It's a new angle on the console war.
In this case, tech publication Wired wanted to know which of the two new game systems would survive a 15-foot drop onto concrete.
Obviously, this isn't something you'll be doing at home (unless a game really pisses you off) and to be perfectly honest, I'm surprised either one survives this test. The Xbox One does manage to function after the drop, though, while the PS4 looks dead. The loser gets the chainsaw, too, which means the PS4 had to bite the dust.
Both consoles have proven to be relatively reliable so far this generation. I guess that's what matters most.
bah, the XO on the 15' drop landed on an edge =p
Haha, yeah… There's that. Sounds legit. The xbone is twice the size. A compact design means less cushion for pointless tests. o_O
Lets drop a tank and a car off of a cliff and see what retains the most damage.
Cool video though.
the dropping angle of the xbox one is different than the playstaion4!
But, good for the xbox1 that it is good in something!! 🙂 same as last gen, rrod 🙂
They should try running over the 2 consoles using military tanks. The featured experiment was not conducted fairly.
So there is one thing which the xbox is better than the ps4 at. Also means that those who want to get rid of their xbox will need to put in a little extra gym work.
Haha, cool vid :). Was impressed both survived the 5ft drop tbh. Very impressed the XB One survived the 15 foot drop, but not terribly concerned for my PS4, I'm yet to drop any consumer electronics that distance or anywhere close!
I thought this was completely stupid. I would be only worried if u lived in some states that had earthquakes.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/27/2014 9:41:55 PM
I bet MS paid the guys to make sure the PS4 broke at 15' and the X1 didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i kinda expected that the ps4 isn't as brital and in this case the xb1 size gives it an edge in this one but the games are still better on ps4 so we still have that
happy gaming
these test are meaning since it was only done once, the angle and trajectory of the fall can affect everything, the PS4 landed squarely on one side while the crapbox1 was cushioned by the fact it glanced one side then went on the other, to be a real test they would need to drop 10+ time with 10+ diff machines.