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Advanced Warfare Campaign “Longer Than The Last Few”

For many Call of Duty detractors, one of their biggest pet peeves is the length of the campaigns.

Some have been longer than others, but a few have only come in at four or five hours. So, how long will the single-player adventure be in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ?

A fan asked Sledgehammer co-founder Glen Schofield that very question on Twitter and while he didn't give an hour estimate, he said:

"Coming in longer than the last few."

The most recent CoD campaigns have been the shortest; Treyarch's World at War was actually quite lengthy by comparison, as were some older installments…you know, before multiplayer became the focal point of the entire shooter world. Of course, I'd be satisfied with 7 or 8 hours if the game felt satisfactorily complete and fulfilling. I don't need a 15-hour campaign, although I do admit that Wolfenstein: The New Order was pretty awesome.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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10 years ago


10 years ago

I'll be honest, I played the first handful of these but only finished the first Modern Warfare front to back. Either it was so riveting I lost track of time or it was the shortest game I ever played. (I'm thinking the latter because I wasn't too impressed). To hear the others got shorter just gives me a bad impression.

10 years ago

Haha! "Longer than the last few" is not hard to do.

10 years ago

To be honest, I've been gaming for decades, and never once have I completed a game that was quoted at "4 or 5 hours", in that time frame.
Do people just run through it as fast as they can the first time, and then try to be the first to post "4 hour campaign!" on their review?

I found all the previous COD campaigns to be decent length.

I would pay to sit for 4 hours with someone and watch them play a COD game, for the first time, to completion in 4 hours. lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, that's why I always tell people to be wary of length estimates you get online from critics and journalists. They often DO rush through it as quickly as possible for review purposes, totally forgetting that most people don't play that way.

I still remember when everyone was saying Heavenly Sword was only 5 or 6 hours, which was CRAP. It took me double that and I was definitely not dallying.

However, I will say that those who said the first Modern Warfare was only four hours were about right. I think that's how long it took me.

10 years ago

I think Heavenly Sword actually did take me about 6.5 hours but afterward I was still like "Totally worth it"

edit: I might have had it on easy or something.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/25/2014 1:45:49 PM

10 years ago

it could be on the easy setting.

i usually play cod on veteran which will take me 6-10 hrs since that setting allows bullets to fly through EVERY single thing.

10 years ago

So many people set it to recruit and blast through through the campaign like nothing hit you, so weak and for that I think your kind of getting ripped off. Putting that aside, since they have 3 developers it would be interesting if one of the teams can build a COD online (maybe perhaps a f2p, everybody has their own personal favorite weapons in the game) since a lot only care for the mp, just my thought.

10 years ago

They are actually trying with this one it seems.

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