Well, here's a pamphlet that raised the ire of many a gamer. But they should've expected it by now.
For a while, we've been wondering if Mass Effect 3 would feature a multiplayer option for the first time in the franchise's history. Well, if a South African flier for the game is any indication, it will…with the unsurprising caveat of EA's Online Pass program.
The pamphlet in question popped up in BioWare's forums and has since generated plenty of discussion and debate. Some are saying this only refers to a "badly worded version" of the Cerberus Network, while others just aren't willing to get involved. For the most part, EA is going to have their Online Pass in place for multiplayer modes in their games, so if ME3 does indeed have multiplayer, the Pass shouldn't come as any big shock.
Personally, I really couldn't care less about multiplayer in ME3. It's an RPG, isn't it? If that's the case, I like my RPGs to be solo experiences, although I may be in the minority.
Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3
Count me as part of the minority too. i don't like MMOS and multiplayer rpgs
mainly the reason why i never played FFXI or XIV
FFXI was one of the most rewarding gaming experiences I've ever had.
But I get not wanting to play MMO style games. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea.
And I still say it should have just been called "FF Online".
I don't think you're in the minority Ben, there are about a thousand 'like' votes on the top comment on IGN article currently who agrees with you…
Annnd, surprise surprise, Bioware just took another dive to please the shooter crowd.
What do you know about this multiplayer feature that we don't Crabba, since you can be so sure?
Even White Knight Chronicles have multiplayer gaming, that's hardly to please the shooter crowd is it?
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/4/2011 1:43:00 AM
Beanboom well I only know what you know, but multiplayer usually means another shootfest: capture the flag, deathmatch and that kind of cr*p. Maybe it'll be a co-op mode (but wouldn't it have said so in that case?), and maybe a friendly conversational multiplayer with no shooter, umm..
I don't know what kind of multiplayer White Knight Chronicles has, so can't comment on it.
I am sick of this online pass.
I can't support companies that focus on things that can eventually make gaming a pain in the ass.
I'll probably get this because the single player is worth it by itself but I'll definitely be buying games without online passes over ones with for sure from now on.
Why? Because of principle? The whole process is pretty straightforward…
And if you buy new, it doesn't matter to begin with.
Lets face it… no developer cares about you playing their game if they see no income from selling you their game. (I'm just stating it from their perspective)
I think the Online Pass isn't necessarily a bad idea. However, I think they should ship all new games *without* the code and charge $10 LESS. That way, people who want to buy the game solely for the single-player, can still do so without being forced to pay for the online pass in the retail price.
good idea.
That is an excellent suggestion, and it would curb much fan outcry.
It's a good idea I do like that idea. I think the developers counter would be that all games even those excluding MP still sell for $60, and that they could charge $70 to include the online pass. So technically they already are shipping it for $10 cheaper.
I'm looking at both sides here, but I do like your idea.
i think the retailers charge the price. right?
my main concern is this online pass system will work its way into sp games like it did with me2. there was nothing straightforward about redeeming my me2 code to gain access to comic and bonus content. the cerebus network was down for 4 days making it impossible to gain access to the comic or bonus content. what made it worse is if you had started a game prior to redeeming the code you had to start over once you downloaded the comic if you wanted to play the bonus content already on the disc. hours of gameplay lost, and a real pain.
plus, what about all the people that bought me2 that did not have have internet
connections? they lose out on on a ton of content. i think it's something like 20% of ps3 users that don't have their ps3's hooked up to the internet. it's really not fair to them. i guess they won't be exploring the sewers in rage either. tough luck for them.
if its really about the cost of maintaining servers for the mp then what in the world is an online pass doing in sp games such as me2 and rage?
there is something to be said about the appeal of knowing when you buy a console game you don't have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it up and running. me2 was a pain to get up and running. half hour hd install, go online to create an ea account, attempt to redeem code for 4 days. now i think i know why pc gaming is dead. please keep online passes away from sp games.
