I have no idea why it took me this long for it to register, but it's a legitimate concern.
Konami and Hideo Kojima say they provided us with Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes to give fans a chance to get accustomed to the new gameplay style. That doesn't make a ton of sense for a number of reasons, but that's not the point of this article.
Specifically, why release an introduction or prologue so long before the main course arrives?
We don't know exactly when The Phantom Pain will release, but the last update said it might not be ready until the end of next year. That being the case, Ground Zeroes makes even less sense. It's supposed to give us a glimpse of the fresh gameplay and the new storyline as well, but who the hell's going to remember it well a year and a half from now? Furthermore, isn't it incredibly likely that Ground Zeroes will probably hit PlayStation Plus a month before The Phantom Pain comes out? That's how I'd do it, anyway.
Ground Zeroes is one of the strangest endeavors I've seen in a long time. I mean, I think it was a great intro ; well worth my time, as far as I'm concerned. However, I'm supposed to tie this into something that's not showing up until the end of 2015? Really? And I'm supposed to remain excited for The Phantom Pain between now and then? This early adventure isn't really long enough to be considered a full precursor to the upcoming experience, so it almost feels like a lengthy demo, released a very long time before the actual game hits store shelves.
I guess I just don't get it.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
It was always just a cash grab to capitalize on the name to pay for the FOX engine costs.
I agree with this.
But hey in the end it was a smart move financially. Considering the rising game costs, and the costs necessary for studios to push the limits technically and artistically (artistically at least with people like Kojima) – I welcome it.
Sucks for the consumers in the short term but in the long term it will deliver some awesome games. Well…at least I hope so.
Indeed, this was a little too worthless much less early.
I think that Kojima's only real problem is he's such a perfectionist to the point that his work takes forever to come out. Rest assured that when it does it will be damn good. I can't seem to recall any of my MGS games freezing or glitching (unless on purpose). I've never looked at any part of those games & thought there was a major flaw that needed to be fixed. I'm sure that Mario games are still good but when I look into getting another it just seems like the same old tried & tested formula.
I realize it's Mario but it would be nice to see something besides the same enemies & scenery over & over for 30 yrs. Metal gear not only evolves graphics. It evolves artistic freedom, gameplay style, storytelling (a bit too much sometimes) & breaking the fourth wall. It's kind of like waiting for the next Foo Fighters album. You have no idea what's going to be on it but you know it's gonna kick some serious ass.
I disagree with that, Kojimas track record of releases are pretty good. We've had 4 and soon to be 5 Metal Gear releases on the PS3 & Peace Walker on PSP. When you compare that to something like Team Ico's The Last Guardian or Duke Nukem Forever, I think Metal Gear has done pretty good.
Cash grab. That's all there is too it.
That, and to see how many people on the xbox would be buying it as well. Last time I checked, the shocker was that it sold quite a bit more on the playstation. I know, who knew MGS sells on the playstation. Almost as shocking as Final Fantasy selling on the playstation.
Still, I had a fun 15 or so minutes playing it. I did go back to play different game styles but in the end, it didn't hold me very long. Kinda feel robbed of my 30$.
I get it.
It is a cash grab. It's obvious.
Right now it is the best time to put something for sale on PS4. There is no competition on the new games starved PS4.
At launch the new must have title was the so-so Killzone. So far into 2014 is Infamous SS.There is nothing else.
Who ever releases something new gen right now is going to sell VERY VERY well. Now imagine if it bears the MGS brand. Who cares if it is a lengthy demo? People will pay for it anyway.
I guess Konami really needs the money. Apart from MGS4 and Castlevania LOS, I don't remember any other remarkable games and 3 games in a generation seems like nothing for an entity like Konami.
Last edited by Ignitus on 4/25/2014 1:50:49 AM
I disagree Ben. With the release of MGS: Ground Zeroes, Konami has effectively planted the seed of MGS V: The Phantom Pain into our (the consumer's mind).
