I'm no technical wizard; I just know that the general consensus is that the PlayStation 4 has more raw capability than the Xbox One.
Perhaps this why we're seeing slightly better performance in the PS4 versions of many high-profile multiplatform games. Then again, maybe you don't believe it at all, and you think the two systems are equally matched in terms of power.
I'm just wondering if Xbox One owners care one way or the other. Thing is, whenever you bring up the power argument, they all scoff and pretend that in fact, it's meaningless. What I find ironic is that Xbox fanatics were crowing about how powerful the original Xbox was (in comparison with the PS2), and I distinctly recall Microsoft ads that touted their new console as the "most powerful video game console on earth," or something like that. Of course, the fans reversed field when the Xbox 360 arrived and the PS3 was more powerful…
I'm one of the first to say that great graphics don't guarantee a great interactive experience. I'm also quick to admit that I don't know the first thing about game hardware, and what makes one setup better or more powerful than the other. I just want to know, in all honesty, whether or not the Xbox One owners put any stock into the difference in power.
And if not, why?
I remember the PS2 days, and while I always had half an eye on the better Multiplats on the original Xbox, I still had a lot of fun on my PS2. I'd say that all but the most obsessive Xbox fans should (and hopefully will) just enjoy their Xbox One – the experiences will be by and large similar, outside of the platform exclusives. Of course, you'll get a few silly people that worry about it too much, but people that worry that much about power should build themselves a PC.
It's hypocrisy. I very clearly remember seeing 360 fans crowing all over the internet when most multiplatform games played better on the 360 than the PS3 for, basically, the first half of the generation. Now, the roles are reversed, with PS4 fans calling it the Xbox 720p and other such banal nonsense.
I'd argue that it's not that they don't care, but that they, like I (among others, I'd hope) last generation, simply accept that it's a fact that won't change. Why can't everyone just accept it and stop arguing about the power differential; it'd make gaming forums a much more pleasant place…
I likewise remember all of that. When Fallout 3 and Star Wars: TFU had multiplat side-by-side comparisons, the 360 versions looked better because they were developed for the 360 or a PC first and then developed for 360, AFTER which the PS3 version got a mere port. And, of course, the Xbots were all over trashing the anti-aliasing differences.
Now that the PS4 is by far the superior console in the power/graphics department, I read A LOT of reeling: "Only gameplay is important. Duh"; "IDK. I like my online with Live more"; "Xbox One has Kinect." Many deflective justifications for buyers' remorse.
In that case it's hypocrisy both ways cause I clearly remember how Sony fans back in the PS3 era explained that it was just "lazy programmers" who was to blame and that there was nothing wrong with the machine whatsoever, regardless of what they said.
While today, now that we are on top, we are triumphantly crowing all over the internet. 🙂
Totally true, Beam. We're all hypocrites in some way.
hypocrites ain't hip-with-it.
Can you blame people for feeling as if developers weren't giving their best effort with multi-platform titles when you see games like God of War III, Uncharted, and Last of Us running on PS3? Not to mention the best version of Final Fantasy XIII. I think developers could have done better with the PS3 but it was not worth most publishers time nor money to invest in a single platform over others. The RAM allocations for GPU and CPU in the PS3 were always a problem for developers. I personally don't believe they were being lazy but I do understand why people feel that way.
When the Xbox One has a title that performs better then any game on the PS4, that is when Xbox fans have something to crow about when it comes to multi-plat games not performing as well on their console of choice.
Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 5/20/2014 10:09:12 AM
My brother is an Xbone guy and he doesn't care that PS4 has better graphics, which is weird because he likes top of the line stuff everywhere else. Mostly it seems to come down to the extra crap, his kids like Kinect and he likes the fantasy football and TV apps and voice commands.
Most people buy for exclusives/what console their friends have. Unless you own both. This is in my experience at least.
I've been visiting this website since before PS2 came out..had almost every console that has come out. but never really posted anything just love reading..I love Playstation and I love Xbox and Nintendo. I really dont think Xbox fans give a rats ass which one is the most powerful, I know I dont. I'll be playing every good/great game that comes out until the day my hands give out or eyesight. Fan boys of a particular console are missing out on so much…..I pitty those kind of Ppl.
No they don't. They like what they like.
You said it, and that really is all there is to it.
For whatever reason, Microsoft cultivated a diehard following when the first Xbox hit the market. Honestly, Sony could be the first to release a console with holographic projection capabilities and that would still not sway the M$ devout. There is just a special something those people find in the Xbox consoles that Sony can't offer – even when their consoles begin to become less about gaming and more about universal media capability.
Of course most of them care that their choice is inferior. They only pretend that the difference in power/graphics doesn't matter. Then they invent ad hoc justifications for their choice.
Now, some of 'em bought it because their friends game on the Xbox One. And some of 'em play only online multiplayer shooters, so you should probably stick with XBOne despite its inferiority. But the rest are deflecting from buyers' remorse.
