For months now, PlayStation fans have been saying that a lot of new fans have joined Sony's army this generation.
And according to new research, that assumption has proven correct. According to what PlayStation marketing boss John Koller told Kotaku , about 31 percent of current PS4 owners owned an Xbox 360 or a Wii last generation, but not a PS3. Defection!
On top of which, that same research suggests that 17 percent of owners didn't own any of the last-gen consoles, which means Sony has tapped into a bunch of new gamers. As for the audience, Koller knows exactly to whom PlayStation caters:
"The person that we've picked up since launch primarily is someone we call the connoisseur, someone that loves, unequivocally, loves games.
They are the people who, when you walk in [to their home], there's no books on their book shelves. They're all game packages. They're the people who stood in line at midnight [for the console's launch]. They really are a fantastic consumer for us. They're a great part of the PlayStation nation."
Okay, the part about no books being on the shelves is just sad but otherwise, I get what he's saying. Koller added that there were a higher-than-expected number of "indulgers" among the early adopter crowd for PS4; these people are described as "traditionally a little bit more price-sensitive or down the funnel that have kind of bucked the trend as it were."
Yes, it's true Sony is going in the right direction with the PS4. We just have to see if they can keep it up, especially now that the Xbox One has dropped down to $399.
Is it only me that thinks this is bad? The PS3 gaming public should upgrade to the PS4.
maybe you misread this. the article isn't saying PS3 owners aren't making the switch. it's saying that those who own a PS4 didn't previously own a PS3.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/13/2014 12:15:33 PM
@Temjin001 – Well to be fair, he has a point.
Look it:
a). The PS3 had a 82 million user base.
b). The PS4 currently has around 8 million owners.
c). 31% of the current PS4 user base came from either the Wii or the 360.
d). Additionally, 17% of the current PS4 user base is made up of people who did not own a last gen console. Never had a PS3, Wii or 360.
e). This means that only 52% of the current PS4 user base is made up of people who had a PS3.
f) That is, from the PS4's current 8 million user base, around 4 million were PS3 owners.
g). And that means this: only 5% of the PS3 user base (80 million) made the jump to the PS4.
So unless I missed something, Japanese_Gamer had a point. What is the rest of the PS3's user base waiting for? Why don't they make the jump?
Seems to be inline with what's happening in the states.
I think the Destiny PS4 bundle will only help drive these defects.
I played the Destiny alpha last night. I'm sold. I'm placing my pre-order soon. It's like Halo rebooted into something more epic. It's existence competes directly with Halo.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/13/2014 11:59:44 AM
That should feel strange on Playstation.
Destiny itself has a very distinct feel in gameplay. Really good alpha. I will most likely get it for my PS4.
it's an uncanny feeling.
It's really made a big impression on me.
to describe the way it feels I'd say it's sort of like Rage with more meaningful progression and it's integrated with limited amounts of other people. Picture driving to a destination somewhere in Rage and out in the distance you see some real players out there involved in a firefight. no biggie right? well, then some drop ships come in plop down a huge spider tank and many troops. I have my own destination and mission I'm doing, but I think, hey, I want to stop and fight this cool looking thing, plus, I want the expereince points from it all. So I engage it and help these people I never met before kill this stuff. We win. Then I move on back to what I was doing solo. It's great. I think it's going to be real big.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/13/2014 2:28:31 PM
That's what I was hoping for Destiny, sounds very good Temjin.
was watching some of the gameplay on twitch. I'll be getting the game, but the jumping seems very floaty, which I'm definitely not a fan of. Seems wierd.
The alpha has convinced me and I may even preorder but yeah, the jumping is extremely floaty. Once you get in the air, you're at the mercy of anyone with a gun. And the enemy shots track so it only gets worse. Still, the game is awesome. (sorry to hijack the thread).
Cant wait to get a ps4. Well, I could get one now but I don't want to spend the money. plus there's my ps3 backlog.
Sony could start to slip behind in Canada though – With the new kinnect free Xbox retailing at $399 and Sony having pushed up the PS4 price to $450 (Im assuming due to weakness of our $ compared to the US). I know the US and UK prices for the consoles are now the same – so Sony you should …..
We must welcome these newcomers with open arms and council!
No! Deny them entry. We don't take kindly to them around here.
