Driveclub looks amazing. Project Cars might end up looking even better.
You can check out the graphical prowess of Bandai Namco's new racer in their latest trailer released today, aptly entitled, "Start Your Engines."
The footage shows off the awesome weather effects along with a host of cool cars. It's more of a cinematic video as opposed to a gameplay trailer but we'll take it for now. When it launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on March 20, the comparisons with Driveclub , Forza , Gran Turismo , and other racing IPs will likely begin immediately. Will Project Cars stand up the scrutiny…?
Well, with 60 frames per second, 1080p visuals on both PS4 and Xbox One, it should. It also helps that developer Slightly Mad Studios claims it's "the most technically advanced, beautiful, intense and most authentic racing game on the planet."
Related Game(s): Project CARS
This looks great. Looks a lot like a Gran Turismo game. I wasn't really interested in this game till this trailer. Hope it has great sim mode and a decent damage engine. GT5 was the last GT game I played, didn't finish it as I lost my game save. Skipped out on GT6, it just seemed too much like GT5 and TBO I was kind of disappointed with GT5.
GT6 was quite similar to GT5 sadly. I played GT5 nonstop, but got tired of it. Thought GT6 would reignite my interest, but it was still in concept..the same game. Played better though, but still. Waiting on GT7 myself
Meh. unless this game really draws in the high marks I'll stick to my Drive Club and then wait for Gran Turismo 7.
Still racing on PS3 until PS4 supports my G27.
Now this is what I was waiting for. Sorry Driveclub folks, 60fps is way better than 30 especially in racing.
well it looks like nfs shift which was a great circuit racer so i'd be keen for this game looks great just the sort of racer i'm looking for to enjoy unlike driveclub which i just finsish for the sake of finishing it not because i like really
happy gaming
Last edited by Rachet_JC_FTW on 1/19/2015 8:02:59 PM
so can't wait for this, now THIS is next gen not that drive club crap!
This is next gen? In what way? With graphics like these, of course it can hit 1080p/60fps lol.
clearly you need glasses.
this is by far THE best looking racing game out there!
Looks horrible for a game they claim to be gorgeous and beautiful. If it was a last gen game then I'd agree.
Looking forward to play it nonetheless. The track count is impressive.
It looks good nonetheless.
Not very likely for it to surpass Driveclub's achievements, IMO. I'm sure the PC version at max settings will be very pretty to look at, but consoles won't get that done.
The physics, open tracks, and open cars selections are such a great idea. I love the concept behind the game and will certainly own it. Very unlikely that I'll get it for the ps4, though, since I'm not buying a new wheel at this point. T500RS would cost me more than the PS4 and anything less simply sucks from them.