I'm all for great female roles in video games. One of the reasons I really liked Tomb Raider is because Lara Croft was finally more than a top-heavy Barbie Doll, bouncing around and shooting dinosaurs.
Yes, I know. The developers could've done more with her character. I pointed that out in my review .
However, despite all the complaints, you can't deny that the character – and the series – went in the right direction with that reboot. My guess is they'll take yet another step in the right direction with the recently announced Rise of the Tomb Raider . And yet, I can pretty much guarantee that in the months leading up to the game's release (whenever that is), we'll see another boatload of headlines from whining feminists.
You just can't win with these people. They demand that Lara change; she does, and it's not enough. They demand strong female characters in games; we get them, and yet, they spend their time finding all the roles in which women are objectified or sexualized. Could we not conveniently ignore the strides we've taken? What good does that do? If all you want to do is complain, fine. But don't try to pretend you want to bring about fantastic social change within the world of gaming, because it's happening even as we speak. That should at least be acknowledged.
Sure, we've got a long way to go. But we're not regressing . We're going in the right direction; just look at all the great games with strong, respectable, authentic female roles. It goes well beyond Beyond , my friends. And Rise of the Tomb Raider should present us with a Lara that all women should at least be able to respect, right? Can we do that, please?
Related Game(s): Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shots fired.
….But I completely agree with you.
Honestly, if I was in any position I'd do as much as I can to ruffle these feminists feathers… vegans too.
Seriously though aren't the majority of feminists ugly anyways? They just need a good dose of Dr.D to calm them down.
Really? Dr.D?
How bout Corporal Schlong?
ok I laughed at that
I think the tide is turning in our favor as games make it into mainstream spotlights. I was watching Ronan Farrow Daily on MSNBC (land of the ultimate liberals and feminists) and the discussion included women both in the games and the industry with Lara as a centerpiece. And it was actually a positive piece about the advancements on both ends.
I never took you for a sexist. People complain for everything, no matter how grand or minute, however.
I'm offended. You're obviously an insensitive bigot.
I'm so tired of this s***. The intolerance movement has turned into paranoid exhibition of intolerance and hypocrisy. It seems like the only thing that is acceptable to the feminists is bashing men and cheering for Miley Cyrus everyone she opens get legs.
Rant over?
So… off topic but I met Jade Raymond. Damn she is gorgeous. I see now why some agree with her, because why disagree with a pretty lady?
Also, anyone who complains about new Lara Croft is a maroon. The girl isn't the most overly glamorous video game girl and she certainly doesn't have the qualities most guys want in a girl either. She's a complete badass with a cool story and an even better playstyle.
The only thing that's sexist is people talking about sexism. This is like the white face thing Nick Cannon did. He said it was a joke but black face is racist. Now I'm all for equality but lets face it, the fairer sex deserves respect and the ones who think too highly of themselves think they need to have everything even when they don't like it.
The same thing with the marijuana in Colorado. The deal was that weed would be highly taxed to be used for schools and whatnot, yet now they are saying its not fair bla bla bla and all because they get one thing and they want more. If feminists want more things try something better, like a female president. We didn't need another man president all because his skin color is different, we needed a female president because that is actually different.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is going to be sick if its already causing bubkis.
I'll disagree with any pretty lady that's wrong. Looks help, but I need substance, man.
I started TR: DE officially. Seems to be cool so far.
I don't care what the feminists have to say, it's easy enough to ignore them, actual feminists don't go to video game forums and constantly post their crap. My problem is with the white knights who do frequent forums who can't get laid by anybody else so they become desperate enough to agree with the feminists and take to bashing a game like the last Tomb Raider (and probably Rise of the Tomb Raider) because they think a feminist might read it and go asking for their contact information.
Last edited by Gamer46 on 6/17/2014 12:44:24 AM
Or maybe some people agree with them.
As for me, just like anyone else, they're right about some things and wrong about others. I would never completely write them off because of a few outlandish ideas.
Eat the meat and spit out the bones, so to speak.
They definitely need something to do with the meat that's for sure…
Reaching with that one, eh?
Can you guess what the feminists need to reach for…?