I have a dream where gamers all over the world will just stop this console war BS, and get back to the reason why we all do what we do and play tje games we love on the console we so chose without no fighting and bickering like a bunch of sissies..
The choice of platform is a question of more than just performance. In fact one might say that performance might be one of the *lesser* factors.
More important is simply where your friends are. The main reason I bought a PS3 back in the days was not because of hardware specs at all (as a matter of fact I didn't even know what they were, I thought it was running standard architecture back then and never bothered to look into it, it was not like there were different models anyway.
No, my reason were twofold: First off I *had* to get my hands on GTA4 and could not wait for the PC version. And a very good friend of mine had the PS3, and I wanted to join him online.
Yup, that simple. That was the basis of my choice.
Add to this a general dislike of Microsoft, and you got the whole picture. Not once did I bother looking into actual technical performance.
No, I don't care that the X1 isn't as powerful as the PS4, just like I didn't care that the 360 wasn't as powerful as the PS3. The X1 has games I want to play that the PS4 doesn't so I got one, which is also the reason why I have a PS4, as there are games it has the X1 doesn't.
Is not a matter of whether they care or not it's more about – do they accept it? Once it's accepted it's easier to move on.
I really want to play Xenoblade Chronicles. I really want to play Halo.
But those are the only games for their respective consoles I'm really interested in.
I don't care about power. I didn't care during PS2 days, either. Heck, some of my most favorite games of all time were not even the technologically best implemented games for their respective consoles.
For me it comes down to the games I'm interested in mostly being on Sony's console.
The day I run out of games I really want to play on a Playstation is the day I buy an XB1 or WiiU. If that never happens, then neither will my purchase.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/20/2014 8:58:21 AM
They care. They just have to justify their purchase so they'll say they don't.
They care. Some switched over. When I was a PS2 fan, the Xbox obviously had more power, but I still preferred PS2: obviously the games were _way_ better on PS2, but as a programmer, I am rooting against Microsoft cornering the games market and strengthening their grip on developer tools.
^— I said the other day that folks in the comp. sci. world feel this way about Microsoft. Thanks for the back-up!
SteamOS ftw! 🙂
A great point in mentioning the PS2/Xbox era, thinking back just so much has changed in the landscape of gaming. Before when I had a PS2 I simply didn't care that the XBOX was more powerful simply because it didn't have many games (I still struggle thinking of any exclusives beyond Halo & Fable) While the PS2 just had an utter onslaught of releases, I have at least 80 top quality titles in my PS2 collection, I simply could not do that with the original Xbox. The thing is, I never remember framerate being an issue back then, the only incident I can really recall is MGS3's cutscenes looking choppy, beyond that it just never became and issue in games like it is today.
The change this time around is that the specs of the PS4 are really impacting the quality of the multi-platorm titles. we're always seeing the PS4 come out on top with a better resolution output. Even if it still doesn't reach 1080p on the PS4 they still seem to be ahead of the XBOX release and I don't care if your tired of hearing about it, the resolution output makes a huge difference. Heck even the Wii-U can out source games like Wind Waker in 1080P HD & as I said before, if 1080p is not an industry standard, we simply aren't ready for next gen consoles.
I had an original Xbox, but even Fable got played on PC for me.
As a Playstation site, why do we care what XB1 owners care about? I like Coming to the site for the editorials and reviews but this must clearly be a slow news day.
I think it's silly to imply that Microsoft has no impact on the gaming world including anything related to Playstation.
Personally, I enjoy the dialogue. And the points of view of people here are enjoyable to read.
I don't really understand the necessity of your complaint.
We're gamers first, PlayStation fans second. If you've been reading right along, you should know that.
They don't care. Although there are some who still argue which is more powerful, most I've come across just prefer the xbox one. They've been xbox fans since the beginning. Just like I've been a Sony guy from day one. Didn't prevent me from getting a 360 though..
Oh, they do that's for sure. They enjoyed the best multiplats last gen. I know they are hating it. There are a lot of X360 gamers that really take having the best multiplats seriously. I believe due to this reason and Microsoft's lack of respect for it's fan base created a huge defection to the PS4.
I've owned both the more powerful and marginally less-powerful consoles of every generation, and have yet to either care about or even notice a difference. I like (and sometimes dislike) both my PS4 and One. Graphically and otherwise, they are too similar to experience a difference.
Fanboy or hater mentality is all about hypocrisy.
Everything I say is a lie.
Except that…. and that……….
and that….
Do fans even CARE period.
Ask this question closer to the end of this new cycle. I think you will get much different responses.
With graphic quality as high as it is today, 720 vs something higher will start to show. The way devs use memory will start to show. It's too early for these long-term effects to make their marks today, but they will.
However, if one platform only has the games you like, it won't matter much. A good test of this will be when the new racing, such as Project CARS, sims come out. We'll see how things settle then.