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PSXE Poll Update: PS Fans Really Don’t Care About Xbox

A couple weeks ago, we ran a poll asking our readers if they had any interest in the Wii U.

The results were quite clear; the majority of participants just had no interest in Nintendo's new machine. We figured we'd ask the same question of Microsoft's Xbox One this past week, and the outcome was even more one-sided.

The overwhelming majority of our readers don't own an Xbox One and don't ever plan on having one in the future. Perhaps this isn't too surprising, as PlayStation vs. Xbox has always been more heated and combustible than PlayStation vs. Nintendo. Well, with the exception of the original PlayStation vs. N64, basically because Microsoft wasn't involved at that time. At any rate, the Xbox One isn't winning over any of our readers, that's for damn sure.

This week, back to game talk: Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition is headed your way soon; do you plan to pick it up? Are you on the fence? Already played it on PC? Let us know.

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10 years ago

Gee, who would have predicted that? 😛

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 8/10/2014 10:24:35 PM

10 years ago

Shocking on this website lol…

10 years ago

honestly lol

10 years ago

But we're all gamers first, Sony fans second! Really!

10 years ago

You guys are jokes.

Over 200 people at this site said they would get it. Around 300 said they'd like a WiiU.

This is a Playstation website. What more do you f***ing want?

As Beamboom said below… even many XBOX fans have been pro-sony this time around.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/11/2014 9:31:47 AM

10 years ago

Dat sensitivity…..

10 years ago

I cry at night for the human race because of internet threads like this.

Also, after the first scene in TLOU.

Anyways, I lashed out because my face is so sore from the wicked facepalm that resulted from reading your posts. Why so much hatred for facts? Why so much distaste for Sony fans on a Playstation website?

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/11/2014 9:56:21 AM

10 years ago

You guys brightened my morning.

10 years ago

You kno if the same question was asked about PS4 on a all xbox site you would get the same results… Honestly you're on a PS site what makes you think a lot of ppl were going to vote or show interest on X1… This site actually isnt bad compared to other sites i seen where a lot of editors like to spark MS and Sony fanwars

Last edited by Deathb4Dishonor on 8/11/2014 1:14:36 PM

10 years ago

I bet an Xbox-centric site would have even less love for other consoles.

10 years ago

i've seen it on PC i have considered it but i think i'll end up getting it on the ps3 or ps4 just cos i like consoles better for somethings and the ps4 most likely cos its more powerful than my PC so it would only make sense.

happy gaming

10 years ago

I could have told you guys the outcome of last week poll lol this is a fanboy website..

@kid i agree with you but here its sony fans 1st gamers 2nd!!!

10 years ago

I *did* predict the outcome…
Hate that I was accurate. I'll still end up picking one up myself, once the Halo collection lands.

10 years ago

Well, in light of the sales numbers it seems even plenty of former Xbox fans don't really care about the new Xbox, so what can you expect really. It's an attitude much more widespread than amongst those who's always been on the Sony side of things.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/11/2014 3:45:25 AM

10 years ago

Wow… Beam with a big win…

And surprise surprise, Big Boss still incapable of using a reply button…

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

This is not only here,it's worldwide so:
deal with it.

10 years ago

if it wasnt for Titanfall, Halo and Gears there would be no reason to buy one.
Sadly I really like these franchises so I bit the bullet.

10 years ago

That's a good enough reason.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
10 years ago

Same here Ulsterscot. I was going stick with just the PS4 but the franchises you mentioned aren't on the PS4 so I got an X1 as well.

10 years ago

Don't support MS people! This has nothing to do with being a Sony fan. MS is an absolutely terrible company, definitely the worst out of the three by a wide margin. They tried to screw us gamers left right and center and now sitting quietly laughing at how stupid people can be by supporting this terrible system after back tracking and making it seem that they were "trying" to fix their mistakes.

Just look at the comments below and how brainwashed MS followers are. Historically speaking there is no need to own an xbox, you get better and more varied exclusive from PS and all you get From MS isba giant middle finger later in their consoles life span. Grow standards you pathetic weaklings. People that buy xbones are just Like MS part of the problem. Gaming would be better off without MS.

10 years ago

Your comment is ridicolous… Without MS stiff competion Sony wouldnt be your beloved Sony that it is today… Nintendo,Sony, and MS all force each other to keep stepping their game up

10 years ago

wait, a playstation fanboy website does not care for xbox?
in other breaking news holden fansites hate ford, DC fansites hate marvel, and coke fansites hate pepsi.

more logical discussion though i already finished diablo on PC so i wont be getting the ps4 version.
plus i cant imagine playing a game like that with a crappy controller it would be a nightmare!
shooters are bad enough!

10 years ago

I'm sorry…

Why do you like consoles, again?

10 years ago

for the games they offer.
unfortunately you aint going to find heavy rain, halo, mario galaxy on mobile or computers.
a true gamer likes anything that offers a amazing experience, regardless of which badge comes stamped onto it.

Last edited by ___________ on 8/11/2014 10:56:41 AM

10 years ago

So you like the games, but really hate the console interface then, is what you're saying.

10 years ago

pretty much.
some genres suit analogue sticks quite well, like racers in general, or AC.
AC is a freaking nightmare to play on a keyboard and mouse, actually any platformer for that case.
other games the complete opposite analogue sticks could not be a worse suit!
wish $ony and M$ would take the initiative of valve and try to improve controllers by implementing new solutions instead of sticking with that archaic useless decade old technology!