Someone who can keep up, I'm guessing.
i just got one thingto say to these people, andim talking to more than just the feminists. Get your damn politics out of my games. let them make the games and if you got a problem with it, dont buy the game. simple as that. hell, make your own games, i dont really care. new assassins creed has no female characters? so what? the devs made a game they want. they made a game with a female lead right? how did that sell? just leave them to make their own game. just let them do their thing. i dont crap in your yard, why do you have to crap in mine? tomb raider was a great game. i will agree that she fell one too many times in my opinion but that made me care for the character. so in conclusion, get your damn politics out of my videogames.
ah men brotha! Preach it!!!
These dark…VERY DARK Playstation titles like Bloodborne and Let it Die brought me back.
Ah who am I kidding, I always wanted to come back but I was MIA because 'reasons.' I missed everybody, specially Ben, World, Temjin, johnld, Aaron, and all those awesome people who love the Souls games.
To end my "return speech" I want to say that I love seeing the ps4 shining like a bright sun as it should be! With games like Bloodborne around the corner–it is the console of choice, no buts.
As for the topic, yeah I had to comment on this. I am honestly sick and tired of these so-called "girl gamers" who hate on any remotely sexy-looking female characters. It's all BS and they're full of it.
Games are art, in art you're expected to create and express yourself however you want. It would be like telling people what to sing or not to sing about or telling Hollywood what kinds of movies they can make.
I'd like to know…can someone give me a list of games with female characters that these feminists approve of? Because it seems like they don't approve of anything.
PS Ben you're still the man, thank you for keeping up the fight.
ohhh hhi scarecrow. i heard you're really ugly in the upcoming Batman Arkham Knight
I hope we don't get issues like we did with the last Tomb Raider, the whole rape controversy was a joke. The man with intentions was bad! Had he actually done the deed I would have understood the backlash but just because this man who was bad had such intentions does not make it cause for controversy. If any of you actually played Metal Gear Solid v: Ground Zeroes and got all the tapes… the content in that is far worse than evil intentions Tomb Raider may have suggested.
But moving on, I want the gaming industry to have strong/interesting female leads and I hope that feminists don't rage when companies are daring to do so. I would much rather see something like Tomb Raider than the stereotypical big-chested seduction most games try through at the audience. Beyond: Two Souls is a nice example, though Mr. Cage needs to tone down his fascination with showers…
Yeah, there wasn't any backlash about TLOU…
Like johnld mentioned up there, I'm very much against people objecting to people writing the stories they want to write.
Even if a game like Lollipop Chainsaw intentionally tries to objectify a woman, it's so clearly meant to be over-the-top ridiculous that you shouldn't be taking it seriously anyways.
Even something like Dead or Alive… my wife laughs at it's ridiculousness and thinks it's borderline funny. The day she gets upset about something is the day I know maybe something is up.
Then again, she's pretty damn realistic about things. She's also the strongest, most intelligent woman I know (and gorgeous, too) who could do whatever she wants in life if she puts her mind to it. She would never identify as a "feminist", either.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/17/2014 9:50:37 AM
I'm gonna do an editorial about this discussion
I find some of the juvenile comments about feminists "needing a good seeing to" pretty distasteful. I thought this community was one of the bastions of common sense and decency.
I think we can rise above the name calling.
Disagree with their argument by all means but try and put together a compelling case otherwise you are just proving the doubters right in regards to all gamers being girl averse, hormonal, basement dwelling manchilds.
I think the industry has come a long way. Mass Effect, Beyond Two Souls, Tomb Raider, Aveline in Assassins Creed Liberation. Happy to play as a female character. Would not put me off a game purchase.
Some of the feminist comments however are a bit of a long shot but with this 24 hour news cycle get more airtime than they deserve.
Isn't there only 1 or 2 people saying what you're thinking? Not sure why you're surprised or concerned.
Wow. Some of these comments were a little disappointing. I can see where a lot of you are coming from though, but I must point out that a lot of these beliefs are somewhat dangerous, and are responsible for holding back our industry.
I suggest that you all try to let go of your preconceptions and watch this video series with an open mind:
It can only make you a more understanding human being to see things from someone else's shoes.