With a current Metascore of 93, Bloodborne has wowed the critics.
Chances are, it'll sell pretty darn well, too. Perhaps most importantly, though, is the fact that it appears to be precisely what this generated needed: A legit "net-gen," top-tier, AAA title.
It also helps that it's a PlayStation 4 exclusive; that system definitely needed a boost in the exclusive software category. Now that From Software's gem is earning widespread praise, we have to consider that we're looking at the best game of the new generation thus far. And in fact, it's not so much a "new" generation anymore, so it's great to see a game shoot up the review charts. If you don't count re-releases and remasters, Bloodborne is definitely top dog right now.
Dragon Age: Inquisition 's 89 score for PS4 appears to be the closest. Other high-scoring games so far are Velocity 2X and Ori and the Blind Forest but in terms of big-budget, high-profile games, it has really been about the Remasters. Maybe Bloodborne is the start of a new – and very positive – trend.
Related Game(s): Bloodborne
I've spent only about an hour with it so far. Tonight I hope to spend another two hours.
It's real hard for me to say what I think about it right now because there's so much for me to take in and try and understand. The learning curve is definitely high for those newer to Souls style games.
I do have one graphical complaint. The wet look of the first main city environment is reflecting white'ish moonlight. But the cloudy sky is red and dark and I don't even see a moon in the sky. That doesn't make sense.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/24/2015 10:16:31 PM
Another two hours in the same place?
This is a tad off-topic, but Temjin is your PSN the same as your Username here? If so I just beat your Bejeweled score by like 75 points in Lightning Mode. 😛
Yea Sol its me. Hehe I don't play that game though. You beat my wife's score.
Yep World. Two hours later I'm in the same place. One route had two nasty werewolves that kill me. The other route takes me into sewers with creatures that kill me there too. In either instance I don't feel powerful enough. I'm trying to be patient with it. And I'm still getting used to its sluggish and clumsy feeling combat.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 1:11:42 AM
I was waiting for the day when I'd find someone here on PSN, lolz. Your wife isn't you, but I'll take it lolz. I've been on this site for years wondering when I'd bump into one of you guys. 😛
Sluggish and clumsy combat??? Nvr heard anyone describe it that way. It's all about timing. As for the beginning area…against the super baddies like those big wolves…molotovs are your friend.
lol, now you know my pain Sensei
Sol you can add me DonovanTheICEMAN
I tried the molotovs FM, the first one I can hit them good but once they're aware of your presence they'll dodge further throws… Which isn't hard to see coming because I move like molasses during the wind up before the throw.
Hehe yea World, this is exactly the kind of game you thought it was so you're not missing out
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 10:54:57 AM
I still feel like I'm missing out though cuz its something Playstation that I wish I could play.
I hear you world. That's one reason I took the plunge. I wanted to know once and for all if this is a genre I could be apart of and like. It has the hype of a new critically acclaimed exclusive to pad the effort. Reading the reviews made me feel like it's closer to an action game rather than a slow Souls game. This created a problem for me because I went in expecting a lot more speed and responsiveness. Instead it's tweaked Souls game play. I suppose from the perspective of Souls fans this is real fast and responsive. I've grown frustrated by this constant struggle of maintaining control over the close encounters. Whether it's the lock on system or the camera getting confused to who I want to be looking at, there's a learning curve there. I'm not at the point where I can fault it yet for it because I need to feel very comfortable with the controls and play first.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 12:11:44 PM
There was a hype of Bloodborne being a fast action game? I didn't know this and as a fan of this games I was watching all the trailers and demos vids and since then it never looked like that as a fan I don't feel this it's more faster than past games also funny but I find this game more easy I always liked to dodge instead of use shield on the souls games the pistol just made me better at fighting …it was what I needed for my play style 😀
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/25/2015 1:32:37 PM
Was there hype for that Oxvial? I made no mention of it. Most reviewers stated it's faster and more about dodging and attacking comparatively to Souls combat. I played through the first level of Demon's Souls a while back, as in killing the first major boss, and I can tell you they're right. It is faster.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 1:57:55 PM
and on the topic of hype. It's early trailers did generate a consenses about the sort of faster game play it had. It was always noticeably faster. I remember Ben stating that he thought it looked similar to Darksiders…. a faster than Souls game.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 2:04:10 PM
Crap I think I finally got it figured out how the control and combat works. Took me about 4 hours. I guess I'm slow.
