If Destiny is starting to wear thing, never fear, for another expansion is almost here!
Activision has confirmed that the next piece of downloadable content, called House of Wolves, will release on May 19. You can see the prologue for this new expansion below.
This follows last year's The Dark Below expansion but unfortunately, House of Wolves does not offer a new Raid. As developer Bungie explained at their website :
"House of Wolves will not have a Raid activity. We didn't make this decision lightly. Our team has been humbled by the reception of Raids in Destiny and we are creating a new Raid for a release later this year."
However, the fresh expansion will offer a cooperative battle arena called Prison of Elders that will focus on "variety, replayability, and skill." The team will go into more detail concerning the upgrade path for gear next week. For the time being, just feast your eyes on the Prologue.
If you purchased the game's $35 Expansion Pass, The Dark Below and House of Wolves come at no extra charge. If you didn't, each one is priced at $20 apiece.
Related Game(s): Destiny
I think I'm about ready to come back to Destiny. It'll be a good Bloodborne and Batman inbetweener.
Can you guys pick a different Destiny photo? I can hardly tell what that photo is showing.
What's your PSN Temjin? I'd be happy to run some stuff with you.
Same as it is here.
Though I'm usually on late PST, 8:45-10:00pm on most nights so I'm hard to co-op with.
And I'm not quite sure when I'll start destiny again. I'm thinking soon though
Late PST is perfect as I'm in Australia 😉
I rented Destiny back when I only had a PS3 and really enjoyed it, but it seemed pretty empty. I may give it another shot now that its gaining more content.
No new raid? How much is the level cap increasing? Would be interesting if there was more than one way to obtain new level cap gear instead of grinding the same raid over and over. I'll play this as I bought the expansion pass, but the new stuff will have to be pretty impressive for me to continue after House of Wolves.
I'm with ya that it needs to be really good. I can't believe there is no raid included.
Haven't played a raid yet – have no one to play it with! Would like to see matchmaking on the raids and weekly heroic, like the strikes, then maybe I'd be able to level up some more.
You just said that it would be good to have other ways of getting end game loot?
That is basically what they are promising us with HoW?
If you look at the trophy percentage on the PS4 for Raids, you will find that roughly 20 percent of players have beat a raid. I think Bungie is trying something new.
Akuma – you can't get the high level raid gear outside of the raids. That's what he's referring to. I've seen the list of gear for HoW, and there's some good stuff but nothing comparable to that in Crotas End in comparison to the level cap.
As I said in my other comment to you Bigrailer, you can't say "i have seen the list of gear" because there is no official list of gear outside of Bungie HQ.
That game is so infuriating. It's as if the idea of a great game is its own uncanny valley. It's good. It's almost great, and that almost is what makes it so obviously not. I hope they can get out of there one day.
They do a good job of creating illusions. They made everyone think it was an open world and it's almost ridiculously linear. They only let you level on their terms. It's crazy… but it's good.
Unfortunately no new raid is a deal breaker for me.
Really? I mean REALLY?
We haven't even SEEN the new stuff, let alone played it.
I honestly think you should wait and see what House of Wolves is all about…
Yeah really. I know what content is included and it's less than The Dark Below for the same price. It's not about quality here. But quanitity. I didn't buy the season pass deal which now I'm glad about.
I said before that the dlc for this game are too few and far between given the amount – or lack of – content they provide. The game is good enough to play that content multiple times but at that point you are banging your head for the next piece of gear.
Max – I'm not giving up on The House of Wolves. But for now until The next raid comes out – and hopefully, it is priced accordingly – I'm going to pass.
Now you are just being stupid. You or anyone else besides Bungie employee's don't know what is included until Bungie reveals everything or the DLC drops.
from what i've heard this needs to be alot longer and needs more stuff in it than the last one
happy gaming
It certainly did. But it doesnt. Not good.
I agree that more stuff is needed in House of Wolves as compared to Crota's End, this "Prison of Elders" could be something really cool.
cool, just bring it
150 hours in Destiny. To be honest, haven't played much in the last couple of months and have only raided a couple of times.
Love the strikes, patrols and crucible the most, so if there is a new arena horde mode then that does sound interesting. Certainly the more modes (with matchmaking) the better. Will dive back in when the expansion hits.
Over the grinding mind you but Destiny does has a therapeutic flow to it which makes it easy to whittle away the hours.
I still do the PVE bounties daily and in fact, over the weekend, I do the bounties on all three of my characters.
I, for one, am super excited!
I put enough hours into Destiny to justify the cost.
Right now, I'm still working on the Crota's End raid to, hopefully, get good weapon/armour drops. =)
I'll probably end up getting it. Not worried about the raids primarily because most my friends rarely play anymore. My main gripe is with Xur right now. Rarely anything worth spending my strange coins for…..
I have over a thousand Hours into Destiny and have leveled 8 Characters to the Max level. For me and the people around me Bungie just keeps doing exactly what they need to do to push us away. Every single person in my clan is leaving as of Bungie stating that there is no raid. We already paid for the expansion Passes and are feeling pretty hurt that Bungie is completely cutting endgame content in an expansion we already paid for simply because not as many people are capable of doing it.