Well, it was bound to happen eventually.
In a world where Surgeon Simulator can soar to unprecedented success, developer Bossa Studios figured they could make another stab at a goofy triumph.
Enter I Am Bread , which, although not faring too well with critics (as if that's a deterrent for these types of games), is headed to PlayStation 4 this summer. To psych us up, Bossa released a parody of the theme song for "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" and it's well worth seeing. However, it's important to note that Bossa won't be creating the PS4 version; that job falls to Just Add Water ( Gravity Crash , Oddworld remasters).
If you're wondering, I Am Bread "tells the beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks on a quest to become toasted." Just…wow.
Related Game(s): I Am Bread
this game, ive spent so many hours on Youtube watching people flail around in this game and it is too funny
This game is the best thing since sliced bread!
I hate myself for laughing at this 😀
some would say its a terrible pun which makes it funny but its pritty clever man good job
LOL 1:24
Lmfao so awsome call me crazy but i wanna play this game review scores be damned
well i can't i haven't thought about buy and playing this maybe for the steam summer sale. but i guess i'd be better off buying it on the ps4 but its a pritty lol game for just some dumb fun when ur bored.
happy gaming
I hate myself for laughing at this 😀
some would say its a terrible pun which makes it funny but its pritty clever man good job
well i can't i haven't thought about buy and playing this maybe for the steam summer sale. but i guess i'd be better off buying it on the ps4 but its a pritty lol game for just some dumb fun when ur bored.
happy gaming
this game, ive spent so many hours on Youtube watching people flail around in this game and it is too funny
LOL 1:24
Lmfao so awsome call me crazy but i wanna play this game review scores be damned
This game is the best thing since sliced bread!