Last edited by Excelsior1 on 10/3/2011 11:25:47 AM
I never thought online passes were meant to support servers. That's not what I meant to suggest if I did.
The publisher sets the rate of sale, and sells a bulk price/before cost price to distributors. If they want to, they can charge less than price stated by the publisher, but not more. At least not if you are a registered distributor.
with that idea, how can you decide how much the online component would cost? with a game like mass effect 2, metal gear solid 4, demon's souls, and white knight chronicles the single player is the main focus of the game. so the cost of $10 for the online component of the game. however in a game like any call of duty, the single player campaign is definitely not worth $50, not even 30.
also, the arguements would switch to people asking why we would have to pay extra for multiplayer. you just cant please everyone. the fact is, this online pass isnt targeting consumers. its about used games retailers. why arent more people blaming used game retailers for kicking back a percent of profit to developers? they buy back a game for about 25 bucks at the most and sell it for 55 bucks. they save you 5 dollars on something that they make about 30 bucks profit on.
about the people that let others borrow their game, they're basically a indirect casualty. besides, it doesnt stop anyone borrowing from playing the single player game. they can still play single player campaign. if they really liked the game and want to play single player, they can just buy the game new and support the developers.
another solution is that along with the online pass, they could include a one time use limited trial code. that would solve the friend borrowing situation and promote the game by word of mouth.
"mmorpg" and "multiplayer" is not the same. This can not mean mmo, it has to be a client hosted kind of game and that troubles me a lot. Had it been a mmo it would have been announced as such from day 1 – that's not just a "game mode", it's an entire genre of it's own. And I shall be the first in line if that day comes.
It can still mean "coop" play though, and if so then I shall calm down a few notches. We are a team anyway, so why not let a team mate be controlled by a buddy. I'm fine with that. But why not call it that then? "Multiplayer" to me is synonymous with competitive gameplay, ergo some sort of run'n'gun.
Oh man, I have to put all my trust in BioWare now, but this was not what I wanted to read…! We do not need a stupid competitive multiplayer mode in Mass Effect, if this is so!
I am 100% sure that the single player campaign will remain unaffected though. *That* I can bet money on.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 10:58:46 AM
Oh, for the love of… look. EA, Bioware. Guys. JUST CONFIRM IT!!! Yes or no?! Back in April Gameinformer said there wouldn't be multiplayer, that Mass Effect 3 will be a "single-player" game. Now there's speculation of multiplayer. Just confirm or deny if multiplayer for Mass Effect 3 exists!
I don't care if Mass Effect 3 does or doesn't have multiplayer. Just the constant, "ZOMG!!! WILL ME3 HAVE MULTIPLAYER?!?!" articles are getting on my nerves. Yes or no? Simple as that.
Last edited by DrRockso87 on 10/3/2011 11:03:28 AM
I like ME being a solo game, but at the same time, I could see the fun of a non linear co op mode in these games with its own story. That could be fun.
That could indeed be fun. it's not in any way needed, but if they have to toss multiplayer into it this is what I am hoping for.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 11:10:01 AM
Mutiplayer in Mass Effect is one thing I'm not interested in. However, this rumor is supposedly saying that it is co-op multiplayer, and that I would welcome.
I'm getting Mass Effect 3 for the solo campaign only as i get the feeling multiplayer will be cheaply tacked on like BioShock 2. I hope i am wrong though as co-op ME3 done right sounds almost unbeatable.
Deathmatches could be decent allowing us to use Joker & Garrus etc to kill the other team.
Regardless, just concentrate on the meat of the game without getting too caught up in this "games must have multiplayer" bs.
No no no – deathmatches would be unbearable!! *ugh* don't even mention that word while speaking about Mass Effect!
"Coop done right" would be the win, though. But "done right" in this case is really, really hard to do. 🙂
I'm just throwing ideas around, be it shite ones or not 😉 How else could they implement multiplayer into Mass Effect without it sucking balls unless it's objective based co-op missions or co-op campaign?
