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PSXE Poll Update: Advanced Warfare Won’t Save The Series

Although Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare looks promising, many doubt that it can rejuvenate the blockbuster franchise.

Analysts, journalists and gamers alike agree that the series has slipped over the years, and we wanted to know if you thought the new entry would mark a return to glory. The majority of our readers really doubt it'll happen, while most say there's no chance and "CoD is going down."

This isn't all that surprising, as Call of Duty is in a tenuous position: Last year's Ghosts was a step backward, sales (and pre-orders) are going in the wrong direction, and a brand new studio is at the helm for the new iteration. Without Treyarch or Infinity Ward, Advanced Warfare almost seems like a crapshoot, you know? Here's hoping it turns out well, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if CoD took a break after this…

Now, what's your most anticipated November release? There are plenty of big-name titles on tap for this month; which one tops your list?

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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10 years ago

honestly for me its a hard one to pick a most wanted one cos i would want far cry 4 and both AC games and LBP 3 and smash bros although dragon age i would like but i would be at the bottom but all the others are kinda all equal i could decide at this time one other another maybe if i was at a store and they were like choose one maybe that would make it easier but sitting here typing i haven no clue and thats being as transparent as possible as you guys know i try to be as transparent as possible

also on another note i have a report due at the end of the day my time and a presentation next week for my fina year full year engineering project so all you est wishes and hope and prays would be greatly appreciated

happy gaming

10 years ago

sry if i upset someone thats just where i'm at atm

10 years ago

AW looks interesting i really like the more futuristic look.
not too excited for it though, while the futuristic setting looks interesting, it still really does look like the same old same old.

as for the new poll has to be halo collection, come on we get to play 3 of THE best games ever made updated with HD modernised graphics?
yes please!
especially halo 4, that looked so stunning by far one of the best looking last gen games so i can't wait to see what its like now.
FC4 would be a close second, been playing 3 like literally every single day since it released by far one of the best games ever released so much fun and really addictive!
i just hope they kept all the skilltrees they had some really cool interesting stuff especially with the stealth kills jumping from enemy to enemy stabbing them, or grabbing a enemy and stealing his gun then hoping off 4 quick shots killing 4 enemies in seconds.
total awesomeness badassness!!!!!!

10 years ago

may i ask y u say halo 4 personally i didn't have fun factor that halo 2 had for me or even halo 3 although i don't think i played it but from what i can remeber well halo 4 was kinda rubbish compared to halo 2 but that was just me. but yea far cry looks epic and the 3rd one was pritty awsome have had much time with it personally or with mates can't give you a thumbs up as i can't agree with everything for the above reasons

10 years ago

Not that interested in advance warfare, will probably be good fun but the campaign bit will only last a max of 10 hours – not what I want in a game.

In terms of November releases I'm completely split between AC:Unity and Inquisition.

10 years ago

"War. War never changes…"
While many see this iterration of CoD as something fresh, for me it is a nail to the coffin. Same old thing, different setting. And the fact that you are shooting some plasma weapons, using jetpacks… meh, not my cup of tea.
I'm afraid that Battlefield is also going down. After one month of playing BF4 multiplayer I got bored, while I could play BF:BC2 for months!
Ehh, I miss Bad Company – wish there would be BC3 someday.
Anyway, for the pool, I voted for GTA5 as it is a priority if I would had to choose only one game. But I don't so will grab also AC:U 🙂
I decided to lay off FC4 for now because really.. 3 open world games at the same time is a no-no.

10 years ago

It's looking pretty incredible from a tech standpoint. It looks a lot like a Killzone game in a futuristic sense. I look forward to playing it.

Also, the PS4's does run at a locked 1080p. XO's has a scaling resolution that dips down when action gets too hot.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/3/2014 10:04:43 AM

10 years ago

oh hehe… I picked Halo Master Chief Collection on this week's poll =)

10 years ago

I think we'll see an increase in sales on this title over Ghosts. They sort of have an attitude of half-admission that Ghosts wasn't fantastic.

I think if this new one makes significant strides forward, or at the very least, is a really solid title, people will continue to love it and this will "save" CoD. If it's of Ghost quality or worse, I think CoD will inevitably be doomed for average sales in a few years time. Seriously though… if Advanced Warfare is a hit and really is a great game, it'll take the torch over and over again this generation, too.

10 years ago

Is that it for November? Would've been AC but I've grown tired of that series and I still haven't played Black Flag. Easily it's Smash for me.

10 years ago

ican understand and i get u wanting smahs the most looks like a pritty sick game

10 years ago

I didn't get around to Black Flags until October. I felt the same way. Got it on the cheap.

VERY glad I played it though. Best AC since AC2.

10 years ago

Where's Lego Batman 3 on the list?

10 years ago

yeah thats a good question where is it ben i'm curious now

10 years ago

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd is the obvious November choice.

But from that list, LittleBigPlanet 3. The demo they have in stores now shows off some great level mechanics that I can't wait to try out.