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DICE On Console BF3: “We’ve Passed The Competition”

Much has been made about the PC version of Battlefield 3 outstripping the console versions.

But as most will tell you – including the developers – only the monster PCs will be able to exhibit a significant difference. And DICE maintains that console gamers won't be disappointed in the slightest; in fact, they'll be blown away.

In speaking to GameSpy , Lead Multiplayer Designer Lars Gustavsson was asked if those playing on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will receive a lesser experience. And while he admits the monster PC owners will get a little "something extra," the game will definitely impress:

"Most gamers do realize that the consoles are five years old, and if someone buys new SLI cards for their monster PC, there will be something extra for the PC. If we kept everything on console level for those PC players, then they would rightfully strangle us! I do think we have managed to push the boundaries of the consoles to a level where I feel we've passed the competition. That's all you can ask out of the team at this point."

Furthermore, when asked if building for the PC first gives the developer a head start for designing an engine for next-gen consoles, Gustavsson replied as follows:

"The main focus has been to build a game. Of course we have the technical thinking behind it, but we've been leading with console for quite some time now and it was time to turn it around to refresh all of our knowledge on previous titles. But yeah, the Frostbite 2.0 engine has been built to – as far as we possibly can – prepare for a modular approach to whatever may come in the future."

The more you push in one generation, the better off you'll be in the next. But if the new Xbox comes out long before the new PlayStation, developers may be left thinking: what sort of complex machinery will Sony throw at us…? It seems intimidating.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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12 years ago

Hey ben bro, a bit out of subject but gotta ask u as u and arnold both have numerous exp with fairlady z, is it worth trading in an evox with a late model z?
(2009mr and 2010z)

12 years ago

i normally dont care about thumbs up or down, but how the hell did you get 4 thumbs down for ur question?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

A whole lot to consider there. You'll just have to do some research and figure out exactly what you're going for. 🙂

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I'd go do a lot of research on that matter. Why not buy an SLS AMG 2010?

12 years ago

I just realized, you have the MR! I'd stick with it. Admittingly, I'm an Evo fan, but the fact that it has the ability to go off-road mode in the snow and stuff, it's more versatile. Plus, it's a 4-door which is always a plus for me, considering my friends always ride with me.

Are you the one that takes their cars to the track?

12 years ago

Don't trade an evoX for a pigfat 370z, you will regret it. The evo is better in every regard

12 years ago

Being that BF3 on the ps3 will look identical to
the 360 version, I highly doubt this will be the
best looking console game out there. That
honor goes to Uncharted 3.

12 years ago

What exactly is the competition they're talking about?

12 years ago

I'm sure he means COD

12 years ago

Well imo, BFBC2, already did that.

12 years ago

I have this preordered for PS3 but recently my brother gave me a ASUS G73JW (also gave me my ps3 haha such a nice guy) and after playing the beta on both my ps3 and Laptop I am seriously considering getting BF3 for the PC my only concern is the flight controls and if you can run them with a flight stick(tried in the beta to some horribly embarassing results)

12 years ago

ASUS, my favourite brand. Their hardware is top notch.

12 years ago

Must agree. I had always been an Alienware guy myself but after this notebook i'm sold on ASUS until they give me reason not to be. I look like a 13 year old boy who saw his first boobie everytime I fire the machine up and do some gaming

Last edited by 79transam on 10/13/2011 2:12:43 PM

12 years ago

Battlefield 2 had flight stick support and Battlefield 3 will as well. Lead Multiplayer Designer, Lars Gustavsson mentioned two days ago that if flight stick support isn't available at launch, then it will be a high priority addition for sure afterwards.

12 years ago

Yeah I've been following ASUS for years and years. It all started with their motherboards. Instant love.

And while they've expanded like crazy over the last years they consequently keep delivering quality across all products. Latest ASUS item I purchased was a sound card. Again, top notch.

12 years ago

I know the PS3 version won't be as good but i know it still should look great.

12 years ago

My friend went to Gamescom to view console versions of BF3 and apparently the dog's bark is worser than it's bite.

12 years ago

LOL, why bother caring the game is going to be amazing when it comes out.

12 years ago

Please everybody go to Facebook and Search for Help Riley Hear Then please like and share. Contribute if you can. Thanks

Last edited by CLRH123 on 10/13/2011 9:12:17 PM

12 years ago

I have been immersed in Killzone 3 while awaiting BF3.

I am of the impression that the PS3 version of BF3 could have been spectacular if DiCE were optimising Frostbite 2 to the same specifications as Guerilla's KZ3 engine.

I just can't believe how good Killzone 3 looks and plays. I am sure BF3 will be an awesome experience, however, I don't think any multi-platform engine can come close to the visuals of GoW3, KZ3 and Uncharted3…

Enough said…



12 years ago

I would wholeheartedly agree with you if Rage hadn't come out yet. But I must say, that game comes VERY close to the level of PS3 exclusives. It certainly doesn't surpass them, but oh boy does it get close.

12 years ago

Im confident BC3 will be fun as i plan on buying it but i dont expect to be blown away. Maybe thats a good thing.

12 years ago

Any news on this HD instal?

12 years ago

I hope we are treated the same as the 360 crowd and they include the HIRES textures…



12 years ago

if it looks even close to RAGE then i'll be happy. Graphics aren't my main concern though. I just want the gameplay to be stellar which it will be. haha…

12 years ago

I don't understand why this game is so great as to get a review every time my email is updated with the newest articles. This game is NOT great, it isn't groundbreaking in any way, and overall, it's just another FPS, who cares other than the twitch gamers? Unless, maybe, this site is ran by twitch gamers now, and I know it's not…

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