We can't really say it's official until we see a press release – in English – but even so, we're excited.
While Naughty Dog is well known for the stellar Uncharted franchise, they're also known for a series that did very well last generation: the Jak games, which began with Jak & Daxter .
And during a press conference in Oslo, Naughty Dog's Justin Richmond apparently confirmed that a Jak & Daxter HD collection would release for the PlayStation 3 in 2012. The package will include the first three games of the series, all of which will receive the now common high-definition visual upgrade. This is a bundle that fans have wanted for a while and we've heard rumors that Naughty Dog might do it…well, they're definitely doin' it.
At least, we think they are. Really, we need the official word and hopefully, that will arrive soon. If you're not familiar with the games in question, they were action platformers along the same lines as Ratchet & Clank back in the PS2 generation. And yes, they're worthy of an HD overhaul. Definitely.
I like 1 and 3. I really wish they were including Lost Frontier, I never got to play it.
I have it for the PS2. It's okay. Too much of the same for me to get into it all the way, but it wasn't all bad. Game play was good due to familiarity, and graphics weren't bad either for a PS2 game that is. But the story was rather lame I thought. You can really tell that naughty Dog had nothing to do with it at all.
Never played Lost Frontier either but yes, I heard it was developed by another team.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/11/2011 10:50:55 AM
I never got to play any of the titles, yet I've heard nothing but laud for the series (especially from Naughty Dog fans). I'm loving all these HD collections because I missed out on the PS2 last generation, shame on me for that -_-
I kinda second that shame.
I strongly third that shame!! lol
my ps2 came bundled with the first jak game but i never really played it. i was more into fighting games like marvel vs capcom 2 back then. i'll definitely buy it to see what its all about. i bought sly collection and loved it so im willing to take a second look at the franchise.
I only loved the first game. I didn't like the rougher edge the sequels got. I'll probably rent this to Platinum Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy; I scored 101% in the original game.
just a question:
were you being sarcastic or can you actually get over a 100 % in the game?, if so….
my childhood was for NOTHING!!
you could get 101% by collecting a few of the precursor orbs at the end or something like that. i remember getting 101% also.
I hope this is true. It would be great if they consider putting Daxter (the psp game) and Jak X combat racing in the collection.
Hopefully as with other HD collections, this is a buildup to the next installment, made by naughty dog i hope.
i wouldnt mind if they brought that daxter game from psp to ps3…it was rather fun I thought
I was a huge fan of all the Jak and Daxter things!! I already have all games in my library but I wont mind putting that HD version there 🙂 this are great news! thanks Ben
Now all we need is GTA Trilogy HD, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 HD and Ratchet and Clank Trilogy HD, then all the greatest games on PS2 will be in HD. 🙂
Oh, and personally, I hope they do a Tony Hawk HD trilogy and SSX HD trilogy. They're my favourite sports games on the PS2!!
If they do a Tony Hawk HD, Tony Hawk Underground let it be.
Well I already have the God of War/Ico & Sotc/Sly Cooper HD collections so i might aswell complete it with the Jax and Daxter HD collection. These HD collection has helped me fall in love with all the Ps2 games i missed 🙂
I never played any of them, so maybe the HD collection will be a good time to try it out.. As long as it won't delay Uncharted 4: Drake's revenge 🙂
If UC4 is subtitled Drake's Revenge, I will personally ensure that someone suffers.
Uncharted 4: Bigger, Badder and Uncut.
I know ur excited and all but don't get to ahead of the next installment.
This is great news. I really need to finish Jak 2! I was playing it, had 90% completion of EVERYTHING, and then my game glitched and wouldn't let me progress. A person I was supposed to get a mission from disappeared and no matter how many times I restarted the game, or reloaded my save, it was still the same. ARRRRRRRRRGHHH.
But now I have a reason to go back and play it. Yes!
