The Evil Within is upon us.
The horrific brainchild from Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami hits store shelves today, and survival/horror aficionados everywhere are expecting something very special.
Here's the aptly named Final Trailer for the game, which features the dark, creepy atmosphere and a lot of blood and death. Some of these enemies are bound to haunt your dreams and if it doesn't happen from this video, just wait until you play the game… There are numerous ways of dealing with such nightmarish foes, though; traps and deception will be key to survival, more so than your weaponry and ammo.
You gettin' this one?
Related Game(s): The Evil Within
I took the preorder plunge, dunno if I'll have time to play tomorrow but thurs and fri are teacher conferences and they don't need me 🙂
I hope it's as "scary" as Ben intimated. I need my collection to have more keepers. This is gonna be great October/Halloween time gaming methinks.
I want blood and fear!
I pre-ordered too….I saw early reviews talking about how it had elements of Resident Evil 4 in it (which I mostly expected from Mikami, with also more survival horror), and that makes me look forward to this even more since RE4 is one of my all time favorite games.
Last edited by rjmacready on 10/14/2014 12:08:28 AM
IGN gave it an 8.7, saying the gameplay is tough but thrilling to endure and has plenty of scary feature. The down points being that it apparently suffers from a boring protagonist and the story is unremarkable… which I find a bit unsettling so I reckon I'll be holding out on this one for now.
After watching more gameplay and trailers – I won't be getting it for the fact that I won't enjoy the experience. This is one of those games that I prefer to watch someone else play while I wrap myself in a blaket with some coffee lol.
Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 10/14/2014 8:42:03 AM
The sneaking/throwing element and character posture is a copy of Joel in TloU lol