10 years ago

I have all 3 systems and i always get all three… Ppl can hate on any system but the reality is all three have some exclusives that are worth playing and i'm a gamer not a fanboy… Although i must admit that sony is usually the console i play most since theres usually more variety in games

10 years ago

I know you didn't mean to imply this, but I really hate the inference people make that anyone who doesn't want all 3 is somehow a fanboy. (Others on this site would say as much ^)

In the PS2 era, I couldn't afford all 3. In the PS1 era I was still in jr/sr high school and worked hard just to get my own 15 inch tv in my bedroom. LOL. In the PS3 era, I didn't have time for all three (heck, now I don't even have time to get to all I want on the ONE system!!)

My whole life, I haven't had either the time or the money to realistically invest in all three systems. I go with my favourite, which is Sony, but that never in a million years means I think the competition is crappy. (Although, lets be honest, if it wasn't for Halo, I'd have never owned an Xbox back in the day)

Am I missing out? Of course. Heck, I'm missing out on some PS3 titles as it is! But does that mean when I vote on a poll that I'm not interested in getting a XBOX1 that I'm a blind fanboy and not a "gamer" (as if I'd ever admit that truth in public or mention it as a hobby in an interview anyways. lol)?

I'm not sure that's fair.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/11/2014 11:43:00 AM

10 years ago

No i didnt imply that at all, i was talking about myself in general… Besides i kno most ppl cant afford all three or even have the time for all the games on all 3… Fanboys are ppl who hate on another system and refuse to acknowledge the goods that other systems offer… All systems have good qualaties and bad ones… Like you said, your not interested on the xbox but admit that your missing out on some games and admit the competition is good so no one can call someone like you a fanboy but some ppl just hate on xbox n Nintendo just bc it doesnt have a Sony logo on it

10 years ago

To Underdog, the fanboy is a myth, like the Yeti or its North American cousin, tyeSasquatch. Each time he sees the term, he has a Pavlovian response that causes him to bore us all with his extremely shallow gaming history. lol.

10 years ago

I know fanboys exist, you trolling cyst. I'm saying people like you think anyone that doesn't purchase every single console must be a fanboy because they might prefer one console over another. That person's ability to see quality elsewhere is irrelevant to you because the second there's a hint of grey area in the experimental version of your ill-conceived theory, you become as inept as a 60-year old with an empty cialis bottle when it comes to being able to see more to the story that what is staring you so closely in the face that it's practically up your nose. Because to you, if someone doesn't purchase every damn system, or they don't like one of them, well… they MUST be a fanboy, right? I'm not sure how to spell it out any more clearly.

Stop dealing in absolutes.

And you don't understand the Pavlov's Dog thing well, at all, by the way. Let's assume you are absolutely right about this being a Pavlovian conditioning.

Pavlov's Dog is classical conditioning, which at an elementary level is a conditioned stimulus paired with an unconditioned stimulus, to make an unconditioned response become conditioned after much repetition. For that to be the case here, you would have just insulted yourself. Because the unconditioned stimulus would have to be universal to the species, which in my experience is a negative response to your annoying disposition and frustrating lack of logic. In order for this to be Pavlov's dog, that negative reaction must be the case for most, if not all, our species. In addition, it can only take place if you constantly make the same point over and over and over and over and over again. I quite literally would need to be conditioned into thinking your a lunatic. In other words, it didn't start that way… but your repetitious behaviour is making me frustrated with you. Not only that, but it's your fault…. your own actions (as the controlled stimuli) that made me this way.

And that's just pathetic. You will need a better analogy if you wish to be free of insult. (Self-inflicted, no less. It's also your own fault for trying to bring Pavlov into a fight with a psych major)

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/11/2014 3:45:52 PM

10 years ago

Oh, you got me with your fancy, city slicker book learnings! Gotta admit, I'm surprised by your anger. Mystified, even. I was clearly razzing you above. You attack people's intelligence and degrade others any chance you get, myself included. But my goodness, brother, I take it in stride and don't get all incensed about what you, Ben, World, Temjin, or the late great Jawknee may say about me. Get thicker skin and learn how to differentiate between a general comment that lacks nuance because the article above and the poll given by our illustrious editor in chief has none and someone making a comment about you and your gaming habits specifically.

10 years ago

I'm still deciding if I should delete Diablo III from my hard drive or hope I'll want to play it some day. It takes up space but once I delete it I don't think I'd get it back.

10 years ago

Havent play Diablo 3 yet but i think i will be getting that ultimate edition one… Game looks awesome

10 years ago

I played the PS3 demo for Diablo and, while it was fun, it didn't come close to a "must buy" game for me. Diablo just belongs on a PC IMO. It hasn't had a good feel on consoles ever.

10 years ago

I voted I don't know. I do know I love the point and click precision of a mouse on these types (both in play and in inventory), not to mention all the hotkeys I can assign for lightning fast ability access. It's like the brain and hands are one.

I just hope Blizzard makes a Warcraft 4 someday. Loved me some WC3…2 and 1.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/11/2014 5:56:37 PM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
10 years ago

Indeed. WC 4 would be great.

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