Well I don't feel a noticeable difference on speed and btw I played Darksiders and the combat on that game it's nothing like Bloodborne.. very weird comparative o_o!, now this game compared with the Souls ones imo the combat just become more ''agressive'' and the people that favorited shields on the Souls game need to adjust, I'm glad you figured out the combat hope you are getting fun.
thanks. yea, I got to the first boss and took his health down pretty low. I almost had him. But yea, I've grown accustomed to my trick weapon states, locking on, cycling targets, breaking the lock, running attacks and feeling like I can control the fight much better. Certain parts that caused me grief I can pummel pretty good now, like I can kick the crap out of that armored fat baddy behind the alley near the spawn point. The one where you run in the opposite direction to the bon fire gathering. Last night that thing killed me for like a half hour straight.
I did btw, pick the slowest weapon in the game. The battle axe. I sort of regret not getting the cleaver but I read somewhere that those other weapons open up to you after you kill the first boss.
It's a pretty terrifying game. The combination of feeling like you can die any time coupled with just how huge the boss feels, and how terrible it sounds, sorta reminds me of a nightmarish Shadow of the Colusses event.
I'm contemplating using that co-op beacon thing for a group take down of that first boss. Though I feel like I might be waisting it that way.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 8:00:23 PM
You can co op as much as you want in the game to my knowledge. Unless they changed something in this game, my PSplus ran up so I'm playing offline until the weekend.
Glad you figured it out, I got into a nice groove myself.
I too chose the Axe, but I rolled 2 other characters to try out the weapons and I think all the weapons are awesome! I do think the cleaver is a bit better than the Axe but I fortified my Axe and I'm 2 shotting most normals enemies now so yeah.
Last edited by xenris on 3/25/2015 10:35:47 PM
It's so good. I just hope sales for this game mirrors the great critical reception because like everyone knows it's not for everyone and it's difficulty might scare away consumers as well.
The difficulty in these games are overblown imo.
I'm happy for the fans of these but sad I can't enjoy the game or greatness Sony promised since it's niche.
I do have other games to play but nothing worth melting over, I'm also just figuring out that Final Fantasy Type-0 isn't really a final fantasy game, or an action game, or anything really but some random stuff strapped together and called a game.
I need a game plan.
Having completed Type-0 last night, I can confirm your last notion. The games narrative is completely cryptic and incoherent. Apparently the game benefits through multiple playthroughs as you get access to more sequences which help clear the picture… That simply isnt acceptable. Having gone through such a disorientating experience the first time around I am not encouraged to do so again. I've Platinumed the game and I am done with it.
I may have to finish the FFXV demo and sell this piece of shiola.
God what have they done to my beloved series?
Hey World, are you a fan of actions games, similar to DMC, God of War or Ninja Gaiden?
Yes sir I am, this isn't like that.
I would say it is pretty similar, this is a glorified action game with role playing elements. I am terrible at Demon Souls and Dark Souls (though I still love them) but Bloodborne is a breeze compared to them. The controls are so responsive especially the dodging mechanic.
I spent at least 3 hours on the first area, not because I was dying but because there is so much to explore. You gain experience very quickly and around 45 mins to an hour of grinding and leveling up my stats I already became a little over powered. This whole difficulty thing is way exaggerated. Just like any RPG where you are not powerful enough you level up.
Last edited by SayWord on 3/25/2015 11:20:58 AM
Sayword, maybe you just have the fine motor skills, coordination and reaction times that some others of us don't, making the difficulty seem overblown to you.
Sometimes it doesn't matter if I know the timing and sequence and position of what the next three enemies will do, I still have as much chance of hitting the right spots with the right buttons as a dimensia patient does getting an S rank combo in DmC.
haha with how much I smoke I really doubt I have the reaction times that most people have that are good at action games/fps.
