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Right Now, What Is The PS4’s Biggest Selling Point?

I'm appealing to all the PlayStation fans out there: What would you say is the PS4's top selling point right now?

Let's pretend you're working at GameStop or somewhere, and a customer asks you to recommend one of the new video game consoles. Being a long-time Sony fan, you want to point toward those blue boxes.

But when you do, what's your sales pitch? What are you going to highlight? Are you going to focus on the system's power, which is really unknown right now? Would you then cite past PlayStation consoles, saying developers tapped into more and more power as time went on? Or, would you talk about PlayStation Plus and it's great offers and deals? Then again, there's the upcoming exclusive software, which is bound to be amazing. It's hard to convince consumers to buy something based on products that aren't here yet, though…

I just keep thinking about Sony saying they're not 100 percent certain why the PS4 continues to sell so well all around the world. Then I pictured myself as a salesman and tried to figure out what I'd say to convince someone to buy a PS4 over an Xbox One or a Wii U. I'm interested to hear what other gamers would say when placed in a similar position.

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9 years ago

Well one thing I'd avoid is the ds4 in theory and at first it is a great controller but over time its pretty cheaply made the thumb sticks peel off the joysticks especially the left one can fail not allowing u to run in a game I have had several friends have problems even the r2 l2 buttons r weak n can break but the thumb stick covers r what's most noticeable

9 years ago

My only complaint about the Controller is that it can make your hands a little sweaty but maybe it's just me.

9 years ago

You folks must beat on your equipment, don't play so hard with it!

9 years ago

Well, I'm never one that beats on my controllers so I was actually pretty surprised that my left analogue stick in my original black DS4 started acting funny.

While playing TLoU I noticed my character would judder while walking, as if he was always getting stuck on something on the floor and while playing Destiny, my character would just stop running occasionally. It was really frustrating!

Using the cursor in Destiny I noticed that when I move the analogue stick in any single direction, say left for example, the cursor goes all over the place while travelling left – moves a little up, then down. Very jaggedy movement also. Crazy.

I grabbed my new controller and it moved straight left, straight right, every time.

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 10/23/2014 12:23:27 AM

9 years ago

I love the DS4 though. The form and function of it is simply the best, hands down. But yeah Sassy, I think the build quality is not as robust as past dualshocks.

I'm really hoping it was only with the first batch of DS4s…only time will tell.

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 10/23/2014 12:28:05 AM

9 years ago

The same thing has happened to my left stick. I only noticed it in Diablo, I couldn't always notice in Last of Us. It doesn't seem to matter with Shadow of Mordor's run button so I've been putting off getting it fixed by sony until I feel like going to the post office. Definitely surprised by the apparent lack of quality control there.

9 years ago

Love your controller, your controller will love you back and won't break:)

9 years ago

Wow, I thought the question was "What would you use as the selling point". I guess I'd better learn to read.

9 years ago

I don't have a PS4 but I will say this, my experience with the DS3 controller, is that always around the 2 year mark or a little more, the left thumbstick L3 doesn't click right and usually the analog rotation is screwed up also. Imo, out of the Sony dualshocks, the DS2 best ever so far.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/23/2014 11:58:46 AM

9 years ago

I have also experienced a little peeling of the joystick rubber. It is only a tiny bit but my right one started peeling a couple of months ago.

9 years ago

The promise of great software.

I'm still waiting for greatness

9 years ago

Same here lol

9 years ago

yeeeeaaahhhh me too :/

9 years ago

I would ask what motivates them to play games. What kind of games they like. What kind of past games they've played and liked etc. If they preference multiplayer over single player or like a mixture of both. If frame rates and graphics are a big deal etc.
After I've asked enough questions I'd start making recommendations.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/22/2014 10:49:19 PM

9 years ago

I'd just say that blue box right there is where the future lies, that green box over there is where the past lies. The blue box, or the green box, make your choice.

9 years ago

mad skillz there world

9 years ago

heh thanks. I call it "The Morpheus Approach"

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/23/2014 9:09:50 AM

9 years ago

Yeeeahh… he said it totally diferent. Check my post below. I just quoted him, repleacing pills for box.

9 years ago

Potential. Honestly, I really think that's what most people are trusting right now.

9 years ago

is has the best looking games across the board for a console let me say again for a console incase some PC gamer comes here is like nope PC i know i quite aware of that.

then there's all the games comin up soon and we know there is even more still on top that and sony has the biggest network of studios in the world or close to in so lots of games comin and its the best console on the maket it there isn't any other reason

happy gaming

9 years ago

Games, games to come, graphics.

9 years ago

It's slim, it's fast. It's… SlimFast! 😀

Ok but really, I would just point out few multiplatform games that perform better on PS4 then Xbone, then I would throw in few upcoming jaw-droping exclusives. If that wouldn't convince the buyer… then:

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the green box – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the blue box – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember: all I'm offereing is the truth."
Lol 😀

Last edited by JackieBoy on 10/23/2014 3:28:13 AM

9 years ago

The hardware – it's technically the best alternative – and the future potential implied.
That really is the only argument I can think of right now.

Also, I'd avoid mentioning the mandatory Plus charge unless the customer indicates he or she spend a *lot* of time gaming.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/23/2014 3:53:40 AM

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I honestly couldn't come up with one. It's the reason I still haven't upgraded to this gen myself.

9 years ago

I'm with daus26 here, Ben. It's basically the sum of what you mention in your article. Its potential. We can only expect great things to come in the near future. The PS4, from a technical and sales standpoint, is the only real option to move forward and bring about those great things. Yeah, we can probably support other systems with a bit lesser technical prowess. We've done that before as consumers, we supported the PS2 in spite of there being the Xbox and Gamecube. Let's not forget, however, that the legendary PS2 was who's champion? That's right, Sony's.

