I've been outspoken in my distaste for the Wii U. That goes without saying.
However, if you examine the next-generation console war objectively, a good argument can be made for the ultimate console combo: PlayStation 4 and Wii U.
Most core gamers desire variety and diversity. The quality goes without saying – nobody is shelling out for crap – but that's mostly irrelevant, as all three platforms will have plenty of solid software. It's arguable that both the PS4 and Xbox One will have more top-tier software than Nintendo's machine, but the point is that quality shouldn't be too much of a concern. In general, the PS4 and Xbox One appear to be closely matched; they'll have much of the same software, and more importantly, neither will have Nintendo products.
There's still only one way to enjoy the legendary mascots, and that means you have to own a Nintendo platform of some kind. I still say the Wii U won't last half as long as either the PS4 or Xbox One but for the time being, the PS4/Wii U combination isn't half-bad. Hell, I'll take Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors over a new Halo and Gears of War . I'd miss out on Sunset Overdrive but sacrifices have to be made, right? As for the Xbox One's TV capabilities, thanks, but I have video game consoles to play video games .
The PS4 and Xbox One are just too similar strictly from a gaming standpoint. The Wii U will offer that much-needed variety, don't you think? And yes, of course it's preferable to own all three, but that's not a great plan for everyone. Besides, even if I did own all three, I have no idea how I'd ever be able to play every last great title available…so I tend to stick to two. Which two are you gonna pick this generation?
The Wii U is on my hit list for next year. This is in large part due to having a family to enjoy the console with. It really helps that Wii controllers also work with the Wii U.
Games on our list include:
Mario Kart 8 (I pretty much feel this game was made by Satan himself because it cheats like hell but my family seems to like it)
Super Mario 3D World
Something Mario Party
Maybe that Donkey Kong game or Yoshi's retarded yarn game.
I might try out Hyrule Warriours but I could never bring myself to like a Dynasty Warriors game much so I don't have my hopes up.
Hopefully something Metroid
and that Xeno jRPG shows tons of promise.
EDIT: btw I'm referencing Mario Kart based on what we've played on the original Wii. I really do suck pretty bad at it. My wife is literally better than me at it.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/1/2014 10:50:58 PM
Are you saying that your wife is bad at it because she's a girl?! how sexist!
I already own both the PS4 and Wii U.and I couldn't be happier.
Give me a new Metroid Prime and make the new Zelda good and I'll buy one for myself.
Mainly Metroid Prime.
Wii U, without a doubt. Just like last generation I fully expect to be enjoying a majority of the Xbox "exclusives" on my PC.
#PCMasterRace FTW!
yep. MS just needs to realize that Halo will shrink in install base if they keep it locked down to a single platform. right now any exposure is good exposure for a franchise that thrives on multiplayer, especially when the online multiplat competition is as steep as it is these days. So they need to bring Halo back to Windows.
Anyway, booya! got 88 attrition points on a single Titanfall match. (a personal high for me)
Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/2/2014 12:57:24 AM
Yep, that's what I got. Nintendo's first party games and exclusives are good and different enough to warrant a purchase.
I have a Ps3, Ps4, PSV, XBO, and a 3DS. I have no desire to own a Wii U. I still mostly play my Ps3, but when GTA V hits next gen, that will change.
I'm afraid nothing can make me pick up awful controllers from Nintendo again.
I already have the three so im set. I can't possibly imagine having only two. The Wii U is definitely my favorite of the three with this being a downright awesome year for the machine. The Wii was my favorite exclusive wise last gen and this gen is shaping up to be around the same if Nintendo can keep the pace.
I have a PS4 and a Wii U. No interest in the Xbone.
Bought a Wii U pretty much exclusively for Mario Kart 8. Though of course I'll be getting smash and zelda games to go along with it. I still haven't picked up a ps4 yet…just..haven't seen the game to make me do it.
I *completely* follow that logic, Ben. If one should have more than one platform it makes very little sense to pick the two most similar ones.
My personal combo is PS4 + PC, a combo I am very pleased with. There are certain types of games better played with keyboard+mouse, and there are still quite a few games only available on PC.
aye, RTS games feel like crap on a control pad.
