Another patch for Assassin's Creed Unity is just about ready to go.
As Ubisoft recently announced , the third patch seeks to address several bugs and glitches.
The following list of alterations and fixes isn't final but it's definitely a start:
Gameplay: This includes bugs like Arno getting stuck on certain areas of the map (including a few more hay carts), problems with getting into/out of cover, character animation bugs, and general camera problems.
AI & Crowd: in this category are problems with NPC animations, crowd events, and crowd stations, NPC navigation issues, as well as bugs related to NPCs detecting Arno’s activities in various situations.
Matchmaking & Connectivity: This covers a number of issues related to co-op play, including bugs with joining games in-progress and problems that happen during host migration.
Menus & HUD: Fixes in this category will address missing details in certain menus, problems with some of the mission objective and co-op update pop-ups, localization inconsistencies, as well as some of the issues with menus and pop-ups overlapping each other.
General Stability: This includes fixes for a number of crash situations we've identified in both campaign and co-op modes.
Ubisoft added that they're continuing to investigate other performance issues, including frame rate drops, and they're "looking into how we can address them." They'll keep us apprised of their progress as time goes on, and the end result should be a much more stable and refined production.
On paper, Ubisoft has made me eat my words about complaints. Kudos to the team for the prompt bug fixes. Proving my opinion and views wrong of the product is nothing to be ashamed of.
Last edited by DemonNeno on 11/16/2014 10:01:16 PM
Glad they released the game before having done a few tests of it. Any tester could have played a playthrough and seen the massive mess it was in. Course, its gotta be yearly.
Cool they fixing it. I will be very positively supprised if they can fix framerate to be stable 30fps – something that will make me reconsider my purchase.
I commend Ubisoft for the effort that they're putting it to try to rectify the absolutely shambolic state that Unity was in at release, but they shouldn't have to.
I know that games have never been 100% bug-free, but whatever happened to pride in one's product. An author wouldn't see fit to release a book with spelling mistakes throughout (unless it was a stylistic thing). It's ridiculous that developers and publishers think it's okay to push out a game with glaring flaws and fix it later just so that it can make its annual release date and prop up the companies' bottom lines.
It's absolutely disgusting, and Ubisoft isn't alone in it; EA with Battlefield 4, Sony with DriveClub… The whole practice just needs to stop.
I'm sorry for raving, but I just had to.
I agree with what you say about releasing troubled products but what also needs to stop is gamers' massive overreaction to technical issues that do not prevent you from playing the game. It was not released in an "absolutely shambolic state", I got it day 1 and have put over 20 hours into it over the past week and have never encountered a serious game breaking bug. Sure there were some bugs I noticed and at times the frame rate lagged a little but it never affected gameplay and didn't occur that often. It's a shame that some gamers have overreacted so much because it really is a great game.
I'm not saying we shouldn't criticize its failures but come on let's be fair about it and applaud the game's successes as well (which far outweigh the failures).
I get what you're saying, and perhaps my wording was a bit too strong. But, most of the issues that have been brought up by gamers should never have been allowed to make it through QA, in particular the accounts of falling through the map and getting stuck on objects, and the menus. Those are avoidable problems.
We need to find a balance between criticism and praise because, right now, it seems as though most people are on one side of the fence or the other, and are too heavy-handed in one or the other.
hmmm sounds like its now time for me to get this game. I had a feeling if i wait a week most if not all the bug well b patched
The "Game of the Year" edition will be perfect then, when I get it 2 years from now at $15 🙂
My biggest issue with with the frame rate. They fix that, and I'm grabbing it.
I'm waiting for the res and performance patch to release. They released one like that for ACIV last year. It took the game from 900p to 1080p with no performance hit.
I feel they can just reduce the number of NPCs from some huge number (1000?) and half that, and all will be well.
Why is Ubisoft so fixated on having a huge number of NPC characters roaming around? I thought the crowds in previous AC games were just fine.
No, the massive amount of NPCs add to the experience and help create a living, breathing city.
but it takes away from the experience if the game is most always chugging at sub 20-25fps.
The game really wasn't ready to ship. They needed to polish it up some more before release. This probably would've had a profound impact on it's overall user/critic satisfaction and on the responsive feeling of the controller.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/17/2014 8:26:45 PM
well i just hope it actualls works properrelly now, but its shouldn't have been like this to begin with
happy gaming