Well, it's about time.
After plenty of rumors and continuous streams of evidence, BioWare confirmed at its Twitter page that yes, there will indeed be a multiplayer option in Mass Effect 3 .
This multiplayer will come in the form of co-op missions, as later revealed at BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson's Twitter feed . Interestingly enough, he felt the need to assuage any hurt feelings and placate those who don't like the idea of multiplayer joining the franchise:
"Yes, co-op MP missions for #ME3: they're real, and they're spectacular. Rest assured it's nothing of what you've feared. More soon…"
Mass Effect 3 is slated to hit store shelves on March 6, 2012 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Fans have made it clear in the past: they're plenty happy with another epic, memorable single-player campaign. But these days, most games require multiplayer, and provided those co-op missions are done correctly, they should add to the longevity of an already in-depth production.
Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3
Co-op missions will do me perfectly. Looking forward to hearing more about them. I'd like to try & saviour the single player campaign so these co-op missions should provide that perfect break when i don't want to rush through the campaign.
Can't wait for ME3, super pumped.
so they're basically the same as the white knight chronicles quests except theyre shooters. either way, i'm not buying this on day 1. i'm still a little jaded about the copy protected gamesave when the game corrupts data and the fact that mass effect 2 wont play properly unless i put my ps3 on 480p.
Last edited by johnld on 10/10/2011 9:41:13 PM
I remember you've complained about this earlier but I've not heard about this issue from anyone else, so I think you must be a "special case".
Could it somehow be related to a faulty hard drive or something?
I doubt it, he plays other games fine but it's ME2 that seems to give him problems.
Maybe it is just a very few of the sectors of the disk used for this install that were faulty? I don't know, maybe another set of bitmaps are used for lower resolution screens, something like that, thus avoiding reading the corrupted file(s) when running at lower resolutions?
Just brainstormin', basically. 🙂
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/11/2011 6:19:34 AM
Demons Souls proved to me this can work very well, best of luck to them.
But no I'm not gonna buy it.
Ah, so it's confirmed that ME3 is a TPS like Uncharted, and not an RPG. Cool…
You know, there are some who would classify that as trolling.
I hear you are mighty excited about the coop play in that other RPG…
lol, yeah that is a form of it.
It may not be a jrpg and the first game may have had more of an rpg feel to it, but the series is still considered to be a Rpg
Last edited by aaronisbla on 10/11/2011 1:31:01 AM
If it doesn't have Roman Numeral at the end of the title, the vomit projectile inducing cute aroma of waeboo love, sleep inducing turn based fights where you take turns to hit a floating elemental monster, boys that could pass for girls with metrosexual hairdos & swords bigger than the dorms they live in than it's not a JRPG.
& when i look at it that way, i feel blessed & at the same time, warm & fuzzy inside. 🙂
Beamboom, that is why the </sarcasm> tag was added. I don't think I could have been clearer.
Oh, and for both who felt the need to take a swipe at JRPGs, I didn't make the comparison, you did. Since you opened the door though, perhaps you could illustrate how ME3 multi-player online co-op will differ meaningfully from online multi-player co-op from Uncharted 3 – one of the other classic third person shooters of the generation.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 10/11/2011 11:59:31 AM
only one person took a swipe at jrpgs…
How would we know? thats up to the creators of the game.
Last edited by aaronisbla on 10/11/2011 5:28:51 PM
Ah, trolling is ok as long as it's tagged as "sarcasm"? Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Take notes, everyone.
How is classifying a game without even having played it, then. That's ok too, as long as it's not tagged "jrpg"?
(yes, it's my turn to get annoyed now. Finally! 😉 )
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/12/2011 2:21:12 AM
I'm eager to try out this new aspect of the series, simply because I trust BioWare and am curious to see how they implement it. But it doesn't make me any more or less excited for 'Mass Effect 3', as all my reasons to be excited are in the form of single-player.
Last edited by Jalex on 10/10/2011 10:32:49 PM
That is great news!!!!
I hate Versus multiplayer games, too much negativity, name-calling, tension, etc.
But working together with friends on the hardest difficulty to complete the mission? Brilliant!!!