Let's not kid ourselves or waste time talking about the "value" of Ground Zeroes. There's absolutely no arguing that the actual gameplay in question is of superb quality.
We, the consumer, now know what the bar is with respect to gameplay mechanics, graphics, and a rough intro with respect to storyline.
Yes, it sucks the game isn't going to be released for at LEAST another 18 months in my opinion, but would any MGS fan who has played the PS4 version serious look me in the eye and tell me that they have no interest in purchasing MGS V: Phantom Pain?
Yeah…I thought so. Yes, it's a TAD early, but who cares? Us MGS fans are going to be salivating over ever single morsel of information/trailer/gameplay until the eventual release.
From Konami/Kojima's perspective, it's about as good as it's going to get. Now…back to try and earning 100%.
Sorry, I really do feel the need to preach right now.
Just read that next month us PS4 owners will be receiving the "exclusive" DLC from Xbox One and vice versa.
My thoughts?
Awesome! I'd love to play as Raiden and get some more missions for my money. How could any complain about that?
MGS fans like me would rather throw down our money and have some Metal Gear Solid to play, as opposed to none.
I'm tired of hearing this nonsense about this game being a cash grab.
Who cares? If you're fan, the odds overwhelmingly favor you being super excited about the next game BECAUSE of how good the gameplay is in Ground Zeroes.
I'm done.
At least for tonight. Can we please just show a little respect up until release? Seriously, MGS: Ground Zeroes is the best reason to own a PS4 if you're a fan (and I own just about everything worth owning on PS4).
I don't think it was too early, but definitely too much. Fortunately, I never made much of a stink about it because I can vote with my wallet. Still no purchase, and I don't regret it at all.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 4/25/2014 11:14:34 AM
why not?
wait, so the full games so far away so they should sit on this just for the sake of it so it can release closer to the full game?
whats the point of that?
the stupid things finished ready to be released, so release it!
who cares how far away the full game is.
thats like complaining GT5 prologue released so much earlier than GT5.
You make sense and it's kinda hard to argue.
We can all be complaining and theorizing that it was nothing but a pure cash grab, but personally, it does allow many MGS fans to experience an MGS game, even a tease, early on for those that got next gen consoles.
I'd be more baffled if the prologue released too close to the main game rather than too far. That to me is more of a cash grab if they have done that instead. 1 and half year or so is reasonable, IMO. 2 years may be pushing it tho.
Point of a prologue, like in GT is to get an EARLY taste of the main full game, because of the fact that it would take really long to release. If it wasn't so long, then there wouldn't be a need for a prologue.
It would almost be like releasing a game, then 1 week later, a whole bunch of paid DLC.
Besides, Kojima said over and over, that the main game is NO WHERE NEAR close to finish before Ground Zeroes even came out. For a "perfectionist" you'd think you'd get the jive that it probably means much more than a year. I don't see how this is a surprise topic or whatever.
oh of course its a cash grab.
the only reason it exists is because M$ and $ony know how many people would buy a new system so they could play it so they asked konami to release this, instead of having to wait till the end of next year or so.
if it wasnt for next gen consoles this would not exist.
i would of liked to see much more content to it though, the 1 mission just was not enough.
whole point of a prologue is to give you a taste of what to expect for the full game, to set up the events, but its kinda hard to do that with what they gave us here.
Well the problem is we don't have a release date yet – Something I am expecting an E3 trailer to fix this year. But I am expecting it April/May next year, if it is the end of 2015 like you have suggested… that will be hard to take.
As the game game and what it offered. I think if you are familiar with MGS's format you'll be fine. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ground Zeroes acts as the prologue to MGS5 much like the Tanker mission in MGS2 and the Virtuous Mission in MGS3. The fact that they knew The Phantom Pain's development time would be extended and they had Ground Zeroes ready was just a benefit to them. I was happy to get Ground Zeroes for a dirt cheap price, I spent a good 20 hours on it over all and was very content with that. Of course, before the release of The Phantom Pain, it will come in handy again, I imagine I'll be playing it the day before launch.
