The charming Australian kids show, Bluey, is poised to get a video game aptly named Bluey: The Videogame. The show itself is a kids show about a blue dog and her canine family. Much like Peppa Pig, this show has drawn in a wide audience from across the globe, so a video game adaptation is a no-brainer.
Developed by Artax Games and published by Outright Games, this adaptation features a selection of minigames seen in the show, as well as in-game rewards for completing activities, rewards such as costumes, stickers, playable episodes, and more. It even has select original voices like parents Bandit and Chilli.
Bluey: The Videogame arrives on consoles on November 17. 2023.
What do you think? Are any of you planning on picking up this game? Let us know below!