Capture the flag & the like wouldn't roll in Mass Effect, but imo multiplayer shouldn't really be in ME to begin with unless it is co-op campaign done absolutely perfectly. That is the only way i think it could work.
I am completely unable to imagine successful multiplayer in Mass Effect in any other way than coop play with some sort of story. Not player versus player. That would be… Ugly.
I *hate* that "multiplayer" sticker though. Why no "co-op" in there anywhere? pvp and coop is like two different worlds of multiplayer! *urk*
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 12:31:40 PM
I wonder if they would implement 3 player co-op campaign and do the story with friends, that should work shouldn't it?
I really hope this is not true. Geez, can they not end trilogy gracefully and start something new with multiplayer in the future if they want. I'm really starting to dislike Bioware.
Don't start the dislike based on speculations, dude. It is not time for that yet. BioWare has a long legacy of excellent games, they are not ones to go for cheap solutions.
Look at the Neverwinter games, they were multiplayer too, and a lot of fun. Not that I think ME3 would ever go the Neverwinter route, nor would it fit ME, but I'm just saying: BioWare is BioWare, after all. They deserve the benefit of the doubt for now.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 11:38:01 AM
I fear for your safety & personal well being dude if this game somehow fails. 😉
I reckon the solo campaign will be the most epic in the series but i'm not expecting much from multiplayer, it's a cute idea but i just don't want the main focus to be on the multiplayer instead of the main experience.
Like the beam boomer, i too am confident that BioWare will succeed even if i personally don't dig the multiplayer whoring.
Last edited by Kevin555 on 10/3/2011 11:49:57 AM
@Kevin: lol that is the truth. I am a BioWare fanboy and proud of it – what gave me away? 😉
Any year BioWare release something is a good year for gaming, period. And the more I think about it the more confident I am: They will not screw up. They can't, not with ME.
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 1:46:50 PM
I don't mind as long as the solo campaign is 11/10 like ME2…then I'm happy…happy…happy!
Flashback to 2002..
Microsoft announces XBOX Live, complete with annual subscription rates.
Fast forward to 2010..
Microsoft makes an estimated $1 Billion USD in revenue for one year off XBOX Live sales.
And why are people so shocked?
Last edited by maxpontiac on 10/3/2011 12:04:23 PM
depends on the multiplayer if uyou can coop through the story the hell yes i want it (there were plenty of times in me2 when i wished my squadmates were controlled by real ppl.. but if its just generic deathmatch, horde etc etc style multiplayer then no me3 should remain a single player game…
also been you dont like multiplayer in your rpgs? thats understandable but me plays more like a 3rd person shooter so not liking multiplayer in that may as well mean you dont like/want it in gears of war or uncharted either
I seriously can't see ME with mp. Co-op maybe though if done right. I'd appreciate some co-op actually, but the game needs to be more open as in the levels, and world.
With that said I really hope Bioware has been working on the graphics. They are not great, and all the load times despite the install are seriously, seriously annoying. They should concentrate on fixing issues rather than trying to implement something that it would seem, the fans don't want. I'm partially new to ME, I'm in the middle of ME2 and the game and story is good, that's what I'll be playing it for when ME3 comes out, but not the MP. At this point it seems the mp is inevitable though, but again I'd much rather have an enjoyable SP. Which ME3 most likely will have.
The loading time in ME2 is tough to handle, yeah. Especially in the Normandie. What the heck is it reading over and over?
I dare guarantee you one thing though; The awesome single player campaign *will* be there in me3 too. Anything else is unthinkable.
I envy you being only half way through. Cherish every moment, enjoy every conversation, collect everything, do every quest!
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 1:39:16 PM
I am enjoying the game very very much. More so than I thought I would. I try and fulfill every conversation, and find everything also. I'm pretty thorough, kind of a downfall though lol takes me a while to advance through missions.