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 6/13/2014 2:29:05 PM
We don't take kindly to folks who don't take kindly!
"the part about no books being on the shelves is just sad" – ain't that the truth. Spoiled the entire joy for me.
So in essence, the dumb people have arrived. :/
Maybe the books are on their tablets.
Or people made new accounts with a new email. I thought about doing that, changing up my old username, but I kept it. Although I am not sure where they got the data from so maybe it is true, but it sounds like this is coming from the new registered emails or something.
Either way, PS4 rocking the house.
Hey, I have a PS4, love games, _and_ have books on my shelves (and love books) – that's enough out of you Koller! (Who I think does a good job, but I'm not for downplaying books, books be important!)
Is interesting to see the size of the new audience though, I'd be very surprised if the XB1 had the same proportion of new entrants. Interestingly, if you look at the difference between the two estimated install bases at this stage, the 'new' 31% would pretty much account for the whole gap.
I am getting the Destiny bundle with the white PS4 and a new TV.
Thats gonna look nice
real nice
Lol, this is complete PR Spin from Sony's camp, and i'm really disappointed their resorting to this thing, as someone that wanted a PS4 and is unhappy with how they've handled the system…
After that horrible E3 where they lost to Nintendo and Microsoft entirely, they should not be focusing on false marketing and publicity stunts!
Its fairly unlikely they got many from other consoles, perhaps some from Wii, but this is a clearly gross marketing exaggeration.
As someone interested in Sony, I expected better, but i keep getting lies from them, regarding games, frame rates, exclusive content, their PR overall is misleading us gamers!
As gamers and consumers interested in the PS4, we deserve way better then what Sony is offering! There exclusives other then Uncharted and the Infamous DLC game were weak objectively. Lets be real, we got the short end of the stick this year!
We deserve more exclusives and games! Where's The Last Guardian? Not even a God of War announcement!
The PS4 is supposed to be "for the gamers", but this is really not turning out to be the case. Microsoft and Nintendo got all the stronger exclusives at E3. We were left with multiplats and weaker exclusives like Bloodborne (a Souls type of clone), Let it Die (looks like trash – Sudas worst), 1886 (looks like a meh Gears clone, lets be honest)…
The LOU should not be the highlight! Come on guys!
Before you flame me, you should want the PS4 to be a better console, and for Sony to do better by us! They could do alot more, but their focusing on flimsy PR instead!
I hope you guys understand what im saying and don't get all rage on me, Because gamers and consumers interested in the PS4 deserve better!
Thumbs up if you want Sony to do better! If you vote me down: your not a real Sony fan or a Sony gamer, who doesn't want the company to improve!
I downvoted because I can only handle so much there/their/they're without pointing it out.
Also, I've been around a while now, and I'm used to first year droughts, and no amount of reading people's lists of games they claim was released in year one despite being released in year 2 will change that for me.
Grammar son, grammar. Anyway, having watched 4 conferences and the Nintendo Direct video whatever-it-was, I have to disagree with you entirely BillyN. Sony had a strong showing.
Sony has a clear vision, has a direction, and talked about it. They talked about their other entertainment arms, other content, briefly mentioning Playstation Now and Morpheus and how all that fits in their goals moving forward along with Vita. And none of that comes at the expense of games as they hit that nail hard as well. Sonyâs conference was dull in some parts but their vision going forward was clear.
Microsoft showed a lot of games but a lot of those were CG trailers and nothing outside of Ori and the Blind Forest really stood out. Seriously, with all the 180âs that Microsoft has been doing with their policies and direction, what the heck is their plan? What is their vision for their box going forward?
There was ZERO mention of the Kinectless bundle that went on sale the day before the conference. They mentioned multiple times that the consumer is shaping the future of Xbox, but what does that mean? Do they themselves not know the future content they will provide to their consumers? Are they just waiting for ideas to fall into their hands? What the heck is going on over there?? Greatness Awaits, as is Sony's slogan and they showed it. Whatâs Microsoftâs slogan? Greatness, uh, might come if you give us those ideas?
now this is interesting isn't it well i can tell you that most people i know are ps4 bar a couple. but it is interesting to see who has a ps4 and who hasn't so far.y guess is they are just trying to find ways to keep it that way or increase the turnover of non playstation gamers to playstation.
happy gaming =)