Somebody asked me the other day if I planned on getting an Xbox One for Rise of the Tomb Raider . My response:
"LOL No. Just…no."
He asked because I'm a big fan of the reboot (and I eventually want the Definitive Edition on PS4). However, here's the thing: Rise of the Tomb Raider isn't exclusive. It's a timed exclusive . It means it's coming to PlayStation 4 at some point. I may have to wait a year or longer but who cares? What, I don't have anything else to play?
And besides, we all know that when the game does arrive on PS4, it will be the ultimate/definitive/whatever edition, loaded with all the previously released downloadable content and running at full 1080p (because thus far, Xbox One hasn't often managed to hit that max resolution). Who knows what else it might include but I can pretty much guarantee it'll be the superior version. I'm not so grossly impatient that I can't wait.
Now, if a miracle occurred and Lost Odyssey 2 was announced exclusively for Xbox One, and we were assured it would retain the previous combat system and style, I'd get an Xbox One. Oh yes, I would. That'd be an exclusive game and one I know I'd have to play. Whenever Xbox One has such a thing, just let me know. And no, Halo 5: Guardians doesn't count; I'm done with that series (played every single one and really, it was tired three installments ago).
Related Game(s): Rise of the Tomb Raider
Plot twist: XOne port.
This gen it's easy to get by with one system so far.
If I started with either the XO or the PS4 I wouldn't be compelled enough to buy another platform.
Anymore, I just don't have time to keep up with all of the system's hottest games. It just can't be done anymore. Besides, I'm tired of blowing tons of money on hardware and services anymore than needed.
And yea, Tomb Raider will come to PS4 eventually.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/22/2015 10:21:03 PM
Really, I'm booked with great games through the year with PS4 alone.
Witcher 3
The Bloodborne expansion
AC syndicate
Star Wars Battlefront
Destiny's two expansion packs (the new one is getting strong feedback)
I'm sure there's something else there I'm missing.
Then there's Uncharted 4, Tekken 7, Deus Ex, Titanfall 2, Mass Effect, and SFV on tap for 2016.
Soul Calibur 6 might be great too.
The steam train is rolling now and we haven't even been through e3 this year yet.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/22/2015 10:44:17 PM
Has Witcher grabbed you? I know you aren't a traditional fantasist.
It grabs me when it can. It's been a stressful school quarter so my time with it isn't under the best circumstances. You can read more of what I think in Ben's week in review article.
Okay then…
Surely, the feeling of pins and needles has been alleviated and breath can now resume its normal unabated routine upon reading the monumental revelation….
I had a revelation about Kid long ago. Well, wasn't a revelation so much as a pang of nausea. I get it when losers feel obliged to prove their superiority online, most likely because their reality is just plain sad.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/23/2015 10:41:01 AM
*Bastion narrator voice*:
"Kid didn't know what he wanted, just sat there at his keyboard. Downed an energy drink, took a handful of Doritos. Kid gets bored, decides it's time to troll the sleepy and relaxed town of PSXextreme. He'd show them, he'd troll em till they paid for their insolent decency toward fellow gamers.
"Yeahhh… Kid gets to work on the keyboard and fires off the flames he can manage…. Feels good, feels real good."
LOVE that Bastion narrator.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/23/2015 6:28:00 PM
That was trolling? Well, World got his pat on the head for the day, now its back to no life and posting 1/3 of this site's comments. Just commenting on the fact that this has been repeated again. Ben doesn't want the Xbox One and he lacks the ability at noticing gameplay nuances beyond spectacle and graphics to appreciate Nintendo systems. He's a bonafide Sony corporate slave, which is absolutely fine and I can respect that, but let's stop playing this 'I'm a hardcore gamer making a conscious decision to not purchase another game system' because no real gamer I know makes excuses NOT to buy systems, especially when the libraries are more comparable and complimentary now then they've been since the SNES/ Genesis era.
narration cont.
"… then silence. The shrill cry of the adolescent harpy subsided. As the other players shared glances of awkward confusion with one another, the light flickered revealing a slight movement from the shadows. It was Underdog… leaning against a pillar with his head aimed at a downward angle toward the floor, giving his head slow shake while wearing a wry smirk on the only part of his face you can see from this dope camera angle.
