You know, this isn't as straightforward a question as one might think.
The biggest reason is the horde of remastered PS2 classics; those excellent productions from the last generation that have received high-definition overhauls. That includes big names like God of War , ICO , Shadow of the Colossus , Resident Evil , Tomb Raider , and Metal Gear Solid (HD iterations for the latter are coming soon). And because the PS2 classics that arrive on the PSN will not be remastered, nor will they offer Trophies, are we only talking about lesser games?
Maybe the classics deserve the HD/Trophy treatment as a re-release. It's all fine and good for titles like God Hand , Ring of Red , Maximo: Ghosts to Glory , GrimGrimoire , and Odin Sphere to come as they are to the PS2, but would gamers expect huge classics like Final Fantasy XII to go HD? Final Fantasy X already is. So maybe we're looking at the games that were more niche…maybe a bunch of RPGs? How's about Dragon Quest VIII ? Or Suikoden V ? Or Legaia 2: Duel Saga ? Or Shadow Hearts: Covenant ? I just think this is the perfect way for the PS2 RPGs to shine…they won't get HD remasters, but they still have fans!
What PS2 games would you want to see on the PSN?
Rogue Galaxy/Xenosaga(really doubt this though)/Dragon Quest VIII would be nice.
It might be difficult to see Xenosaga on the PSN because it could be a nightmare, legally. It all depends on who has the actual rights to Xenosaga. The publisher is Namco Bandai and they don't exactly have the best record of releasing things sometimes. And the other issue would be the developer of Xenosaga, Monolith Soft, is now owned by Nintendo.
I like the fact that they're finally going to bring PS2 classics to the PS3. However, there are plenty of PS1 classics still missing from the library like Legend of Dragoon, the original Legaia, Megaman Legends 1&2, Suikoden 2 and Breath of Fire 3.
I'm wondering Ben, heard any word that Crisis Core would get a facelift like MGS & GOW did to be put on the store. That would be sweet. Is MGS gonna be seperate digitally like GOW was? Hell, is it gonna be digital at all? I don't remember reading that anywhere.
Grand Theft Auto.
If Rockstar decides to re-release any GTAS this gen it needs to be a standalone retail release remaster.
HD remake of vice city would be a dream come true
San Andreas ftw.
Before this becomes an argument as to which GTA is the best…I'll say that San Andreas was the best in gameplay, Vice City was the best in being a loveable environment & having awesome characters.
With that…I want both Vice City & San Andreas. Of course…if I really wanted to play them, I have my PS2. =/
(sigh!) so now we know the real reason behind the extraction of PS2 games backwards compatibility. Just a way to make more money. And I guess because supposedly the PS2 backwards compatibility thing wasn't perfect and was causing the thing to overheat.
TOO MANY TO NAME, but Grand Theft Auto and Star Wars Battlefront 2 and several others.
Off the top of my head GTA 3,Vice City,and San Andreas. .Hack… Tales games… Persona 3 and 4. Kingdom Hearts but I would want that to be remastered for HD.
Maybe I'd actually finish Legaia 2 if it came to the PSN.. But isn't the whole reason PS2 games have to be re-mastered and not PSN released the fact that the PS3 can't play PS2 games anymore?
Um….any Legacy of Kain game? Hell, remake that whole series from the ground up w new graphics & make it one epic game. May be a little hard w the changing play styles, but I think they could find a medium that would fit the series well. They would have to use the same soundtracks because nobody could replace Tony Jay as The Wheel of Fate. This is way off topic, but did anyone here ever play The Neverhood? It's a PC game just to let u know. I heard something about it coming to mobile devices, but they REALLY need to put it on PSN.
Last edited by fatelementality on 10/3/2011 9:59:25 PM
Yakuza 1 with Japanese voices and Yakuza 2.
I'll go for Okami. It would be better if Capcom could patch in Move support when it does come out. Controlling the celestial brush with it would be great! And oh, that would be my first Capcom purchase this console generation (excluding Resident Evil 4 HD) if ever.
Other PS2 games I'd like to see would be Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Sakura Wars: So Long My Love, GTA III, Rogue Galaxy, and Dragon Quest VIII.
Only PS2 classics I want on PSN are:
– Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
– Star Wars: Battlefront 2
That game certainly was a forgotten treasure!!!!
And then there's DMC Collection, BLACK, FFXII(which will be huge because you can spend 2 hours to reach your destination despite not being lost).
And last but not least……..THE XENOSAGA SERIES!!!!
I'm sure Namco still own the right to it instead of Monolith Soft.
I think you're right about Xenosaga, but I doubt Namco would ever bother. That said, if the did an HD remake, I'd guarantee to buy two of each.
hell yeah to a new Shinobi, also Tenchu, Onimusha, Viewtiful Joe, State of Emergency, The Warriors, GTA Vice City & GTA San Andreas
don't forget GTA 3 it may not be as big a game as vc or sa but without it vc or sa wouldn't of happened. gotta show it respect.
