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PSXE Poll Update: Sony’s E3 Presentation Rated As “Great”

So, how would you rate Sony's E3 conference this year?

Well, the majority of our readers say it was great, worthy of earning an 8 or a 9 on a scale of 10. A fair percentage said it was downright fantastic, while many others said it was merely "good" (earning a 6 or a 7). This means the show went over quite well, yes?

It's true that we didn't get many surprises, as we didn't see anticipated projects like The Last Guardian , a new God of War , Kingdom Hearts III , or rumored titles such as Heavenly Sword II . However, Sony once again put the emphasis squarely on games and as far as most core gamers are concerned, that's an automatic win.

Speaking of winning, which manufacturer "won" E3 this year? Did Sony do enough to win? Did Microsoft steal the show? Or, did Nintendo really step up to the plate? Of course, there's always the possibility that you consider the show a three-way tie this year, and we wouldn't blame you if that's your contention.

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10 years ago

I'd give Sony a 7 but the announcement of a remastered Grim Fandango? That would easily push it up to an 8. If we can get some big announcements next year and Adam Boyes takes some public speaking classes then it could be a clear win for Sony.

10 years ago

I've never heard of that game.

10 years ago

It's a PC gaming classic. One of the best adventure games LucasArts ever made.

10 years ago

Not to disrespect but never hearing of Grim Fandango is something you don't say out loud if you consider yourself a gamer. While it's not even my favorite Lucasarts product (Maniac Mansion takes that cake), it's important to know the history of the hobbies we love and not just believe that they didn't exist until we wanted them.
Hell, Activision and EA used to be great, innovative software companies (when they were Electronic Arts), if you can believe that.

10 years ago

Well I'm a lifetime gamer who isn't ashamed to show when I am ignorant. Would people rather I fake it?

10 years ago

I've never heard of it either. What a bad name.

10 years ago

I wouldn't say there was a clear cut winner, nor that it was totally disappointing (granted there were some disappointments). I feel like it was somewhere in the middle.

10 years ago

Actually I didn't see MS or Ninty, they slipped my mind.

10 years ago

This was the worst E3 Sony ever had, in terms of games. Nintendo saved this E3 and won it …. by a long shot.

10 years ago

Well considering I fell asleep in the audience during Ubisofts presentation… They didn't win in my book. Probably because beforehand MS and EA had already made me sleepy.

The 3 were very boring. Nintendo had some cool stuff, but Sony is really what had it all. I spent most of the day in Bloodborne though cause…Miyazaki man.

10 years ago

I'm very excited for all the Nintendo games. I recently impulse bought a Wii U online (thanks PayPal) with Mario Kart 8.

I recently asked myself the question: why do I play? And I realised that I had forgotten what initially drew me to gaming. Simply, it was the fun I had when I played.

I'm really excited for all the Nintendo games because they have not forgotten this very simple thing. Their games are colourful, fun and humble (in that the games do not make such a fuss over themselves). Nintendo games know that they are games.

I'm still excited to get a PS4 much later on and I think that there will be some great experiences on offer on that system. But the question still rings in my mind: have we forgotten why we game?

Last edited by kokoro on 6/16/2014 1:04:54 AM

10 years ago

Nintendo won this E3. With an entertaining Digital Event filled with great EXCLUSIVES not multiplats and exclusive alphas, betas, and DLC they proved thwmselves the more focused of the console makers. And the Treehouse offered so much in depth gameplay and the goal of the game makers, you can understand the general love for games from everyone that works at Nintendo. At least through 2015, Wii U will be the strongest of the next gen systems in terms of exclusive games.

Microsoft and Sony both had pretty even shows. Indie games looked great, multiplats looked great, and what was shown of the exclusives that actually had gameplay, looked good. I'd give my personal edge to MS because Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2 interest me a lot more than yet another LBP (boring series) and DriveClub. Sony announcing Powers was pretty awesome since that was the series that made me a Bendis fan. But Sony reading those letters….ugh…god awful. It was contrived as hell but at least MS did focus on dem games.

10 years ago

not exactly surprising with this lot, $ony could turn up next year and have a 90 minute puking montage video and they would still be voting for them!

M$ had by far the best E3 presser.
$ony far too much indie, comicbook TV series crap, and the usual cock waving!
EAs was ok just lacked surprises and in depth detail.
ubisofts same as EAs, plus ubisoft needs to stop wasting time with this just dance crap!
no one attends E3 to see just dance!
disappointed they did not show off a new IP too.
past 2 E3s they have blown everyones socks off with watch dogs and the division and even the crew, but this year nothing.

M$ were the only ones that understanded what E3 is about.
no cock waving, no comic book crap, and had quite a few surprises too.
no one expected PG to be working on a xbox one exclusive, and even though there was so many strong rumors no one expected crackdown to come back after the disaster 2 was.
they certainly had their ups and downs, but out of all the pressers theres was by far the best.
overall though E3 was pretty disappointing this year, no real groundbreakers.
wheres 2014s the division or watch dogs?
past 2 years theres been tons of games that knock your socks off and make you go WOW!
E3 this year it was not wow, more like meh.

10 years ago

I saw a lot of people claiming Nintendo won because of their Super Mario LBP knock off with NES graphics and fewer tools.

Proof opinion is often guided by what you want to be true.

10 years ago

Level editing is something I was doing in Excitebike on the NES. I wouldn't say that they are ripping off LBP. Plus while the editor is NES graphics it can be played in Super Mario Bros Wii U graphics

10 years ago

That's good about the WiiU graphics. That would have been a massive fail in my books if that wasn't the case. Glad to hear it.

I remember excitebike. Had it on a 31-in-1 cartridge. Never liked it. Still though, appreciate the input. REALLY drives home the point about how silly it is for people to use that as -the- reason Nintendo won. (on other sites, I mean)

10 years ago

I thought Sony's conference was great and covered every base that there was to cover. What amazed me most was EA's showing. It was truly interesting and I can't say there was anythin weak or slow in it.

10 years ago

Great!?!? it was one of the worst but well with them winning at the moment with the PS4 maybe they didn't feel pressure to make something good, the worst personal moment of it was that Uncharted 4 trailer, Drake just waking when I was expecting a bit of gameplay.

Nintendo won this E3 by fatality over MS and Sony.

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