Bottom line: they'll support it if you support it.
The Tales role-playing series is always popular in Japan, but it has more difficulty gaining sales traction in the US. Therefore, after Tales of Vesperia released for the Xbox 360 in 2008 (and met with low sales), Namco Bandai hasn't brought us the next three installments…yet.
The third on that list, Tales of Graces F , will launch for the PlayStation 3 next year, as will Tales of the Abyss for the Nintendo 3DS (a port of the PS2 version). And Namco Bandai associate brand manager Josh Sepielli has good news for all RPG fans:
"There's going to be continued support for the Tales series that we've never had before. We've taken a lot of steps as a company from the point we've released Vesperia to where we are now. There's a lot more coordination with Japan when we're getting these games, when we're getting information. We're going to start getting the timing closer together. We're very focused on being a lot more international."
However, when asked if Tales of Xillia would come to US shores, Sepielli seemed optimistic but also had to get realistic for a minute. He admitted that the Tales fanbase is loyal but not very large, and if the games in question bomb, Xillia will probably never show up. It's just like what happened with Valkyria Chronicles II . So RPG fans, you know what to do: support those RPGs so we can get more!
Related Game(s): Tales of Graces f , Tales of Xillia
I love tales games anyways. So yes, I will be supporting this title.
They typically deliver reliable quality. Tales of Destiny 2 (Tales of Eternia on PSP) was one of my better PS1 experiences.
@Underdog15: Tales of Eternia was actually Tales of Destiny II on PS1 (and later PSP), not Tales of Destiny 2. Tales of Destiny 2 is the true sequel to Tales of Destiny, and never got released in USA, because of a copyright issue with Mattel. That's why it was called Destiny II in USA and not Eternia, and why we never got the true Destiny 2.
I want the true Tales of Destiny 2 very bad.
It's really simple, if people don't pay for the games, the games stop coming.
So, folks, buy your games, and support your favorite genre.
Well, I'll gladly buy graces f, but how about rather than these stupid blackmail speeches we get some support from you first. How about we get games we want and we get them in a timely manner? How about 6 months localizations? Xillia will be old news in Japan when we get graces and worse yet you're realising it at the worst time possible when it will have major competition from Ni No Kuni and FF XIII-2.
But sure, let's just throw ultimatum at fans. That always works.
I agree with the sentiment behind your last sentence, but at the same time, I think it's high time that publishers laid their cards on the table and told gamers that if they want to see more games, they need to support the industry by buying the games.
Ultimatum or not, the truth is the truth is the truth is the truth, etc etc.
I'd rather they tell us that than just plain let us figure it out later like what happened with VC3.
A promise like that is still better than no promise at all.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/12/2011 11:31:35 AM
Well, actually, in respect to vc3, SEGA has been saying the same thing for quite some time, and in the end that didn't work out so great for fans or the publisher.
Graces has terrible release window combined will unlikely serious marketing… I'm worried.
Yep, I don't understand why companies pick such awful release windows for games like this.
SEGA has been overly upfront with their warnings. and I understand that this kind of thing comes across as a kind of ultimatum. But, at the end of the day, if they don't say it, will people hear it anywhere else? Sometimes the message must be delivered, no matter how unpopular it is.
Well, I'll FINALLY be able to support it now since its on a console I actually own and enjoy playing on.
I have a lot of Tales games, but to me its not a "Go out and buy new console just to play"-type of game (Vesperia or any of their DS games).
Agreed. Even then, I've never bought a system because of one game. I don't like the feeling devs give about there being no support for their games, thus, they don't bring it. I haven't felt like I have even had a CHANCE to support jRPG's this gen, yet.
I still want Vesperia but dont want to buy another console just to play it.
Will be supporting these guys 10 fold. Buying 2 copies. Though one for myself and my brother, but still I want me some more Tales of games.
Well I never believed Makoto Yoshizumi from the Tales Studio when he said that sales had nothing to do with the next tales games coming or not…that fans only had to show enthusiasm for the series. The best way to show enthusiasm is buying the games available and showing that there is a audience for tales games in the west.
I will be buying the game day 1 and I'm already trying to make all the people I know that have a ps3 and like rpgs to buy it too. Spread the word, people.
I will also be buying tales games.
I'll be buying Tales of the Abyss 3DS and Tales of Graces F! Hopefully sales will be good because I would love to play Xillia and the vita tales.
Last edited by bebestorm on 10/12/2011 1:00:16 PM
I know people hate that kind of marketing, the "buy this game if you want a sequel" type. However, as a huge Tales fan, I will buy Tales Of Graces F. It's a no-brainer for me.
The Tales games can go to hell. They're to blame for the ruination of the jrpg more so than any wrpg.
Wow. May I ask why?
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/12/2011 2:54:31 PM
Actually gamers are the ruination of JRPG's. Have you taken a look at the decline of them lately?
Tales of games have been around for years. A handful on PS1, in fact. Random encounter with real time, yet pause-able combat where you can stop combat and assign a command to each character (effectively making it as turn based as you want) with numerous weapons, types of attacks, magic, lots of enemies, towns, mini games, world map, dungeons, and an engaging story? Did I mention the well done voice acting on PS1?
Yes please!
