The die-hard Resident Evil fans may not like the idea of the fast-paced shooter, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City .
But don't come down too hard on Capcom. It's not about changing the franchise, per se, it's about expanding the IP. In speaking to Gamasutra , producer Masachika Kawata and designer Kenji Matsuura talk about the new RE effort, the one in development at SOCOM developer Slant Six.
Kawata first addressed the complaint that Capcom has turned Resident Evil a "twitchy" non-survival/horror series:
"The entire Resident Evil series — it was never something that we planned to do. We never sat back and said, 'Okay, we want to make these games more shooting-like, more action-focused.' Resident Evil, especially the numbered Resident Evil games, have, for us, always been about being survival horror. If you can shoot a little bit more, and you do that, that's fine. But first and foremost, they've always been survival horror games.
With Operation Raccoon City, we started from a place where we said, 'Okay, we want to make a shooter, not a survival horror game.' At the same time, we want to keep some of the same emotions that you get when you play the game. So even though it feels like maybe it's been a slow progression, it really hasn't been a deliberate thing, where we're making the series more shooter-like. This time we definitely wanted to make a shooter."
The purists still say RE should always be survival/horror and the idea of shooter spin-offs doesn't sit well. But Kawata explains that they want to "make the best use of our brand." He also believes the fans want to see "a lot of different experiences," and when he was asked if he was worried about diluting the brand with different types of games, he replied- "I'm not too concerned about that."
At the end of the day, Capcom absolutely believes that if all they did was survival/horror, "people would be really sick of Resident Evil ." Do you believe that?
Well it stopped being survival horror at 5 and became a bizarre hybrid so they failed there. Then we get this news about Raccoon City and it just seems like another trip down a bad familiar road. I don't care if a spinoff goes mainstream but numbered series (ahem final fantasy) should stick to what fans are looking for. In this case that's some actual scariness to the game.
I completely agree. I didn't like RE5 all that much.
Whats this I hear about CQC and being able to take down a group of zombies single-handedly with your killer kung fu movies? Epic Fail Capcom, Epic Fail.
Bwahahaha, I put movies. I meant moves.
you guys shoulda called me on that one.
It's all about Dead Island for zombies, and then Lollipop Chainsaw bitches!
I never see you on dead island anymore. whats up with that??
I just got the plat for the game, it was way short but enjoyable. Hope the next ones longer
It's a novel idea, I must admit. But doesn't seem to be working so well in execution. They just manage to p*ss everyone off. *claps* Good job, Capcom!
That wasn't meant to be a reply… What's going on here?
I was sick for a long time then my PS3 died 🙁
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/10/2011 10:08:05 AM
aww. I'm fighting something nasty myself. sorry to hear about your ps3.
Last edited by main_event05 on 10/10/2011 10:53:03 PM
Resident evil 5 cut it for me. the series died right around there.
Typo in the article title. There's a word missing.
then why did they make the average action based re5 that completelty lost any of the atmosphere of the prior re games? now they want to make a "shooter". i don't think that's what re fans were clammoring for. they also tapped a very medicore studio to pull off this task. they could have got somebody better than slant six.
You said "We don't fans to get sick of Resident Evil"
You missed the word "want"?
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 10/9/2011 11:41:57 PM
"We Don't Fans To Get Sick Of Resident Evil"
Too late.
If they actually went back to survival horror, like it used to be, then I'll go back to the series. Till then, they've lost one gamer.
They ovbioulsly do want fans to get sick of Resident Evil, right? Becuase people are sick of Resident Evil and they aren't doing anything about it.
More nonsense from company Can'tGetAClue.
I reckon Capcom should bring back the Resident Evil Outbreak games, anyone remember those?They were quite fun & the game was appreciated as a PS2 online network game. They also started a decent online scene with the Resi Evil community at the time
I say at the very least, re-release the Outbreak games on PSN/XBL to see what sort of response they get.
Also, remake Resident Evil 2, even if it's just for me.
they have always been survival horror games?
so how many billions of people do they need to tell them thats a lie before they believe us?
my god, crapcom have their head so far up their a$$ you would need 1000 atomic bombs just for them to hear you!
I think a bit more, that amount doesn't seem good enough, just to be on the safe side. xD
Last edited by Clamedeus on 10/10/2011 4:34:40 AM
The problem is RE5 turned into an action shooter without them even realising. I for one could not care less about this game. I don't want another episode of RE5 where I played it for 3 hours, then played RE3 and sold it the next day. I only recently played through RE5 due to my flatmate owning it and I have to say the conclusion was a disaster in 'modern epic' proportions.
Raccoon City ain't so bad, it's just a spin-off instead of being RE6.
To be honest I'm looking forward to this.
On the other hand, I'm also looking forward to Resident Evil 6, I believe the franchise can still reclaim it's old glory.
Check out Resident Evil:Revelations, looks promising as a horror game.
It's funny, everyone cites Resident Evil 5 as the final nail in the coffin but after finally playing through Resident Evil 4 HD, I'd put more blame on that game. Seriously, the only differences between 4 and 5 is setting, story, and co-op. That's about it.
Both games feature very annoying enemies (actually, Capcom RECYCLED enemies from RE4 into RE5), are very action-oriented, feature inane friggin' QTEs, have corny dialogue, etc. I mean, Resident Evil 4 is still much better but they're not that different.
What Capcom should try is, I don't know, being survival horror again! NO QTEs, NO large abundance of ammunition, LESS monsters on screen, NO spin-kick/hammer-punch option, etc. Just throw the player in a mansion with zombies that come out randomly. Much scarier than throwing 10 million all running after you. Geez.
Sorry, rant over. Back to article. Third-person shooter looks like Capcom's just whoring out the series now. Oh well. I guess as an action-shooter these games are appealing.
I definitely have to agree with you on the whole setting part, but imo, they don't have to stick to mansions if that's what you mean.
Of course not. They can branch out. Cities, woods, wherever. But I don't know. South Africa… yeah, not too scary.
I'll admit Resident Evil 4's setting stayed true to its roots. Castle, graveyard, villages, etc. All very damp, dark, and creepy settings. But it felt too much with how they spammed enemies at me. I wasn't exactly scared of what to expect since I knew exactly what to expect.
Well I enjoyed Resident Evil Code Veronica:X more so than Resident Evil 5. I don't know if this makes sense, but RE CV:X just feels more.. Resident Evil?
Any great, game series should always stick to its roots if they want to keep the fans happy. Then again, they're probably like Square Enix (FFXIII), the Yakuza developer (zombies?), and other games that are trying to target new audiences and change fundamental things that made the original great. The whole westernizing thing is really taking its toll now if that's what they're trying to do.