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Which Version Of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Will Sell Best?

It's always an interesting question come launch day:

Which version of a huge multiplatform title will sell best?

In the case of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , it's hard to say. The franchise has its roots in PC and of course, there are plenty of hardcore role-players who call the PC their platform of choice. But don't forget that Xbox can toss its hat into the ring as well, as The Witcher II did quite well on the Xbox 360, and PlayStation is sort of new to the series.

One could argue that PlayStation has a much richer history in the genre (which of course is true), and an RPG lover will invariably purchase a PlayStation console. But perhaps that has changed over the years. Maybe the reason the PS4 version will fare better is because it's technically superior to the Xbox One iteration. But is that really a big deal? Most consumers won't even be aware of the slight visual discrepancy.

What do you think?

Related Game(s): The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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9 years ago

Now that the PS4 version of games are better, suddenly people with xboxes say that's not so important to them.

You could say PS4 would win cuz theres so damn many sold, but the sexbox does have that history we don't.

9 years ago

I have a history with 'The Witcher' similar to what I had with 'Mass Effect' before all entries were released to PlayStation 3.
I played the first 'Witcher' on PC, after 'Rise of the White Wolf' was cancelled.
I played 'Assassins of Kings' on 360, because my PC couldn't run it smoothly enough.
And I definitely plan to play 'Wild Hunt' on PlayStation 4. I just hope that it sells well enough to justify re-releasing the first two games to a PlayStation console.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Definitely PC.

There's, like, 50 billion people on PC and there's only 7 billion people on Earth. Do the science, do the math. Man.

I decided to quit proper gaming on PC recently, because my couch and live-social experiences have been the best in my life!

So when I found out Witcher on PS4 is only ~25-30fps max —- OWCH that was a blow to my heart man. Still getting it on PS4 but it shows this generation is a weird splotch. If Naughty Dog can get U4 to 60fps like they've been trying then I will crown them kings and never look at CDProjektRed for another 12 months – and that will validate this gen once again.

Yea the genres are different. But hell I would've died for Witcher 3 at 720p or 900p 60fps for PS4! Frame-drops Cannot Be a THING anymore. If completely constant 30fps then that's kinda fine.

9 years ago

Well, sell best is debatable between PS4 and PC I am expecting around 2mil each within a year.

Now for actual people playing? PC easily Witcher 2 has sold something like 3mil on PC but was Pirated around 5million times.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

It feels like a fair fight. I was on the edge between my PC and PS4. If I get the gaming laptop version I can play on long trips.

But the PC elitist have been getting to me lately. So I decided to smite them with the PS4 copy. PC gaming is only fun until your computer decides not to work for any one of a hundred reasons. Or maybe you die too often b/c you missed the proper key stroke on the keyboard that was actually designed not to jam up typewriters. Consoles on the other hand, have gameplay inspired controllers and the fail safe play n'go theme. It's nice when you can actually play the game with out having to spend 2k and have an IT education.
** I could go on but…end rant

This game is looking like the time ender I've been waiting for. So much for going out on Saturday nights anymore.

9 years ago

I am excited!! I am playing the game TONIGHT!!

9 years ago

When I eventually get to playing Witcher 3 it will be on PC for sure.

9 years ago

I'm getting this on PS4 mainly, but have the PC version pre-loaded already. What can I say, I'm a crazy gamer.

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