There really wasn't any nudity in Game of Thrones: Episode One – Iron From Ice , which probably surprised fans of the show.
The television series has plenty of nudity, so the fact that developer Telltale Games shied away from this has been a matter of some discussion. And as it turns out, they'll keep things clean in Episode 2 as well.
According to The Games Cabin citing the Australian classification board, Game of Thrones: Episode 2 – The Lost Lords will feature some language and innuendo but it doesn't appear as if nudity is part of the experience. Of course, Telltale probably wouldn't want to include the amount of nudity we see in the TV series but faithful fans might call that…well, unfaithful. What do you think?
The second episode is scheduled to arrive for all major platforms in January.
Related Game(s): Game of Thrones
Depends on the story, but it does seem like a departure from the source which is always questionable.
Strange passions and fleshy embraces are an important theme against the backdrop of upstanding figures, not just gratuitous nudity. So I think they played it too safe so far.
I hope Telltale keep up the trend. Almost all of the nudity/sex in the television series is completely gratuitous and over-the-top. I could switch to a softcore porn channel for a minute, then switch back and not have missed a single thing.
Telltale kept the focus where it should have been in the first episode, and they shouldn't deviate from their present course, in my opinion.
Books are far more content heavy, the series is keeping it tame compared to the book version.
no, it's part of the tale, woven into the character's positions against the backdrop of their main roles.
I'm struggling to think of more than a few instances where the sex/nudity has been justified.
On the one hand, it makes sense that Daenerys would be nude after being in the fire, her clothes all burned away. But when she's in the bath, to always keep her nipples in view, and when she steps out, to do a full-body shot, just in case the audience somehow thought she was wearing an undergarment in the bath, is completely ludicrous. Not to mention sex scenes or naked people providing an odd background for exposition, or (-shudder-) random Hodor penis.
I hear you have something against nudity.
Hey I'm glad they aren't putting nudity in for the sake of pleasing those fans, they want to gain more folks to play their game, however, nudity is what the series has in it. Unless you have something against nudity or are afraid of the content contained within the series and Books, then I can't see much a problem. Get over it. It's there. The game doesn't need it to be good.
I have nothing against nudity, and personally, I love looking at the naked female form. But I also love drama, and I realize that almost all sex/nudity in the visual medium is completely gratuitous, present only for titillation. It's pandering, and I usually find it insulting.
I've already given a few examples of my problems with the sexual content in the series, so I'm not sure why you're suggesting I'm against nudity or afraid of it. It would be more helpful if you could counter by explaining how those examples I put forward actually add anything to the narrative.
Read the Book! That's all I'm going to say. If you refuse to do that, then I can't help you there my friend. 🙂
I've read up to 'A Storm of Swords', and I don't want to read any more now that I'm caught up on the television series. This probably seems like blasphemy to fans of the novels from before the television series debuted, but I actually enjoy the television series more. And I would rather not know plot points ahead of time.
Last edited by Jalex on 12/24/2014 10:18:54 PM
I don't think there's so much nudity in the show that this would even be brought up. And further more what kind of person does it take to complain there's not enough nudity in a video game… fake, created nudity? It's one thing for a tv show and entirely different for a game. But that's just a side.
I really don't think this should have ever been talked about. Ever. It's not like the premise of the show is about naked people running around. It's entirely captured based on the environment of the show. Secondly it's quite funny but I have all the seasons and there's some sort of caption – don't remember what it says exactly – at the menu that says something along the lines of sexual content toned down for tv. Hinting that after season one they toned it down. And I noticed that for sure.
The gratuitous nudity and sex in Game of Thrones is actually central to the aesthetic of the universe Martin created, so censoring it kinda hampers the impact the games can have.
Either go with the source material or leave it to someone who will.
It's a fair point, but the decline in sexual content in the shows proves it's not a central point to the storytelling rather just part of it. So it's not super important, especially in a game. At least not as important as season one when they were trying to establish what the shows are. Since then as I've said it's certainly been showing up less and less.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/24/2014 1:48:15 PM
The sexual content has not declined
@ Big, oh you haven't seen anything yet. 😛
Bio be right
No, it's absolutely true. Each season has had less gratuitous sex/nudity, although seasons two thru four have a similar amount, all significantly less than the first season.
I've seen every episode. Season 1 had nudity and sex almost on par with Spartacus. Two through 4 have had far less. But why it's and argument I don't know.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/24/2014 9:57:28 PM
Can't believe crap like Dragon Age is beating Dark Souls II.
It's not crap Scarecrow. 😛 Dark Souls while it has an interesting gameplay mechanic doesn't have quite as much charm as Dragon Age. Have you played Inquisition?
I have nothing against nudity & sex on TV or video games, but to me it just seems like HBO think that they need to add as much of it as possible just because they can/are allowed because of whatever weird cable rules about nudity on tv…
I'm still a big fan of HBO tv series, but sometimes it's just too much, like in Rome & Game of Thrones. It just seems like they just add as much sex & violence as possible in some episodes just to shock people, while not really driving the story forward in any way.
I haven't read the books so I can't comment on how the books compare to the show, but I do know that a movie or tv series can never add all the story details & dialog from a book, and I'd much rather see them add more of that.
you know what i can't blame them some how they want lots of people play it and they can't if it R18
happy gaming