If you're a frequent purchaser of PlayStation Network products, you'll appreciate another spending option.
As of now, PSN users can pay for their favorite content by transferring money from their PayPal accounts into their PSN wallets. On the PlayStation 4, during the checkout process, you're given the option to "Add Funds" and then you can tap into your PayPal account.
You can also get to your PayPal funds via your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) account, which is tied to the PSN wallet. This isn't much different than doing it on the console; simply log in, select the "Account" tab, go to "Wallet," hit "Add Funds to Wallet" and just follow the instructions. For the record, PayPal funding was added to the PS3 in November, so it's great to see the feature hit the new console. It's now available to all PS4 owners in the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Argentina.
Just another way of getting great stuff from the PSN!
Sweet.Normally I have to use psn cards.Paypal would be much more convenient.
They've supported PayPal for a long while now, but I'm glad they're finally making it a part of the console store interface!
nifty! Bought Ni No Kuni with my Pay Pal count today! Made me feel less bad about buying a game I really don't have the time for.
meh i'll stick to the prepaid cards i think .
happy gaming =)