No guts, no glory.
The future of video games remains unknown to all, but we expect the world of interactive entertainment to continue pushing the envelope.
However, in order for that to happen, Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford says developers will have to be more willing to take risks. As he said during the latest Bonus Round episode :
"The oldest problem our species has faced is that we can't realize and manifest everything that we can imagine as quickly as we can imagine it. So the only solution to that problem is to make choices; and to pick one thing and abandon another. That can be difficult if there's a part of our minds that loves the thing that must be abandoned and is afraid of the new frontier that should be embraced.
But progress demands that we look forward. And the biggest and most exciting things that we're going to do be doing in interactive entertainment in the future are things that we can't even conceive of today. And we'll never get there unless we actually are comfortable taking some risks and trying things we haven't done before."
Pitchford was responding to interviewer Geoff Keighley, who was talking about virtual reality initiatives like Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus. Pitchford says he hopes the VR revolution isn't right around the corner, because he's still trying to get a handle on the current technology. As for risk vs. reward, that's always a difficult thing to consider in the world of business.
The bottom line is that publishers will only be willing to take more risks if the consumer is willing to give different games a chance. The responsibility first lies with us.
Risk Duke.
Well that sucks considering ppl don't give all games a chance… Especially in this economy… I know ppl that only buy like 4 games yearly
… Ergo, ignore these damn remakes, re-releases and retro sh*t that's chasing us like a plague these days.
Look forward, cherish new ideas and new franchises!
How does the responsibility lie with consumers? If you don't give consumers options, they obviously have no choice to make. So long as developers churn out mostly the same thing over and over, consumers don't have much say.
Last edited by Bio on 2/12/2015 11:50:13 AM
yeah i hear you ben and ur right if we reward the risk then we will get more of what we want and we gotta not reward them for the same old bland stuff and that goes for everyone me included thats i want to buy tuff like bloodbourne and the order and then some of the indie stuff that looks interesting speaking of which child of light is a good example even though ubi made that game stuff like olliolli and joe danger and no mans sky is more what i have in mind but yeah take a risk and we will reward you other wise this industry is going no where fast
happy gaming
Last edited by Rachet_JC_FTW on 2/13/2015 2:26:36 AM