We've heard about this feature for some time, but it hasn't been officially revealed for PlayStation 4.
Even so, many assume it's coming. It's probably a safe bet, especially after the feature in question was shown off during a recent episode of the PSN TV show, "Powers."
As spotted by IGN , in-game video chat functionality was clearly evident in one scene, where a man chats with a woman while playing a game. You can see the woman in a small box on the lower left-hand corner of the TV screen. It's not exactly a press release but hey, we'll take it.
Xbox One players already have in-game video chat so Sony is late to the party. However, there's a chance the option will arrive for PS4 during the third quarter of 2015, so cross your fingers.
Sony? Late to the party? naaa, whatchu talkin about Willis?
I honestly thought it was already a feature. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't happen though since it appeared on a tv show, and of course we all know tv shows don't always portray any electronic devices' actual capabilities.
Do a lot of xbox users actually use this feature? Honest question
The voice is enough for me…
… in other news, Nintendo has stated they are working on games for smartphones.
I think it's interesting times.
Last edited by Beamboom on 3/17/2015 7:06:50 PM
yeah you could say that intersenting times indeeed
yeah i saw that, that could be a cool feature if it used and implement this right
oh and you heard about that annocement from nintendo
happy gaming