Bungie's Halo games were rated "M" for Mature. But Destiny isn't so offensive to the ESRB.
As reported by Polygon , the upcoming shared-world shooter will be rated "T" for Teen, as it boasts "animated blood and violence." Said a Bungie representative:
"For Destiny, we didn't aggressively pursue one rating over another. We constructed foundational pillars that have guided development from start to finish. We wanted our worlds to be a place people felt good about spending time in. We wanted our worlds to be worthy of heroes.
For us that meant Destiny would never be reprehensible, but rather bright, hopeful, and adventurous. That's a world that resonates with us, and we hope it resonates with gamers, too."
In contrast, 2010's Halo: Reach got an "M" rating for "blood" and "violence" but as many are pointing out, there isn't that much difference between any Halo installment and Destiny . Is the ESRB getting more lenient or are they simply rectifying the weirdness of calling Halo a Mature-only series?
Destiny is set to release on September 9 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
Related Game(s): Destiny
A wise move for a game that needs everyone.
The entire rating system is ridiculous. You're still going around and killing things/people. And the visuals aren't cartoonish.
and anime is not cartoons.
Technically anime are cartoons. By definition, cartoons are an animated film or television show. Anime is just a Japanese style of animation.
Animation isn't the same as cartoons.
Wrong again. Animation by definition:
1. The act, process, or result of imparting life, interest, spirit, motion, or activity.
2. The quality or condition of being alive, active, spirited, or vigorous.
3. a. The art or process of preparing animated cartoons.
b. An animated cartoon.
I took art classes, and am currently studying computer animation. Cartoons are considered animation. Just as animation is also considered a process used in the creation of such works.
I want something AO.
I want to be able to eat a $hit sandwich while stabbing a minor in the back of an ice cream truck. Make it happen Capcom!
Do you like my avatar or should I change it?
I don't mind it. I just don't get why you all keep wanting to change your pics.
Yeah just pick something and be happy!
Attack on Titan is rated Teen 🙂
I never thought Halo should have been given the Mature rating in the first place.
I always thought halo was a T game not an M game. Especially the later ones. I guess they didn't want it to suddenly be T after being M.
Idk maybe they need a rating between T and M.