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Sony On Driveclub: You Can’t Test For Server Impact

When you're ambitious, there will be roadblocks.

So, when Evolution Studios set out to create Driveclub exclusively for PlayStation 4, their lofty goals resulted in stability and server issues.

However, Sony acknowledges the situation. Furthermore, there were eventualities Evolution just couldn't prepare – or test – for. SCEA boss Shawn Layden tells IGN that while they certainly have QA teams, there's just no way to be certain how the game will perform once gamers hit the servers:

"In the development cycle, we try to do all things. In the development cycle, we try to test against every possibility. We have a [Quality Assurance] team, we have a QA plan. You do a beta test, you scope against that. But now, in a connected world, you can't effectively test in your house or in your beta group what it means to have 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 users hit your service. And the guys [at the studio] are struggling with that. It's throwing up things they had not anticipated."

Layden added that he receives daily updates as to the team's progress, and he admits things are "going slowly." Still, he praises the developer's grand vision and says they tried to produce the "best, newest, greatest thing ever to happen to the driving genre and they hit a hiccup." He finished by saying he prefers people "who have the ambition to try," and I can agree with that.

Related Game(s): Driveclub

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9 years ago

They can release the game on PS+ as intended though… I can't believe they're giving out DLC as an apology over not keeping to their word in the game being on PS+

9 years ago

It'll get there eventually.

9 years ago

Need to call him out on stress testing the servers. Bungie and Destiny say hello.

9 years ago

Agreed! Lets make a boat and not try it on the water before letting everyone in it!
I know the network being as horrible as it has been lately isn't doing it any favors but seriously???

9 years ago

So does Infinity Ward. Blizzard would say "hi" but they're too busy laughing and spilling their coffee all over themselves.

9 years ago

I wanna try the freebie version to see if I want the game. … oh yeah.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Seriously… This is a game released on only one, spanking new platform. What's the sales numbers on this game? 500k? Maybe a little more? As much as a mill?

When others can release multiplat multiplayer games with millions hammering on their servers from the first moment the floodgates are opened, Sony is telling me there's no way to be prepared for the rush Driveclub created?

It's a question of budgets, of course. And experience. And competence.
But possible? Oh come on.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/18/2014 3:27:37 PM

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
9 years ago

Actually, it sold 1 million units in it's first week. Not to excuse their sorry server performance but I'm sure they sold more units then expected. I bought the game and it's a lot of fun. Sucks it suffers from the problems it does.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 11/18/2014 3:59:02 PM

9 years ago

While it's technically true there's more that can be done to help avoid these disasters.
Companies like Ubisoft and EA deploy closed or open betas for this sort of thing.
Drive Club is FAR from the first game that has had heavy online integration but Drive Club may be one of the worst games to implemented it in recent memory. This is just a racing game too. Imagine how hard this sort of thing is for more indepth games….

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/18/2014 3:36:38 PM

9 years ago

Geez. Every time this dope opens mouth, it makes me miss Jack that much more. Jack Tretton and Bernie Stolar: the two best execs in gaming history.

9 years ago

I'm partial to Tom Kalinske and Peter Moore (when he was with SEGA and MS) and of course Jack.
The old and dead Yamuachi from Nintendo needed to be quiet too. Same with Phil Harrison.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/18/2014 6:58:51 PM

9 years ago

I vote for Handsome Jack.

9 years ago

What's up with Sony and completely moronic BS excuses/statements/apologies lately??!

There's PLENTY that can be done to estimate & calculate the network load, this is just more BS excuses from someone with no technical knowledge whatsoever.

9 years ago

$ony, and their illogical BS excuses strikes again!
its called a open beta, and the whole point of it is to open a game up to millions of users to test exactly that, THE SERVERS!
PC developers have been doing it for DECADES!
welcome to 1952 $ony……..
no, seriously though, $ony needs to stop hiring monkeys to do all their work!
and if your going to hire monkeys to create your games and servers, at least hire normal humans to filter out the bullsh*t excuses!
I'm sorry but if destiny can release on ps3, ps4, 360, xbox one, selling what 6 times better than drive club, and being about 10000000 times more ambitious and freaking massive, without a single freaking issue, then $ony one of the industries biggest companies should be able to manage releasing one tiny little game on one platform to what 1M sales!
this is the perfect example of why xbox live always has, and always will be better than PSN.
$ony really need to stop using pentium 2 machines for their servers!

9 years ago

I was with you until the end. This has nothing to do with psn vs xbox live, and all to do with poor coding, preparation & testing by the Driveclub team.

9 years ago

has everything to do with PSN, $onys too tight a$$ed to put in some proper half decent servers!
exactly why i can download a 50GB game off origin, uplay, steam, XBLA within a hour, but PSN takes me closer to TEN HOURS!
hell downloading TLOUR actually took me almost A DAY!!!!!!!!
started the download at 11PM before i went to bed and it did not finish downloading till after 10 the following night!

9 years ago

If it was an issue with PSN it would be an issue with all games, but you said yourself that Destiny for example works fine so then it has nothing to do with PSN specifically.

9 years ago

of course it has everything to do with PSN.
how long it takes you to download something is attributed to two main things, your internet connection and the server speed.
net connections normally pretty consistent only thing that will likely fluctuate is server speed.
hence why downloading things from different areas of the globe has different results, same thing goes with general web browsing.

9 years ago

its just you would think they would buy more servers and make them sturdy cos you got to expect now days alot of online server acitivity with games now days

happy gaming

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