I'd say, other strategy games like Total War or Civilization are best with KB and Mouse too
I've been considering it. I would like to support Nintendo and is ever increasing interesting lineup. I've got a ps4 now (love it). We'll see what the future brings
See, this was my intention, I was to buy the PS4 as the primary console and have the Wii-U as teh secondary console. The main reason I wanted the Wii-U was for 'Xenoblade Chronicles X'. The first game on Wii was just the ultimate JRPG experience I had been craving for all that gen.
However, after seeing the recent E3 40 mintue gameplay demonstration. I have been back stabbed. The game has one of the biggest feature I despise in game – The silent protagonist. This is due to having the player create the their character for this game. This was not the case with the first game on Wii. The reveal trailer even showed the main character from the first game, so I feel utterly con'd. I really, really wanted to have the same experience of Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii, but I just cannot engage with a mute that nods his head as a response. Whats even worse is seeing the other characters compensate for this by talking around him.
So I am now selling my Wii-U, the only other titles which seem appealing are Mario Kart 8 and Zelda Wink Waker – Which I have beaten now. The Wii games don't even upscale on Wii-U so I am just going back to my old Wii. With the money I get for it I shall put forward to a PS4 so I have it ready for 2015, when the gen will really begin.
Think back at last gen and notice how many JRPG's we got on home consoles.
Notice how many of them were 360 ports.
Notice how many of them were on the Wii and were never ported to any other console.
Things aren't going to get better this gen. Japanese devs are focusing heavily on mobile gaming.
Sell your Wii U. And by all means buy a PS4. Now is the time.
But if you're fan of JRPG's, you might wanna get a Wii U cheap or used down the line. Because despite what you think of Xenoblade Chronicles X, most people who saw the same footage that you did, consider it one of the must have JRPG's out there.
Technically, the new upcoming open world Zelda is an JRPG. It's going to be the first of it's kind. You gonna miss out on that?
Then there is a more hardcore type of RPG: Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.
IMO Wii U's are going to be cheap this x-mas season.
Last edited by Bonampak on 7/4/2014 2:22:23 PM
Right now, the Wii U is the console to have. Hyrule Warriors is looking amazing and Mario Kart 8 rocks.
There are a TON OF OLD FASHIONED RPGS coming to the Wii U, one in particular, has the old battle system of LUNAR and looks like it too. Sweet beez that is awesome!
As much as I like Nintendo's games, or thought I did, I feel like as time goes by, outside of the Zelda games, I'm less and less into what Nintendo releases. So for me, I'd actually say PS4 and X1 are probably the better combo. Want to own all 3 though just so there's no chance of missing out. Already have PS4 and Wii U, need to get an X1 at some point before Quantum Break is out.
A good combination 🙂 I have both the PS4 and the Wii U already…and funny enough I probably play my the Wii U more often….but never mind that.
There are a couple of games I'd like the for the Xbox (Killer Instinct and Sunset Overdrive specifically), but I don't think I can warrant purchasing another console for just 2 games, especially when I have to pay to play online for that as well…
PS4 is a bit barren at the moment, but in the same way I purchased the Wii U despite that, I'm confident the games will come out for it. Just taking a while.
Wii U is looking the strongest out of the 3; Smash Bros coming out this year, Zelda next year, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Bayonetta, revival of Starfox etc.
A game that will really make me happy is a new Metroid, but I won't get my hopes up for that any time soon….Nintendo is really taking their time with the games that are coming.
I have the PS4 and loving it, can't wait for more games to come.
I am also thinking about picking up a Wii-U, a 3DS, and a Vita. For the Wii-U I want to pick up Mario Kart 8, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Devil's Third. And the open world Zelda game they are making.
Not sure how i am going to get all of this though haha.
Yup. Just made this plunge (wii u). It's not in my entertainment center; strictly for the kiddos. I'm happy to see the pro gamepad has gone the way of rechargeable wireless. The game library for the wii u is screaming family fun. Being able to take the game portable on the controller is definitely a win. The princess can wear out her copy of Frozen while my son can revisit my addiction to Mario. Hah!
Xbox who?
the more I think about it the more I think the Wii U and PS4 may not better serve the "core" gamer's needs.
Here's why.
A whole lot of what makes the Wii U compelling is Nintendo's in-house stuff, which of course is targeting a more family friendly, fun, and youthfully imaginative gamer. But I think a core gamer, someone who likes a lot of what PS4 has to offer but doesn't care for Nintendo's in-house stuff much (and doesn't consider a gaming PC) then the XO would probably still be the better choice.
Take a look at XO's exclusives already.
Titanfall (temporary but still exclusive right now)
Quantum Break
Sunset Overdrive
Platinum games XO answer to Bayonetta…. Dragon Scales or something
Killer Instinct (I'd like it a lot at least)
the promise of Gears of War
This is what we know about the XO and we're only 7-8 months in on the gen. The Wii U has been out for quite a while now and if Nintendo's brand of games isn't quite your thing Id imagine it'd be slim pickings.
EDIT: also, I feel the racer in you is better served on Xbox over Wii U. Turn 10 makes quality stuff. Even though I wouldn't care to play Forza Motorsport I do think Forza Horizon differs enough to still be worthwhile for those pining for some joyriding. Racers feel pretty much non-existent to me on Wii U. Also, there's outliers like Crackdown or Phantom Dust that may or may not deliver, but their prospect of possibly being decent to good still exists.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/2/2014 4:50:39 PM
Out of principle, I'm not supporting any console from Microsoft. And here's why:
If I give my money to MS, they'll use it to:
1. Pay for Xbone exclusives.
2. Pay developers to create games with the Xbone in mind. PS4 owners will get straight ports that will likely not make good use of what Sony's machine can offer. I dunno about you, but I've had enough of that sort of bullcrap, last gen.
3. Pay for adverts that will try to motivate consumers to buy a Xbone and not a PS4.
4. Help the Xbox brand remain relevant. I happen to know that MS shareholders want to bail out of the gaming business. Since the Xbox division has been a money pit for them since it's inception. I won't help fund that division. Let them die. The sooner the better.
Anyway, a lot of the X1's exclusives will end up either on the PS4 or PC eventually. I can wait. We already have better games on the PS4 to keep us occupied.
On home consoles, Nintendo is not competing directly with Sony. So I'm not worried about giving them my money.
And if you consider yourself a gamer, player or hardcore videogame aficionado, I think you will have no issues playing Nintendo games like Zelda, Metroid or Mario. I really don't get why anyone will dismiss said IP's merely on the grounds that they're 1st party IP's.
Anyway, It'll be a cold day in hell before I give my money to MS.
Last edited by Bonampak on 7/2/2014 6:45:32 PM
switch to decaf man
Nah. I'll stick to doing what is best for me and Sony. No point in messing that beautiful relationship of ours, by supporting the competition.
You can go ahead and be all mellow like while grabbing your ankles before MS. #DecafLife
Last edited by Bonampak on 7/2/2014 8:56:31 PM
hey I dont want an XO. Not now anyway. I have more games than I can play as it is with just PS and PC.
Games will continue to come out long after I'm dead so there's no sense in worrying about trying to catch them all, even while I am alive. It's easier and less expensive supporting fewer platforms anyway.
(Temjin plans to live for a long time)
If I were to buy a second console it would be a Wii-U because the Xbox is totally out of the question for me. Knowing the money is going to MS, not only kills the joy of buying a console, it pushes the excit-o-meter into the negative.
I'd say if all things were equal between the two systems, PS4 and XO, I'd definitely go PS4 because of such a reason as well. I definately don't like supporting MS with my money but in the event they happened to be the better platform I would have to be loyal first to the gamer in me over loyalty to a company.
I had a ps2 when the original xbox came out. I almost took the plunge and bought one but the only thing that stopped me was everyone I knew ragged on the ps2 and praised the xbox. I felt like 'the Lone Gamer', cornered, holding my console saying " But…but .. I like my ps2".
It's horror stories like that, that keep me away from xbox.
Truthfully, most of Xbox's interesting titles will end up on PC anyway. Sure, Halo, Gears, Forza, and Fable will probably stay on Xbox One but I'm tired of those franchises.
I agree. PS4/Wii-U/PC is the best combination to choose.