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Miegakure Lets You Explore The 4th Dimension On PS4

You know 2D and 3D. But were you aware of 4D?

Let Miegakure introduce you to the fourth dimension on PlayStation 4. As detailed over at the PlayStation Blog , the game tries to answer the question:

"What if there was another direction you could move along?"

Two directions in 2D, three directions in 3D…four directions in 4D? While it can be difficult for humans to figure this out – primarily because our universe has exactly three spatial dimensions – computers don't mind trying it out. To a computer, we're just talking about numbers, and that's the core of Miegakure . The developers use a method popularized in the novella "Flatland," where a 2D square can only see a 2D cross-section of a 3D world.

How does one play a 4D game? Well, maybe this trailer will help you better understand: