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Just Cause 3 Details: A Denser World And A Wacky Backbone

The new Just Cause is officially in the works and if you're a fan of over-the-top sandbox games, you're pumped.

New details have been revealed thanks to a Game Informer interview with Avalanche Studios game director Roland Lesterlin.

First up, he says Just Cause 3 might not be bigger than its predecessor but it will most certainly be fuller:

"Just Cause 2 was already enormous. We really wanted to focus now on density and the feel of the world itself. So we didn't necessarily just have to do increased land mass. But we have certainly gone a lot bigger when it comes to density of the world. And now it's not just on top of the world–we also have caves and tunnels and all sorts of stuff there, too."

Environmental destruction will be a big part of the game as well, as Lesterlin explains. You can destroy bridges, for example, and the concept will go well beyond shooting holes in walls and taking down the occasional structure with heavy weaponry. In other words, they'll be amping up the insanity to extreme levels, which fans of the series should appreciate.

Elsewhere in the interview, Avalanche co-founder Christofer Sundberg was asked if Just Cause even needs a main narrative. In reply, Sundberg said that while JC3 will offer a more serious story as opposed to previous iterations, it's not a story-driven experience. He says the franchise has always been at its best when its silly and fun, so the end result will be about 30 percent serious and 70 percent "wacky." In comparison, he said JC2 was about 80/20.

Fine by me. Just make sure the mechanics aren't broken this time.

Related Game(s): Just Cause 3

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10 years ago

I wouldn't go as far as to say the mechanics were broken. Broken implies something doesn't work and in the 200+hrs I put into JC2 the game certainly did work.

JC3 will be a Day1 purchase for me. Anyone else?

10 years ago

Put around 120hrs in JC2, 8.5/10 for me, a better story, voice acting (it was funny for me) and vehicle controls should be Avalanche main priorities.

10 years ago

I'd love to see a combo of Borderlands and JC. The features of those two games combined would be mindblowing.

10 years ago

I had a hell lot of fun with JC2, put at least 150 hours in it.

Just stop teasing and give me a release date now!!

10 years ago

thats sounds like a good inpovement i'm looking forward to having a look at this

happy gaming