I think I did a user review once of the PS1 version of Tales of Destiny 2. That game was just one of many incredible jRPG's on the PS1 console. It was a new and unique battle system that offered depth and customizability to the user. Friendly to both action and turn-based oriented gamers.
Demise? With depth like that? Not a chance. One of the biggest problems this gen is that we HAVEN'T gotten any PS3 Tales of games here.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/12/2011 5:46:06 PM
@Under: Quoting, "pause-able combat where you can stop combat and assign a command to each character (effectively making it as turn based as you want)" – hey, just like Mass Effect then!
(Sorry, I could not help myself. :))
Mass Effect has random encounters with side scrolling battles with swords, spears, and magic and the ability to have a friend play your allied characters in the same room with you?
yes. -just- like Mass Effect, then. They couldn't be more similar, I'm sure.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/13/2011 9:23:56 AM
Do want to try out a Tales of game, so why the hell not. If I like it, I'll know I've done a good deed 🙂
Too bad because I have no interest in Tales of Graces F.Unlike Xillia,TOGF was not built exclusively for the PS3 and from what I have seen of the footage does not offer the new game play and open world elements of Xillia.Namco should just keep TOGF in Japan and release Xillia (the better game) on the US instead.More BS from Namco.I am really starting to dislike this company.
You clearly haven't done your research. Graces F is a longer, more complete game than Xillia. No, it wasn't built from the ground up, but that doesn't stop the gameplay from being head and shoulders above most other JRPGs nowadays. I've completed both ToGF and ToX, and I felt Graces was the far more enjoyable experience. And, as far as "new game play" goes, Graces F shakes up the battle system far more than Xillia did. It's unique, even for a Tales game. Yes, Xillia has the better production values and is overall a more cinematic experience. Also, be warned: Xillia is possibly even MORE linear than Graces F. It doesn't negatively effect the game, at least in my opinion, but that's the honest truth.
That said, both are top-tier titles and both deserve to be in every English-speaking JRPG fan's collection. Skipping either for petty reasons or pickiness is a poor choice. Graces F was a fantastic choice for localization. Just because they didn't localize the title you would have preferred doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everyone else.
If Xillia doesn't come your way, know that you have been part of the problem with your childish boycotting.
Last edited by akil on 10/12/2011 10:16:38 PM
It's my right and opinion to not be interested in TOGF.So save your comments about being childish.Xillia looks to be more interesting to me whether and you played them both I really don't care.If I don't want to buy the game then I won't regardless of Namco's threat.
I never tried a Tales game maybe I should finally try one to see if i like it.
Anyone have any suggestions of which one I should try ?
If you have a PS2 Tales of the Abyss was pretty good. I imported the ones on the PS3 so Vesperia and Graces were also very good. They are pretty lengthy games and if you are into RPG's they are some that shouldn't be missed. Especially in this day and age where JRPG's are like a rarity.
Last edited by DIsmael85 on 10/12/2011 3:12:38 PM
Did Graces sold poorly on the Wii?
It didn't do too well I believe. Namco then decided to release it on PS3 with updated visuals and new content. Low and behold it sold like Hot cakes in Japan. The game looks incredible on the PS3 compared to it's original Wii release. I seriously can't wait for the US release when everyone can try it out.
Last edited by DIsmael85 on 10/12/2011 6:28:13 PM
I'll gladly purchase Tales Of Graces F over FFXIII-2 anytime! Though I'm gonna buy both anyway. Still confused on release date for the ps3… is it December 2011 (amazon) or 2012 (gamestop)? Or is it even coming out on the ps3
Last edited by Mystearica on 10/12/2011 10:01:26 PM
There is a game store here in South Korea where I live that always has these Tales games staring me in the face in a different language. They have all the PS2 Tales games that came out in Japan and Tales of Vesperia and Xillia. I then grudgingly check the language on the back and it says Japanese! ARGH!!!
"Therefore, after Tales of Vesperia released for the Xbox 360 in 2008 (and met with low sales), Namco Bandai hasn't brought us the next three installments"
duh! They brought it out for the 360 where people play shooters. Of course it was going to fail in the US!
Now if they'd gave us the PS3 version I'd have snatched it up day one.
I will be getting Graces and they better bring Xilia too!
I'm still waiting for Vesperia on Ps3….
I pre-ordered Graces F, and I will say now that I am in gaming bliss for the 1st time in quite some time (over a year and a half). The battle system is great, and keeps getting better as the game goes on. The story is captivating. I care about the characters. the visual and art-style are breathtaking.
I think it was smart for Namco to go back to a Sony console, as the Tales games sold well on the PS1 and PS2. However, I think the reason Vesperia didn't sell well is because it was sold on the American 360. Microsoft only supported a few JRPGs, and none of them did well. Now I dont see ANY JRPGs on the 360 anymore. I don't think 360 games did well in Japan either.
Anywise, I think a Japanese RPG will do much better on a Japanese-based console. Sony was a smart move for Namco.
And I'll help support in any way to get Xillia here. Not into handhelds, but any Tales game that comes to a home console — I'm there. Graces F was on the top most anticipated on Gamestop's site, even over ME3 for over a week. I think it'll do well. C'MON OVER XILLIA!
Leaving to get graceful with Graces F. 🙂