A few points to consider:
First and foremost, Homefront wasn't a bad game. In fact, it was quite good and had the potential to be so much more.
Secondly, Crytek is typically in the business of producing top-tier AAA productions. While many will say Crysis 3 fell a little shy of expectations (and IMO, it did), it was still a solid title, and highly technically proficient. With Homefront: The Revolution , they could do some very cool things.
Thirdly and lastly, the premise is fantastic: A bloody war has come to our doorstep, as the North Korean army has invaded. Certain hardy citizens in Philadelphia are looking to revolt and you're going to lead them to the promised land. On top of it all, Crytek apparently wants to implement an open-world sandbox structure, which would greatly enhance the freedom (and next-gen appeal) of the production.
I always said that if Homefront had been given a bit more time and if the team had a bit more resources, it would've been a great, even memorable, game. There's no doubt in my mind. Now, if Crytek tackles this new project with the same vigor and ambition – I still applaud Kaos Studios for their achievement – then there's no telling how great The Revolution could be. People can get all excited for the new Call of Duty or Battlefield but me, I want the new Homefront .
Related Game(s): Homefront: The Revolution
cool story, bro
Sure thing. Enjoy the shooters Ben, since I look forward to the real games of the next generation. Every shooter is the same with different colors.
I too was pleased about this announcement today. I didn't expect it all but I'm glad knowing it's in the pipeline.
I'm up for it. I do hope they don't make their enemies bullet sponges though, that bugs me in a shooter. For some reason I still haven't played C3, I have it though.
Otherwise this sequel sounds good, this is a case where going open world could actually fit the future of an IP.
yeh thats annoys me too, when it comes to shooters i like enemies that die from a few bullets, likewise in the mp.
… Not to mention, it will come for Linux too! 🙂
dam, i was hoping this would be out later this year!
looking forward for this, crytek have always put out some amazing games!
Ben it's Advanced Warfare, not Armed Warfare lol. Just sayin.
See, it's forgotten already! Vive la Revolution!
It actually reads more like, Ben is an old man who misspeaks when talking about technology.
I kinda have that image of him these days anyway 😀
yer kinda an arse, ain'tcha?
I enjoyed the last home front game…albeit it was a bit short, but there was some very promising aspects to the game. The storyline was intense for one and the player did become vested in the outcome. I can't wait to see how they work with this game, I know its too much to ask that they focus more on the single player….I just wish they would.
North Korea invades the US.
Kim Jong Un is going to love this game.