Too many people have been skeptical of Driveclub . That's first.
From everything I've seen and heard, this has the potential to be a true next-gen racing experience, and one everyone might love. Okay, so it's not entirely free; did anyone really expect it to be?
Evolution knows what they're doing in the racing genre, and Driveclub offers gamers of all ages a chance to drive some of the finest vehicles on earth. I envision it as being one of those titles you can always turn to when you've got nothing else to play. I can picture turning it on, ducking into my favorite car, and zooming away on a picturesque stretch of road somewhere. Maybe I'll check to see what my friends are doing, or maybe I'll just drive around solo. I find that activity quite relaxing, even if its virtual.
On top of which, I'd forgotten that the majority of heavy hitters are in November now: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare , Dragon Age: Inquisition , Far Cry 4 , both Assassin's Creed installments, etc. And don't forget that games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , Battlefield: Hardline and Batman: Arkham Knight – all feasibly October releases when they were first announced – are now in 2015. This opens the door for Driveclub to be the elite release this month.
I hope I'm right. The PlayStation 4 could really use a kick-ass exclusive for the holiday season.
Related Game(s): Driveclub
If there's not at least a free trial version I'll never buy anything from this developer no matter how good it looks
No free trial version, technically, but there is the PS Plus version, which offers a limited selection of cars and tracks while still allowing you to get the Platinum, if you want to.
i want to be convinced ben. i want to preorder it for 50 bucks. but i just dont think its doing anything worth buying. someone convince me.
i also have to say the vita's browser has just been dramatically improved works like a champ now here on psxe.
I played it at Gamescom in August and what I played was solid. It felt good and looked pretty amazing. I ended up pre-ordering it so I hope the rest of it's good.
October is really packed – got this, Legend of Korra, and (most likely) The Evil Within. And my wife's birthday! Going to have to get creative with my time… 🙂
Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 10/3/2014 12:29:16 AM
that's a better report than what Lawless had to say from last year's demo.
So is the game still gonna be $50 for PS Plus members AFTER it's released?
Yeah, I it's still going to be $50 for PS+ members after release. No harm in waiting for reviews.
What I'm not sure about though is if that's an October deal or permanent.
are the roads always tight corridors?it seems every time i see it the track roads never open up at parts.
Can't speak for the rest of the game, but the one track I played may have been little tight, now that I think about it. It did open up out of the turns though, at least I remember one in particular being like that.
I wouldn't worry about being convinced, just hit up the PS+ version, and get the full one if you like it. Only pre-order if you're sure of something, you can't play it before release day, and it's available digitally so there's no chance you won't be able to get it (and how often are games sold out these days in any event?)
Too late! It's pre-ordered.
I couldve waited but I wanted to have it pre-loaded and ready to go on Tuesday.
Played a demo of it at EBX last year. Found it rather awful, though it looks to be much improved in the interim. Though, I don't think it will necessarily be the best game of the month when put up against The Evil Within, Sunset Overdrive, (hopefully) Lords of the Fallen, and possibly The Legend of Korra.
I can't believe we're only a few days away from the game's release, after such a massive delay. I find it mindboggling that the PS4 has already been on the market for almost a full year.
Last edited by Lawless SXE on 10/2/2014 11:53:29 PM
I know Ben. When I saw the newest gameplay, my jaw dropped. It really went from wam to WAMBAM.
I need some racers on my ps4, this is a good one to have. It looks awesome plus with a big demo for it with ps+ it makes it all the more worth it.
For some people, me including, it's all about the technical feats running around, seemingly unseen most of the time, and yet making things complete, that draw me to play. Driveclub is one of those games that includes amazing technical numbers and features that goes with its already amazing previews. Didn't take me a second thought to pre-order.
People should be skeptical. My interest is piqued, I am a *huge* Motorstorm fan, but I don't see what this game does that makes it special beyond look pretty (very, very pretty). I'll try it, I'm hoping it's great, but skepticism is warranted.
You're not going to find anything looking at pictures and videos that will be meaningful. At the end of the day, it offers an option to fill in the first party void. There aren't arcade racers available for the PS4 that can help drive sales. Not many social racers with such intricate social racing integration. Had a similar discussion on the Dualshockers section about this game.
It's offering unique effects, their own refinements regarding physics and control, and the support after you purchase it should be rewarding. Beyond that, if you still need to be convinced, well you'll have to wait and try it for yourself.
Regardless of gaming sites liking it or not, this game will go heads up against Forza. Perhaps not horizon, but it's somewhat in between. Personally, I think it'll bring a lot to the table a day will succeed from it. Wasn't critical about getting my hands on it, but have since changed my mind. Although it's till is not as a first day purchase for me.
I am going to try out the free ps plus version i've been fiending for a racing game haven't had one in about 5 years lol… But NBA2k15 will be the best game this month. Sales wise and probably rating wise too.
I hear you on wanting a good racing game. COME ON already and please please please tell us Criterion has secretly been making another Burnout Paradise game.
Side note, I keep waiting for games to duplicate what Burnout Paradise did with showing vehicle damage and having it get worse and worse until you totaled your car. Doesn't seem like 5-6 years later (?!?!) it should be that hard. (twss!)
That game was a friggin blast to just turn on, drive around for a bit and chill. I, like Ben, appreciate that in a game.
Stay Classy PSX…
I really really wish we could get a Blur 2. That game was Mario Kart for adults too bad it came out around the same time as the new and hype filled split second forza and I think dirt also came out around that time. It got overshadowed despite having decent to good reviews. I need another Mario Kart for adults.
Hopefully it feels good because I am currently in The Crew beta and as many journalists had reported controls are definitely a bit wonky. I haven't gotten any handling mods on my car yet but I find it VERY annoying they make it so your car handles like crap without them.
Really hope this game turns out well because if it does I will be putting a lot of time into this game haven't owned a good racing in a while.
I'm thinking alien isolation has a great chance of being the best this month, but also a bigger hitter is borderlands and it may be last gen but im stoked for that.
a facebook game the best game in october!?
HA thats funny……. come on october may be slower this year than normal, but its not THAT slow!
he means the quality and offering of Drive Club could be likened unto a Facebook game.
… yet still I wonder aloud…huh?
Troll. Wonder no more.
no not at all, it just pisses me off i dont think ive heard the developers talk about this game ONCE without mentioning the term social.
im starting to wonder if this is a "4 the gam3rs" game, or a for the facebook generation game!
Might try the PS Plus version. Just wish I had some special piece of furniture to attach my wheel to and stay in my easy chair.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/3/2014 9:42:53 AM
What wheel do you have, World? I'm bummed that my recaro seat and tube rig won't fit in my current living room… The woman might murder me if I relocate a couch… Or 3. 😛
A racing game with VR support. That's what I'm waiting for! =)
yeah i'm pritty keen for farcry and AC for this year and the witcher and batman for next year and then soon driveclub will arrive on the seen for the delight racing fans everywher including myself
happy gaming