Well if it gonna take that much time sure it gonna be a big game I don't have a problem with Kojima taking even until 2016 it gonna be worthy….unlike the prologue :p
Very Smart move by KONAMI and KOJIMA to capture the PS4 audience for the Inevitable Phantom Pain.
I've stopped trying to understand japanese devs. I'm sorry but I have. With the PS3 I entered the console world with an open mind, but… Well.
I still love Katamari though. I want more Katamari!
Stick with me kid, I'll convert you one day.
Right behind you, bro'.
Could be worse. Could be Bioware.
Oh ye glorious flamebait :p
BioWare would never do something as meaningless and flat out pompous as this. They'd stuff it in a DLC and grab some extra cash that way instead.
Last edited by Beamboom on 4/25/2014 11:57:50 AM
hehe I'm glad you noticed it for what it was. Some people would just go off. ^.^
i havent even got Ground Zeroes yet. though now im glad i waited because i can play though both DLCs at once along w/ the main game. and ben up a intresting decision for me im sure Ground Zeroes might end up being free for playstation plus i might go that way if i cant find a disc version
I don't think there's any question Konami released this how and when they did because they wanted, or perhaps needed, the money. A game like The Phantom Pain is going to cost a small fortune to make, I strongly suspect Konami's financials are nowhere near they were during the publisher's heyday, and this was how they decided to fund the project. That's why GZ was THIS early — about six months before the game's release may have made more sense from a promotional standpoint, but they wanted the money they got from GZ now, not next year.
having said all that, I really feel compelled to reiterate that I thought GZ was frigging awesome. Well worth $30. I've beaten all the main missions, found a ton of bonus stuff around Camp Omega, and am generally having a great time still just sneaking around the environment trying different things. It's a cash grab, no question, but it's one this MGS superfan really enjoyed.
$30? This, I hope, is not a new trend. At best, this was a 5.00 demo, which I gladly would have paid. Glad I have gamefly…it's cases like this that make it valuable.
Even if Ground Zeroes gets released through PS Plus, I hope they keep their word and only release the additional content to the people who actually bought the prologue. That was part of the reason I bought it.
I thought MGS5:GZ was top fun, am over 12 hours of enjoyment into it so far, and will deffo give it another few hours before it's time is done. I guess it's the difference between people that want to play a linear story, and people that want to experience gameplay, but MGSV:GZ has gameplay in spades. The issue I think that's coming up is that because it's moved so far away from the more linear approaches of the past, and is less story-focussed, it's turned a lot off.
As for whether it released too soon, I guess that depends. For fans of the series like me, I'm glad to be able to play some more MGS, it's top fun, and given the story takes a nine-year gap after the end of MGS:GZ, it may even make more sense for the gap in release, so that PP _feels_ like it's been a while since GZ.
As for whether it's a cash grab or not, I got value from it, but many wouldn't. For those that would get value, I'd say they should play it, those that wouldn't, wait 'til it's cheaper. Same goes for _every_ game ever released that isn't F2P. Personally, I reckon it should have been priced at $15-20 US, instead of it's actual price, but comments like "it should have been a $5 demo" are ridiculous.
yes so ur concerns are valid and that make complete sense but what can we do we ain't the coporate money bags calling the shots so i can't give u a reason as to y they did it only they can but i definately see where u are cmin from
happy gaming =)
People always whine and complain for "more" from their favorite franchise, then when they are given a taste of more they whine and complain it wasn't enough and want "more"…. This can be applied to those franchises that have gone annual as well.
So who is at fault really? The consumers who wanted more or the manufacturer for trying to satisfy their customers???
Can't satisfy everybody…
Last edited by Caanimal on 4/28/2014 1:31:40 PM