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Destiny’s House Of Wolves DLC Dated, But No New Raid

If Destiny is starting to wear thing, never fear, for another expansion is almost here!

Activision has confirmed that the next piece of downloadable content, called House of Wolves, will release on May 19. You can see the prologue for this new expansion below.

This follows last year's The Dark Below expansion but unfortunately, House of Wolves does not offer a new Raid. As developer Bungie explained at their website :

"House of Wolves will not have a Raid activity. We didn't make this decision lightly. Our team has been humbled by the reception of Raids in Destiny and we are creating a new Raid for a release later this year."

However, the fresh expansion will offer a cooperative battle arena called Prison of Elders that will focus on "variety, replayability, and skill." The team will go into more detail concerning the upgrade path for gear next week. For the time being, just feast your eyes on the Prologue.

If you purchased the game's $35 Expansion Pass, The Dark Below and House of Wolves come at no extra charge. If you didn't, each one is priced at $20 apiece.