plenty.
Yet here you are complaining that you're "not allowed" to share your viewpoint, despite the fact that I explicitly stated you don't need my approval to say what you want. I'm absolutely convinced you don't even read what other people write; you're the kind of person who just waits for their turn to talk.
Last edited by Bio on 10/15/2015 3:45:05 PM
Pretty sad that the only liberal defense against the deadening reality they've created is childish mockery, shocking ignorance, and comical hypocrisy. You're the only Nazis left, "brother."
A) I'm not a liberal
B) Anyone who complains about how unfairly white men are treated in modern American society is so far disconnected from reality that there's really no point even trying to reason. I'm sorry you're upset that American society is no longer entirely about you, the white dude, but this white dude is fine with recognizing that being a white dude in America is like playing an FPS with wall hacks; I'm not about to complain about 'fair play' when I spawned into a game world rigged for my success.
But you do you, Ben. Your views don't need my validation, you're free to feel however you want.
Bio: You haven't managed to address a single point I made. As you made no argument and merely dismissed without a single refutation, you have no right to make any proclamation whatsoever. You reaction to my newspaper editor, or the website owner who flat-out told all his writers that in the eyes of the reader "only white people can be racist," is nonexistent and therefore, I have to assume you have nothing to say.
You can't speak of any "disconnect" when you apparently have had zero experiences. I have but evidently, I am not allowed to speak of them?
PS3_Wizard: And I reserve the right to say precisely the same thing about you in regards to the white race. I am speaking as a white person and what I see and feel as a white person in this country, as you are allowed to do as a black person in this country. I made no assumption or conclusion about any other perspective, as I do not have any other perspective. I don't know your perspective and you don't know mine, but it is within both our rights as human beings to present our perspectives to others. My perspective isn't worth more than yours; yours isn't worth more than mine, but both have a right to be heard and not summarily dismissed.
Equality, my friend. This is what it means.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/15/2015 3:10:51 PM