You may or may not like the beta but at the very least, we know one thing's for sure: stuff gets blowed up in this game.
Battlefield is well known for its awesome destructible environments, and the upcoming BF3 on October 25 will be no exception. You may have caught glimpses of massive landscape fallout in previous trailers and gameplay videos, but the latest Destruction Trailer puts falling debris squarely in the spotlight. Undoubtedly, this adventure will be jam-packed with intense, off-the-wall, holy sh** moments, which is kinda what we're looking for.
When everything starts to go to hell around us, the immersion level ramps up and we start to sweat. Based on everything we've seen and heard of Battlefield 3 (sans some less-than-impressive beta feedback), gamers should be plenty satisfied with the explosive result. It's less than two weeks away, so it's almost time to suit up and prepare for the nightmare that is war. Well, a fun virtual nightmare, at any rate.
Related Game(s): Battlefield 3
Stuffed gets blowed up everywhere lol RPGS puzzles etc etc
The gameplay looks great though and even though there will be a loser in the BF vs MW saga gamers win regardless
Last edited by Jdogtoocool on 10/12/2011 10:24:09 AM
Day 1 😀
The entire time I watched this clip I were thinking, "oh maaaaan, I want a PC!". Hopefully the ps3 version will at least be in the same ballpark.
Naaaah, things will not look as good as on PC, Vallarta. Don't expect that or you will be disappointed. The question is how much worse it will be on consoles.
The basic physics engine will presumably be more or less the same though. The destruction in Bad Company 2 were really good, I agree with you there. And I expect even more this time around. 🙂
(I've preordered bf3 for the ps3 btw, so I'll play this baby no matter what)
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/12/2011 1:23:34 PM
Tis why I upgraded my PC in april 😉 Can't wait for BF3
There is no hiding, everybody is going to get pawned.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/12/2011 1:18:54 PM
Well…this trailer pushed me more so to the BF3 side of the fence….wow
We've seen all this before…good job DICE…lol
Literally a battlefield.
I guess I'll have to wait for reviews or a demo.
The beta left a bad taste in my mouth.
preordered already…..along with mw3 tho :O