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Astro Bot Took 3 Years And 60 People To Make

For all intents and purposes, the recent State of Play was… lackluster, with few notable reveals, but the most key reveal came almost out of nowhere — Astro Bot. Apparently, it three years and to the tune of 60 people to bring this PlayStation love letter to life.

Per Christopher Dring during a recent episode of the GI Microcast, he had some hands-on time with it and expressed how it’s “amazing” before touching on the timeline of the development.

“I’ve played it, it’s amazing. It took about three years to make, 60 people made it, I think it fits in with…I think it’s going to be an interesting little project that one.”

We’re sure you don’t need much of a rundown, but Astro Bot is the sequel to the (recently updated) Astro’s Playroom, which was used as a showcase of the power of the PlayStation 5. As it stands, it’s poised to offer 80 levels, 15 new abilities, and a whopping 150 different cameos.

What do you think? Are you excited for September 6 so you can get your hands on Astro Bot? Let us know below!

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