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Can The Holiday Season Save 2014?

Oh, I'm not talking about sales and numbers. The industry is up, so things are very promising on that front.

I'm just referring to the selection of next-generation software we've seen thus far in 2014. I mean, is anyone really impressed?

I liked inFamous: Second Son a lot but it doesn't quite fit my definition of "next-gen." For the record, from what little I've seen and played of Titanfall , that one doesn't, either. Right now, the best game of the year is an updated 2013 title ( The Last Of Us: Remastered ), and the second-best game (I think) is Dark Souls II , which isn't even available on next-gen platforms.

Earlier this year, the end of the 2014 was looking pretty damn stacked. It would make us forget about the first six or seven months. But now, the delays have mounted: Battlefield: Hardline , The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , The Order: 1886 , Evolve , Batman: Arkham Knight , and we're hearing Grand Theft Auto V for PS4, Xbox One and PC won't make it, either. That leaves us with Destiny , a couple Assassin's Creed s, LittleBigPlanet 3 , Dragon Age: Inquisition , Far Cry 4 , Driveclub , Alien: Isolation , and a few others. But is it enough?

It should be. After all, we're still looking at a whole lot of games in a span of only three or four months, so… What do you say?

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10 years ago

Its all dependent on the person. My crazy arse felt like Thief felt next generation. As I did with Second Son.

10 years ago

You be nuts.

10 years ago

That's like 1 actual next gen game so no, but people will look back fondly on some crossdressers like Destiny and Dragon Age.

Best games this year: Bound By Flame & Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed 🙂

10 years ago

I don't know but no next-gen game gonna compete with this marathon of Star Trek the NEXT GENERATION episodes I'm watching while doing artwork.

yea, it's so nice when school is out.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/21/2014 11:40:33 PM

10 years ago

Can we start referring to "next gen" as "current gen" on this site? PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U are current gen, no longer next gen. They're here, you can go out and buy any one of them right now if you want to…

10 years ago

But they haven't proven themselves to have anything next geny yet.

10 years ago

Agreed they aren't next geny, they are current geny.

10 years ago

It's very common to refer to the software for the new generation hardware for "next-gen" for quite a while yet.
The new console generation is barely born.

It's like when we talk about the "next generation leaders" or "next generation parents" – who we then talk about are already born, the generation is already here technically speaking, they are just infants yet. Same with consoles.

10 years ago

It's current gen. If we argued about tech how would you explain PC gaming then? It's been "Next-gen" forever.

10 years ago

There are as far as I know no generation definition in the PC world. For pretty obvious reasons.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

There are generations of graphics cards in the PC World.

10 years ago

My words exactly PSN French.

10 years ago

Yup the fall is totally lame compared to what we thought it was gonna be like. I probably could've waited until fall to get my ps4, I'll definitely enjoy the best versions of FC4 and DA:I among others, but the amount of actual next gen games is embarrassing..

It became clear around e3 that next gen wouldn't start until 2015, and oh my god can I not contain myself over how amazing Bloodbourne and The Witcher 3 will be!

10 years ago

Sure, it's not as packed as before, but I'm still looking forward to Shadows of Mordor, Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishments, LBP 3 and a few of the indies. Looking forward to checking out Driveclub as well, but not sure if I'm up for a racer (or I'd be looking forward to Project CARS as well as that). That Infamous: First Light should be an enjoyable distraction as well.

I'm not sure about all the focus on what 'gen' something is – I enjoy a well designed game on whatever system can handle it, and there are still plenty coming out (while Destiny isn't my thing, it's still a very well designed experience, and the new CoD is turning heads as well).

10 years ago

yeah i think it'll be enough

but next year is gunna be chocka full 20broke15 as i said on another forum ealier

happy gaming

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Can we do a best gamer's xmass article? some years are down, but there's always that one year where you got an arsenal of classics!

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