Watch Dogs officially launches today (Tuesday), and the city of Chicago beckons.
It's a futuristic Chicago and it's all sorts of slick and engaging. A new PlayStation Access video gives you a full sightseeing tour, so check it out!
An open-world action/adventure with a big emphasis on hacking and a story revolving around the increasingly relevant arguments concerning privacy, Watch Dogs could be one of the year's best. The map will offer ample opportunity to test your hacking skills, either in the single-player campaign or via multiplayer action. There are a variety of online modes that will let you boost your Notoriety but bear in mind that if you disable Online Invasions, you'll lose all Notoriety and any skills you've unlocked.
Thankfully, that only pertains to the multiplayer portion. And the bottom line is that this city is a perfect playground for protagonist Aiden Pearce.
Related Game(s): Watch Dogs
Watchtheft Autodogs 🙂
Can you and everyone else stop compairing this to GTA, god not every game that is free roam and has cars is trying to copy GTA. Anyhow i will be buying this on friday and will be enjoying every second of it, sucks for those who will pass on this because of there own ignorance….
No 🙂
LOL, much ignorance.
I'll stop comparing it to GTA when you learn the proper use of there/their/they're. Deal?
Grand Watcht Dogtoe.
Grand Watchdog: Auto-hack?
Just stop while your are ahead. Lol ignorance at its finest!