Hm… I remember playing one Jak & Daxter title some time ago, but I never got fully into the series. If this is true, it sounds like good news for me to finally get into the series and even better sales for Naughty Dog! Keep on rockin, Naughty Dog.
I love…these games. Jak & Daxter: The precursor Legacy, was the first game I ever put in my PS2 and I was just instantly in love. The world was gorgeous, unique, vast, and adventurous. The characters were damn memorable. The story was good!
Jak 2 & 3 were great as well…but it certainly had a different feel compared to Jak & Daxter. Jak 2 & 3 felt more as if…Naughty Dog was trying to respond to the love for GTA (as it included vehicles, weapons, map, and "missions."
I didn't play The Lost Frontier but heard it of course just wasn't as good as it wasn't made by Naughty Dog.
Well anyway…I just have to say that…this is pretty cool that an HD version is coming out…but it would EXCITE ME SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE if a Jak & Daxter was announced for the PS3 and was being created by Naughty Dog. My god…would it be a wonderful dream.
But hey…there's Uncharted 3 I guess. And then most likely Uncharted Racing =P
Last edited by shadowpal2 on 10/11/2011 12:10:19 AM
Oh, God, if they make Uncharted into a racer… Please no D:
I know it's stupid, but why only the first three games? Why not Jak X and Daxter? Eh, who cares. This needs to happen. Come on ND, don't let me down!
I probably don't know this but I think Jak X is a spinoff. Idk about Daxter either.
First Sly, then this. All we need now is R&C collection and we've got all the major PS2 platformers.
Don't forget KH1&2 and possibly KHRe:COM
And that big orange Bandicoot series too
Not that I don't like the PS2 classics, but how about some new PS3 platformers?
WTF would ND waste their time on a HD remake?
i cant see sony letting them do this, they would be much more likley pushing for uncharted 4 or a new game then a HD remake.
unless its going to be unlike no other remake, unless its actually going to be a total revamp!
oh it would be so cool if they could bring them to the ps3 with actual ps3 graphics!
HD collections look pretty poor, just like playing the original games on ps2.
id be so cool if we could play the original J&D games and have them look the way they would if they were made today!
that would kick a$$!
id much rather a crash bandicoot remake but we all know thats never going to happen!
oh what i would give to get a R&C full collection, as in every R&C game ever made besides the ps3 ones obviously remade to look like they were made today.
and J&D whole series remade to look as if they were made today.
in fact, i would never need a new game ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naughty Dog won't work on this HD collection. Sony will hire some third-party studio (most likely Bluepoint Games) to handle the project while Naughty Dog oversees development.
you did NOT just say that. you know what, from now on you're being ignored.take that.
Last edited by thatguy6598 on 10/11/2011 4:30:11 PM
and i should care……….why?
take that!
Jak X was the game I always wanted to play online, but I never got the chance. I really wish that would come to PS3.
Last edited by Danny007 on 10/11/2011 7:26:36 AM
I played the first jak and daxter when I was really young, I loved it. I was close to passing it when my brother deleted the save! I almost cryed! Definitely getting this.
Jak and Daxter I in my opinion is the last great platforming game. After that Ratchet and Clank introduced guns and the genre has juts collapsed.
I am tempted to get this as Jak and Daxter 1 is one of the only games I own that does not work with my backwards compatible PS3 (Tekken Tag is the other main offender and it looks like they is being re-released in 'Tekken Hybrid'), If it goes for a good price I might pick up all 3, but if Jak and Daxter is goes on the PS Store alone, I might just buy that instead.
Can't wait for this. Now just give us a Ratchet & Clank HD collection, Sony, and we'll have all three PS2 platformers on the PS3.
I hope we see a teaser trailer for Jak 4 included. Naughty Dog doesn't have to handle that project (actually, I prefer if they wouldn't). Ready at Dawn would be a great developer to tap for Jak 4 while Naughty Dog oversees development and Naughty Dog gives us Uncharted 4, Un-Karted, or whatever the hell they make! It's a win-win situation.