I really wish you would give it a try, the game is slow paced and what makes the game playable to me is that dodging attacks is a lot easier than blocking. your timing doesn't need to be perfect which is a big plus to me. maybe when the game drops in price enough so you won't regret buying it if you do not end up liking it =)
The motor coordination is not what makes the game tough. It's a slow moving game by action game standards. Compared to any fighter or traditional hack n slash you could have performed 3 distinct moves in the time it takes to do one in Bloodborne.
The challenge of Bloodborne comes from being highly vulnerable to damage and checkpoints that are few and far between.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/25/2015 11:53:16 AM
Not gonna waste the money, you can send me yours lol.
I remember from Demon's Souls if you couldn't hit your button and aim in the right direction within 1 ten trillionth of a nanosecond of when a certain thing happens then you die and lose everything. That takes some skill I don't have. So there's that.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/25/2015 5:35:56 PM
Then when you're done world you can send it to me. =P
Maybe stll Bayonetta 2 right now, but Ori and Bloodborne definitely are up there as well. Ori is off the charts and I loved every minute of it. I've been playing Bloodborne, and though not a card carrying Souls guy, I am loving my time with it as well.
Im definitely hope this trend continues. Screw that resolution garbage, we need more great games.
Anybody know how to get past the "500 Internal Server error" to change your avatar? Now that the DE is out I'm finished with Dante. Help me.
This is exactly what the current gen needs. So far we have been flooded with disappointing exclusives from all sides of the competition that promised so much but delivered little and remasters of games that didn't really need remastering. Bloodborne on the other hand is a new IP and an exclusive that is actually something you can honestly call AAA+. Played it for nearly 3 hours so far and it's very, very good!
This and Bayonetta 2 are the standouts of this gen so far for me. I also give mention to The Evil Within, although the game was multiplat and far from perfect it was still a new IP and definitely a step in the right direction for the survival horror genre imo. The Assignment DLC threw you into the deep end with nothing but a torch and stealth to evade your enemies, that is how true survival horror should be done and i really hope the game get's a sequel because there is plenty of potential for it to really blossom as a new franchise imo.
Hopefully E3 delivers something big as well. My gut feeling is a Devil May Cry 5 reveal from Capcom and a Fallout 4 teaser to really get things rolling.
Last edited by Kevin555 on 3/24/2015 11:19:18 PM
I'm kinda doubting this new IP business just cuz they keep renaming their games.
Bloodborne very much is a new IP. While From Software may have a certain style of games, this one deviates from earlier games and not by a little. The only similarities are the notes on the ground, items having similar effects with different names and the difficulty level, it's nothing like demon souls or dark souls.
I was far more frustrated with DS2 than I am with this game. It feels far more rewarding to me on top of that.
No renaming…game does play much different than Soul games.
maybe technically…
Got Best Buys last copy, several stores were down to one or two, or out entirely, which honestly suprised me, I expected to just walk in casually and grab it at 6pm. Well I lucked out. Haven't tried it yet, but I'm convinced it's actually a system seller. The many 360 only souls fans will be awfully tempted I believe.
Japanese developers totally kickass…
I wish most of them believed that.
"Doubt will destroy more dreams than failure ever will."
They've done their maths.
my body is ready. i hope it gets delivered today.
Best PS4 game perhaps but of the generation, no.
What game you vouching for then?
Mario party 10 or Tipping Stars which one Jawknee? :-7
So far Bayonetta 2 or Super Mario 3D World. Though that's subject to change one MGS5 releases.
And hey, Tipping Stars looks fun, Hexen. You know you want it. =P
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/25/2015 9:41:18 PM
Mario Party 10 sucks by the way.
Mario Party 10 is more fun than reading your posts. So……
I've always liked the Mario Party games.
yeah i'd say so ben i think thats what everyones been thinking all along thats my thought, and it seems like a legit game too from what i hear on the interwebs
happy gaming