Now this is what we like to see: DLC that brings free content to everyone!
The Dark Below expansion for Destiny drops on December 9, and it'll feature a horde of new stuff, like new weapons, quests, bounties, raids and strikes. It'll also increase the maximum Light Level to 32.
For more on that, check out the full details . But there's more: As announced at Bungie's website , The Dark Below will also deliver some free-for-all content:
So, even if you didn't pony up the $35 for the Season Pass, and even if you don't want to spend $20 on the new DLC, you'll still get the goodies listed above. Nice, huh?
Related Game(s): Destiny
I think it's lame the XO users are still being gimped on Strike missions. Not that I'm some big fairness guy with consoles, but the door swings both ways in these exclusivity deals… see Tomb Raider.
In the case of Destiny, every strike mission really counts, and I think it only hurts the reception of the ip when a whole community is being withheld very meaningful content. It's one thing when a platform gets some added "throw away" missions or special guns or cars or something, but it's another thing when a game that's deprived of content gets even more skimmed down.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/3/2014 9:39:16 PM
yeah that pritty awsome i will agree
happy gaming
Those bounty slots are going to come in handy.