"Yet no rebuttal did pass his lips. Perhaps he'd felt there was no worthy challenge… ahh, I'm just foolin'. Truth is, the kid had lost before a fight could even begin. Years of loathing undone by the very bitterness that created it… and made obvious in an instant. Some believe the bewildered prattling to be a speaking in tongues that should be idolized despite no sense ever protruding from the message. But real men know… they know it to be no more intelligent than the attention seeking call of a second rate, wannabe super hero who's only message aims to simply have the realm remember his name… kinda like that Groot guy.
"For now… he only waits… for the ever inevitable PSXE fanboy label to slap his ankles the way only a flaccid kid could ever hope to achieve."
Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/24/2015 12:15:33 AM
Kid vs the army of Ben…
kid vs NullPointerException
29 counted Nintendo support articles in the past 16 years I've produced for three different websites. But that requires research, Kid. And some knowledge of me as a person and a gamer, rather than lashing out with "only responds to graphics," the most laughable accusation anyone who knows me realizes; you don't have that, either. And yet, the self-righteous, I know more than everyone filth keeps spewing from you. You tried desperately to subvert the community, you failed, everyone owned the hell out of you so many times you couldn't stand it, so now you're just a hostile, hateful child. So that's it.
That was the last time you insult me, the members of this site, and the site itself, Kid. We're done with you here.
Go live your loser existence vicariously through the screen elsewhere; it's long past time to move on. You may try ban-dodging if you wish. Takes me about 7 seconds to delete your account and any crap you post, so by all means.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/24/2015 9:19:40 PM
Wow that harsh, feel bad for that Kid guy…
"Ben doesn't want the Xbox One and he lacks the ability at noticing gameplay nuances beyond spectacle and graphics to appreciate Nintendo systems. He's a bonafide Sony corporate slave,"
No, THAT was harsh. And it's all he ever posted.
Considering its also one the 360, it better not be a port but a complete revamped version otherwise PC elitists will sick Gaben on the xbox fanboys.
Revelation! Let's hope when they say it's time exclusive they really do bring it out on PS4 and not just oh hey PC gets it now. See multiplat. It could happen, they did this with Dead Rising 3 and Ryse Son of Rome, both Microsoft published games. Which Rise of Tomb Raider is, if I recall correctly.
Last edited by DIsmael85 on 5/23/2015 2:28:18 AM
There's really no way the game could ever pay for itself without the Playstation audience. Going with MS cuts out almost all of europe and now a high percentage of America. PC gamers don't contribute all that much to sales either.
This move is pretty much like only playing Jurassic World in 100 small theatres in the nation this summer.
Microsoft published it, therefore the money has been paid. It's business my friend. Money talks.
I thought Microsoft is publishing this?
If so how can it eventually come to PS4?
Nope still timed exclusive. Just like i believe Street Fighter 5 is to Ps4
Yes Microsoft is publishing this, just like dead rising 3. Probably in the end it's only come to pc. I don't know I could be wrong…
They're just publishing it. MS also published Ninja Gaiden 2 on 360.
Also TR is a euro heavy franchise. For SE not to reap that ps4 market would be just stupid.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/23/2015 9:55:11 AM
MS pretty much paid for the right to publish for their audience and keep it out of the hands of Playstation owners. However with a name addendum and new publisher it will come to Playstation.
MS also published the first Mass Effect and that eventually made it's way to the PS3.
Yeah I'll survive but I reall hope SE and Crystal Dynamics are FLOODED with hate mail for keeping the game from us for cash.
honest answer….depends on how good it is
If they wreck it after that great reboot that would be so sad.
I'm fine with waiting for it, I know it'll be way beter on the PS4 and I'll have UC 4 to finish LOL
Your avatar is a winner.
And I'll get the actual definitive edition when it comes to PC and looks roughly 7x better than the console versions.
yeah i'm good too with waiting for the ultimate edition(or whatever its called) for the ps4 of the rise of the tomb raider cos it'll be worth the wait.
happy gaming