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Destiny Is The Most Pre-Ordered New IP In Game History

GameStop already announced that Destiny was the most pre-ordered new IP in the retailer's history.

Now, publisher Activision has confirmed that in fact, Destiny is the "most pre-ordered new video game IP in history." Well, that stands to reason, as GameStop has been around for quite a while and they're the biggest game retailer in the world.

Activision also believes Destiny could be similar to Halo , in that it'll be big enough to impact pop culture beyond the gaming sphere. That's undoubtedly true, especially if the game remains super popular for years to come. Said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg:

"Destiny has been a labor of love and a remarkable creative journey for everyone at Activision and Bungie. We feel that we have the opportunity to launch something huge–not just into the gaming landscape, but the pop cultural landscape. Arriving at our launch day with this much support and enthusiasm from fans and retailers is downright exciting. Moments like this just don't come around very often."

It's true that most gamers seem to really love Destiny , which is why sales should go through the roof. The game officially launches tomorrow and if you're planning to skip school or work to grab it and play, well…you're not the only one.

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

Am I just being paranoid, or could our fun be ruined by another DDOS attack tomorrow?

*fingers crossed* this doesn't happen…

10 years ago

i dont think ddos, but more server overload and having connection issues. lets see how prepared bungie/activiton is for this.

10 years ago

They handled 5,6 millions in beta , i think it will be fine .

10 years ago

This game will probably go down as the biggest deception in gaming history.

10 years ago

what do u mean deception? how so?

10 years ago


10 years ago

Well aren't you pessimistic.

10 years ago

shaytoon, it's deception made up in his delusional head. Pretty sure neither Activision or Bungie has done anything to deceive us that this game is worth our $60. They've even gone as far to let millions of gamers try it before they buy it.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/8/2014 4:40:10 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Delivery estimate is tomorrow by 8…pm! What non sense is this? I want it carefully placed under my pillow while I'm sleeping so it's ready to go when I wake.

10 years ago

I just came from Gamestop. We had to bring in our receipts to get a number to stand in line and what not for tonight. (Dont ask me why, its a stupid reason in my book). Anyways, there was over 300 people in line to finish paying or getting that ticket. That doesnt count any of those who will just come in later after the crowd dies down a bit tonight.

Dont let anybody fool you, there are tons of Xbox One people buying this game as well. I mean tons.

10 years ago

At my Gamestop there are tons of PS4 folks. Hell even a few folks are buying the PS4 bundle. Depends on the area I guess. And I don't think the number thing is stupid, makes the process smooth so you can get out hassle free.

10 years ago

I don't even get all the hype, isn't it just another MP FPS? Also I find most of activision's games to be disappointing so I have very little hope of this game being special in any way other than the hype.

10 years ago

You realise Activision is simply a publisher right? They have very little to do with the actual game itself unless it is pressuring a studio they own.

10 years ago

True, however it will most likely be activision who controls the online servers, logging in, and so forth. From my previous experience with activision servers, I won't be holding my breath for a good experience.

10 years ago

The Alpha and the Beta were superb even when they did stress testing and had over a million players online at once. So I have high hopes this won't be a problem. There is hype behind this because of the fact that it's doing something a little more unique with the typical MP FPS genre. Maybe not entirely new, but something to freshen up the experience a bit.

10 years ago

I just don't understand how a little freshening up of a FPS turns into such a huge thing when rpg's are harrassed for not completely re-writing the way games are played every time one is released.

Rpgs have more variation, length, and depth, then almost any FPS and yet new FPS are often heralded as some great gaming miracle.

I don't really have anything against a good shooter I just don't understand the gaming media and gamers double standard response. When I hear that rpgs are repetative and redundant, but that same reveiwer/player will turn around and claim a new fps is so incredible I just don't get it.

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