I can see my friends and I all playing online having a fantastic time together, especially since ALL of my friends play Mass Effect. It's the staple series in my group. 🙂
Any word about EA enforcing Origin on the PC version of ME3? I certainly hope not, but it may be inevitable.
Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 10/10/2011 10:44:03 PM
Well, at least it's co-op, and not Deathmatch or similar. Question is what other 'improvements' they'll make in ME3.
Totally agree here, glad its co-op and not anything else
I'd say they've listened to the fans with this move. I've read time and time again on other forums about how awesome it would have been with coop missions in ME.
Therefore I think we should be allowed to be carefully optimistic about the main direction of the game too.
I'm not popping any champaign corks just yet, but I am holding my breath!
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/11/2011 3:35:40 AM
im so happy its not multiplayer death match style
Tell me about it. I probably would have given up on gaming altogether for some months straight if that turned out to be the case.
I even am excited that these are dedicated coop missions and not main storyline coop (as I usually prefer) cause that means we get *both* a full single player storyline like we are used to *and* coop play. I think this is the best possible way they could have incorporated multiplayer in Mass Effect.
Maybe this also means the framework is set for future coop DLC? One can only hope!
BioWare makin' daddy proud!
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/11/2011 3:47:57 AM
if its co op, i dont see how its a bad thing, especially with the combinations of different powers coming into play. but im pretty sure haters will have something else to dislike with the addition of multiplayer to this rpg series
Co op mission sounds good to me if you need to get past a certain mission and die heaps of times lol
The way I understand it the single player campaign and coop missions are separate missions. In other words you will still have to get past those tough single player missions by yourself.
y am i not surprised?
im kinda interested in this though to be honest.
though i would of much rathered it as a DLC upadte!
so this is why they delayed the game!
Man, i gotta say i am pretty damn relieved right now after hearing this. A part of me would have rolled up into a ball & died if BioWare threw in a capture the flag mode or my shite idea of deathmatch or some bs like that. Good to see that's not the case.
Now that we know what the multiplayer mode is i'm hoping we hear more on the single player campaign & the characters. I'd like a character reveal trailer like ME2 had prior to it's release.
& seriously, i swear to god i heard Jack now has hair. If so, rad. But can anyone confirm this? I swear i read about it somewhere but can't remember where.
Anyway regarding these co-op missions, i hope we're given the choice to choose the characters we want to act, i want to use Garrus, Joker, Tali or Miranda. Also, anyone reckon we will be given a Tali face reveal in ME3?
Pah! enough Q&A, i just seriously want this game right now.
Jack with hair? Maybe that even depends on your relationship with her from the ME2 savegame? *That* would be cool.
I too look forward to hear more about the campaign. I am particularly curious about what new characters we will meet this time around. And as long as Mordin from ME2 are still there I am fine. That character was one of the coolest personalities I've ever encountered in a game.
Regarding the coop missions I believe we create our own character, from what I gather of the fragmented info I've found the coop missions are their own stories within the big battle. Sounds pretty darn awesome.
But yeah, what everyone asks is of course if Talis face finally is revealed. I hope not, actually. Cause they can't possibly make her as sweet as the image in my mind.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/12/2011 2:49:49 AM
And apparently this co-op can affect outcome of sp portion of the game…
Yeah I read so too. It was not a required element (they have explicitly confirmed this in at least two separate interviews I've read now, that coop is purely optional, an additional feature on top of the single player experience) but apparently they've come up with some sort of idea where what you do in the coop missions will affect the single player campaign in some way or another. Probably/maybe only on a cosmetic level, but still. Sounds like they got something going on.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/11/2011 3:52:06 PM
I imagine if you make some bad choices, such as decide not to bother upgrading armor and weapons on the ship etc., instead of getting a bad ending you can do co-op to compensate with some event points. At least that's how I think it might work.
A dangerous precedent.
Yes I think you are right, it's something like that. An alternative path to success, two partially overlapping game modes. Also, in the coop missions you do not play any of the main characters from the single player game. Partially intervening stories and different characters is a clever design choice that opens up for some interesting possibilities.
Sounds intriguing if you ask me!
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/12/2011 1:39:03 AM
Woo hoo!