But It is hard for me to want to get anything done in the Normandy cus it just wants to load and load. But o well. It's a good game though, looking forward to finishing it though cus so many games coming out. Ima pass on rage, I already passed on R3 cus of it so… I need to finish it.
hahaha, i hate loading in mass effect 2. especially when it goes on an infinite loading screens all the time. i had to put my ps3 in 480p in order to get past all those infinite loading screens. now the game gets stuck whenever i try to hack a wall safe.
I've never experienced infinite loading screens I think, John. But yeah, transporting around Normandy is a drag. Still, there's so much fun going on in there. I especially found the thief, Kasumi, to be utterly charming with her chatter about rumours going round amongst the crew. Also the mission I did with her stands out as one of the favourites.
Mass Effect 3 can't come fast enough.
It's interesting – surprising even – to see how practically everyone here so far mention they would welcome a coop option in ME3 if done right. It's pretty rare to see such a unison opinion!
Could it be that BioWare know their audience so well and give us exactly that?… I cross my fingers…!
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 1:33:12 PM
As long as SP isn't compromised. That's the key.
Mass Effect and Dragon Age already had "Online passes" eventhough they were offline games.
If you bought those games used you were cut off content. Content that was made available for download for a price.
Huh, what are you talking about, none of those games had anything of the sort.
He's referring to the "free" DLC that came with the game, I think. And sure, that can be considered to be a kind of online pass, I agree with that. Never thought of it that way, actually.
My stance on on-line passes is a big "Thumbs down" on them, but they shouldn't effect me much at all as I'm a SP mode player.
But because the online pass will probably wind up on each & every game in the near future, that's a whole lot of EXTRA cash flying out of wallets for people who can't afford new games.
While I'm all for rewarding the developers too, there's also a lot of players who that can't financially afford to keep getting new games through no fault of their own, but they'd still like to play.
Hell, look at me, even though I've come into some jackpots of money to buy more games for my collection, I still sometimes wind up beyond broke for months at a time.
And what about the people who don't get any extra income that I do, at all?
Should they suffer?
So I've been trying to think of a better idea that would at least be a much easier pill to swallow for the gamers & yet still continuing to reward the developers.
So here's what I've come up with so far…..
If the developer feels that they have to implement a online pass, then they should implement at "$5". And anyone's online pass would become a world wide standard of $5, no less or more than that, always
Not only does that make the online pass a lot more feasible-friendly to the gamer, it will still continue to reward the developers too.
But also make every game have a MP demo too along with the SP demo's, just so all of us SP only players can see if it might be worth jumping into MP, therefore buying the online pass.
Hell, then even I might wind up buying a couple passes on some of the used games I also buy too.
Well no surprise it's EA doing their thing.
I'm so done with EA. Personally, they're killing gaming for me.
Enough with the lame ass multiplayer in games that don't need it, I buy games to play by myself. If I want to play with others I will buy a MMORPG or a Haloesque game. Also, I don't believe in online passes simply because the servers will not be up forever, therefore I am wasting my money on a non-tangible product with about an one year life cycle.
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so thats why they delayed it?
f*ck online, i want to kick some reapers a$$ already!
that explains why EA have announced that ME3 will be playable at the eb convention, but wont say what will be there.
its probably the MP like every other game, they just did not want the news spilling.
im really disappointed though, almost every single game there is MP only!
what, games dont have campaigns anymore?
especially uncharted 3, i was really looking forward to playing the level from E3.
then $ony announce only the MP is going to be on show.
WTFs the point of that!?
why show off a feature that has been readily available before in the beta, and is readily available now?
no we wont show off what people cant play till november 3, will show off what people can play right now!
Personally, I don't care about any of this as long as Bioware can make an actual story for this Mass Effect. I still feel that #2 was just recruiting, with a little story at the beginning and end. Yeah, you can talk all day about the characters' personal stories, but that's not a good narrative overall.
But anyways, yeah, I'm not too concerned about this. Bioware knows that if they skimped on the single player to make this multiplayer they'd see sales drop tremendously. So its definitely gonna be some kind of last second add-in kind of thing that no one buys the game for. In other words, its not as bad as everyone's saying it is.