9 years ago

Being a PS4 OWNER, which it seems some of the respondents here are not, I'd point out how the system has been created from the ground up to play games and the ease of connecting and playing/sharing that fun with your friends. Of course it would depend on whether the buyer is purchasing it as a gift or for themselves (explaining anything technical to a typical mom is going to be close to a waste of time) tho. I find myself routinely watching the streams and posting 4-5 videos a day so that level of play hasn't been available before (on either console). The games are actually not what I'd immediately throw out there until I knew whether the person was buying for themselves or not. Reason being is that if you told me about GTA coming and AC coming and Uncharted coming I'd ask what's here now. Also, none of those games would get me to buy anyway considering my eclectic taste.
I believe it's the hardware that overpowers the games this generation.

9 years ago

well obviously the biggest selling point is that its not an Xbox One

9 years ago

Unfortunately this is a hard sell this holiday season. I haven't touched my PS4 since I re-bought the last of us. And there isn't much in the way of exclusives this fall. I've basically used it to play most of the 3rd party games (exception being Destiny as most of my buddies own an Xbox). So I guess I would start with saying 3rd party games look slightly better on the PS4. And the promise that there are some good exclusives on the horizon for PS4.

It's a tough sell because right now Xbox One is killing it with bundles and exclusives this holiday. Big 3rd party game bundles as well.

9 years ago

Are you kidding me? Are you aware there are over 10 different retail PS4 bundles available worldwide? Ten bundles available within the first year and Xbox is killing them?
You sir, need to actually read up on things before you post them.

9 years ago

I live in the US, I'm aware of all the PAL/European bundles.

As far as I know there is only the Destiny bundle…which is $450, not exactly a deal. Compare that to the Xbox bundles where you're getting 1-2 games for free essentially. Also notice I said "this holiday", not what was available "within the first year".

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 10/23/2014 5:50:44 PM

9 years ago

There are so many reasons the PS4 is the best place to play! I would have to say graphics, controller!, exclusives, the best multiplatform games, better specs, Remote Play and Share Play soon!

I just feel fortunate as a Playstation fan to have Sony release a console that is the best. If I were an X1 fan I would always be sad knowing that my X1 wasn't the best and was weaker than the competition in every way.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
9 years ago

The PS4 has a nice integration with Facebook when it comes to sharing videos and screenshots. I know I'm not the only one who likes to do such things. For those who enjoy it as well, the PS4 is the way to go. Plus, the PS4's in-game DVR gets the nod in my book, too. The 25-second limit on the X1 is ridiculous, in my opinion. I like having 15 minutes of PS4 footage to fart around with when I make videos of me sucking at playing games. Also, the X1 still doesn't have a screenshot option, which is unfortunate.

Last edited by SirLoin of Beef on 10/23/2014 12:35:11 PM

9 years ago

It's 5 minutes not 25 seconds. The "Record That" quick upload is what's 25 seconds (pretty useful for something that just happens in game and I dont even have to stop playing to upload), the Game DVR records 5 minutes. Still 15 is longer. Even though the X1's editor destroys the PS4's, better integration with social media instead of having to go through OneDrive would be appreciated.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
9 years ago

How do you access the 5 minute record? I'm not trying to be a wise guy or anything, I truly want to know as I'd like to be able to do more than 25 second bursts here and there.

*EDIT: Did a Google search and found it. Looks like I have some stuff to try out. 🙂

Last edited by SirLoin of Beef on 10/23/2014 1:15:40 PM

9 years ago

Edit: Sorry, Beef. Post was not meant as a direct response. Glad you found the game dvr

It's easy to recommend the PS4 to anyone looking to be on the cutting-edge of gaming for the next 4 to 5 years. Great system with an extremely bright future. Still, it lacks the compelling software at this time. Some numbers for year end 2014: 14, 2, and 1. These are the total retail exclusives (games that cannot be bought currently on another console or PC) that rate 75 or higher on Metacritic through year's end for the Wii U, X1 and PS4 respectively. Thats assuming SSMB (I count it because it will he superior to the 3DS version in many ways beyond graphics) ans CT: TT for the Wii U and Sunset Overdrive for the X1 pull in good scores, which I think is a pretty safe bet. Even with a year lead, that is an embarrassing statistic from both of the "big" consoles of the eight gen. That gap will close for both next year, though. Especially, the PS4 with its pseudo exclusive support from Japan. As pavlovic said above, we are still waiting for greatness.

Last edited by n/a on 10/23/2014 2:33:04 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Don't bother mentioning that the Wii U has been out a full year longer than the other machines, or anything.

9 years ago

"Even with a year lead, that is an embarrassing statistic from the two "big" consoles of the eighth gen."

I think I did.

And since half of those titles came out in the first 13 months of the Wii U's lifespan it still proves my point that both big systems lack quality exclusives. Seriously, the only resolution that needs to be discussed is a resolution from both fanbases to expect and demand quality and excellence, and to stop defending mediocrity.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

You're absolutely right.

Nintendo fans have been defending mediocrity for two decades and it's beyond comical.

9 years ago

Tablet/smartphone have taken over for most gaming. But if you want full production $60 action/adventure games, you either get a Windows tower PC with Steam or you get a PS4/XBO console. And people generally agree that unless you are particularly partial to Microsoft, PS4 is just the better pick of the PS4/XBO twins.

9 years ago

Tablet/Smartphone have taken over most of the gaming?

I lol'ed.

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