Yakuza 1&2 there hard to find in stores. and it would give people who like Yakuza 3&4 but missed 1&2 a chance to catch up. & indigo prophecy alot of people ignored it back in 2005 but after the success of Heavy Rain i bet alot of people would like to play it.
since only on PSN seems to be all about RARE ps2 games they HAVE to put FFXI on their.. its available in stores on every system now EXCEPT ps2… the ps2 version goes for as much as 700 bucks on ebay and amazon
Brand new or used? Because I have used copies and all expansions…..
thweyre used lol… you got em for PS2… ooo gimmie your CoP disc :p but yeah the ones that i seen that are 700 buts is the "collection" version that has wotg, cop, and treasures of aht urghan (basically all the expansions) on one disc. Dunno how much the individual titles/expansions are going for
Hmm… wonder what it would be to just sell them all. I don't really need them anymore… And I still have it on PC, too.
CoP disc… gimmie!!! lol
crash bandicoot…i need it
Shinobi and Nightshade
Any as long as it's not GTA, Ratchet And Clank, Jak And Daxter, Twisted Metal: Black and Black. I wanted these as HD collections.
Tons of ps2 games need to be re-released on the psn. But just to name a few :
.hack vol. 1-4 and .hack G.U. vol. 1-3
Who's with me?
Yes please. I wish CC would just go ahead and make a .hack game on ps3, even though they said no more 🙁
Also, Okami! Okami! Okami!
I agree, I'd love to see the .hack games make thier way to the PSN, or hell, I'd love a real MMO based of the .hack games…. mmmmmmm
I was never able to play really any PS2 games so any RPG's that were good I would love to see.
I did try a little Rogue Galaxy and would like the chance to finish it.
SSX Tricky!! Favourite Xtreme Sports game on PS2!! It will look awesome with HD visuals! Ahhh… so much colour and life in that game!
With MGS, FF X, ICO and SotC, ZOE, God of War, Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica, Sly Cooper, Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell and Tomb Raider getting HD Collections, here's my now much shorter list of games that MUST be given the HD treatment:
GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
SSX Tricky
Final Fantasy XII
Timesplitters trilogy
Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)
Devil May Cry trilogy (has this been confirmed?)
Silent Hill trilogy (has this been confirmed?)
Tony Hawk 3, 4, Underground and American Wasteland
Red Faction 1 and 2
I'm sure there are many RPG fans out there with titles you wanna see like Dark Cloud or Disgaea or something like that, so feel free to throw some in underneath my comment. 🙂
Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 10/3/2011 10:50:58 PM
I only agree on Tony Hawk's Underground then the other TH games as u listed.
yes, silent hill hd has already been confirmed. it's a boxed release as well.
are these ps2 releases like god hand hd games? if not i would point out you can pick up all kinds of ps2 games a gamespot for a few bucks each. one of the many reasons i am happy to own a bw compatable ps3.
Really want Okami and Legacy of Kain series, but I'd love to see HD remakes of them more.
Most of the games everyone seems to want are readily available on eBay for less than they would be on PSN. With the PS1 RPGs, some of them like Suikoden are prohibitively expensive, but for the most part getting a physical copy works just as well and it's cheaper.
I think it would be a great idea to get those rare or really expensive games on PSN for a solid price, and anyone who's not a serious collector is going to go for their version rather than a used disc. I mean, $200 for Suikoden II on eBay, or $6 on PSN. I like physical copies, but this one's a no-brainer.
Slim models don't have PS2 backwards compatibility + the games aren't remastered in HD.
I own a slim model, so yeah…
And the slim version of the PS3. 😉
Last edited by Nas Is Like on 10/3/2011 11:55:27 PM
I know this is kind of a silly idea, but I was thinking about playing PS2 games on a PS2 😛
Oh man, I would love me some Xenosaga
Xenosaga would be an instant, guaranteed purchase.
The Max Payne games come to mind.
Also I wouldn't mind having the other Medal of Honors. They weren't as good as Frontline, but they were still fun. Frequency and Amplitude would also be good additions. I've never played them, but I heard they were really good.
Last edited by 556pineapple on 10/4/2011 12:15:15 AM
From greatest to least:
Sakura Wars So long my love, Arc the lad twilight of the spirits, Romancing Saga, Blood Will Tell, Digital Devil Sagas, Samurai Western, and Tenchu games
OMG, somebody else who plays Sakura Wars. Thumbs up for you! LOL Did you play the Dreamcast games?
Sakura Wars is fun. But I have so many to play right now, it never gets any time.
No. I never owned a dreamcast, but my uncle did when I was little and he isn't in to those type of games. He is the sports, fighters, and shooter type of guy. They are available on other systems though.
The anime is what actually introduced me to the series (which I thought was okay). This was the first and only sakura video game I have played. The only thing that I might pick up in the series next is Dramatic Dungeon Sakura Taisen, Sakura Taisen V Episode 0, then Sakura Taisen VI for the main series if they decide to make one.
@Highlander: I hear you. I have Sakura Wars: So Long My Love but I have yet to get all the endings. Like you, there's just too many games to play right now. Do you have a copy though?
@Coffeya: I also knew of the games because of the anime. The anime is not the greatest, but it was enough for me to like the cast. I love the characters in the Sakura Taisen franchise! I played all the Dreamcast games even if they're in Japanese and I could barely understand a thing. Ahhh, fandom! LOL
Yep, got a copy sitting on the PS2 stack. My wife enjoys that one as well.